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The RICO charge against Trump is old news and the case has no merit. The university was classified as a LLC business and Trump can't be held legally responsible. That's why when he was named as defendant by the New York Attorney General as part of a class action suit the class action was dropped along with any charges against Trump. There have been four discovery hearings and the plaintiff can't produce any documentation other than what was filed at the onset of the law suit. In other words, they don't have a case. Trump Organization didn't fund the university and it wasn't under Trumps corporate umbrella. It was a stand alone business that folded.

The only action now if from Cohen the yoga guy and he claims Trump owes him $35,000.00. Trump has refused to settle the case and the judge isn't setting more discovery hearings. That means the case move to depositions and then trial with Trump as a witness in a civil case. It is a non-story and that's why no one cares.


And that David Parkman Show is a YouTube slam channel and a sad joke. He goes after Smash Pipe for disseminating and recycling news and then he does the same thing with the Trump story. Parkman got the story from Yahoo News (lmfao), who got it from The Washington Post, who got it from the New York Daily News, who got it The Wall Street Journal; where I first read about it over two years ago. Parkman's show is hypocritical liberal stupidity on parade.

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For my money, the two best moments of the debate came when Trump courageously opposed establishment dogma. They will, of course, go unreported by our brilliant media analysts because they haven't the slightest clue what's happening in our country.


The first moment was when Trump reiterated that he won't let people "die in the streets". Both Ted and Rubio took autistic, doctrinaire positions about "socialized medicine". Ted then claimed helping the desperately sick and poor wasn't a conservative principle. Then Trump brilliantly summed up his entire phenomenon by saying, "Call it what you want, Ted." He then repeated the line that as President people won't die in the streets. This is the difference between a conservative and a clear-thinking pragmatist. If Ted and Marco thought their masters would pat them on the head for it, they would gladly watch your grandmother die of Hep-C in a gutter. Leftists have been saying this for years, and they've been absolutely right. Abstract Buckleyite ideas are literally more important to men like Ted Cruz than human lives.


The second great moment was when the affirmative action Latina asked about broadening the base. Rubio and Cruz both took the opportunity to cuck for Hispanics. Rubio doubled down on the GOP being "the REAL party of diversity" (a statement that literally no one believes). Trump then took the opportunity to say he was appealing to "other kinds of people" (aka working-class whites). He then said they were building a "bigger, stronger Republican Party". This was the greatest moment of the evening because it shows Trump's awareness of what's going on. He knows what this means historically and demographically. And one could easily see that it excited him. For the first time in many minutes, his eyes lit up. He knows exactly what he's doing.

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Rabid Rubio today on the campaign trail barking like a chihuahua that Trump is a con man and he's stealing the party of Ronald Regan. :dry: Rubio also said that he wasn't going to allow it.


This bothers me, not for the fact that he is attacking Trump, but for his assumption that he speaks for conservatives. News flash, people aren't voting for you because they don't agree with you. Now there is pundit chatter about the RNC brokering the nomination and them picking a candidate without considering the popular vote and delegate count. If they do that what Rubio is predicting as Trump's outcome will be his or Cruz's; they will split the party.


Cruz will probably carry Texas on Super Tuesday because of the loyalty base. He'll get slaughtered in every other state. Rubio will lose in every state including Florida. This is Trump's race, that is until the RNC steals it from him for the sake of party ideology.

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I think one of the reason that Trump is successful is all the other Republicans still think they should get the old time core believers that are Regan-ites and that it is they, who will carry the day against Trump. I don't think that is true or that it is a good plan. It isn't the 1980s anymore. Things have changed. People who are middle-aged republicans were young when Regan was president. They first got to vote when Bill Clinton ran the first time.


Trump appeals because he says stuff no one else will. I don't agree with it. I still don't think he is SAYING much of anything important but he does say a great deal. In a day where many people live on sound bites and many have no idea what ANY of the candidates have said, done, etc. I bet if you stood outside a corner and ask people if they planned to vote and what job Cruz or Hillary had before running for president they probably couldn't tell you.


People, even and maybe most of all, the republicans are tired of the same thing every time. Cruz looks like a televangelist. Rubio looks like he has a string in his back that someone pulls and he says the same lines over and over. None of that is appealing. Hillary can't seem to shake the bad or at least overcome it with the strengths she has, which is when she connects with an audience. Bernie...well....gods bless him I love that free college thing but really where is the money going to come from. I don't think a socialist is going to win a race in America right now. But Trump...he is a firecracker and gets on the front page every day. He is a prime example of any news is good news.


I also think that Republicans might have to figure out another way about the immigration thing other than mass deportation of anyone and everyone. Some obviously need to go. I think many should stay. They pay taxes, they pay a fine, they screw up in so many years it is a ticket out for them and their immediate family. They get documented, tracked, and their tax dollars go toward the great big Washington pot. I just don't see how they can hope to rectify the situation by building a huge wall and chucking everyone else over it. I would love to hear what some of you think about how to solve the issues. that are of the more conservative bent. But that is for another debate, me thinks.

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Well the elephant in the political room..Immigration. I think I qualify as having conservative leanings so.

We have the most porous borders of any that I can think of. No other major country in the world has such laughable security their borders.

First off it's non pragmatic to try to hunt down, collect and deport 11-12 million illegals. So another methodology must be used, which could be if they turn themselves in, they get at the bottom of some sort of vetting process. If cleared then are given papers to re--enter the country as 'foreign workers' with the requirement that all the normal taxes be paid on income.

If after a specified period of time they " documented foreign workers" are good citizens , let them apply for naturalization at the bottom of the list.


The illegals that decline this olive branch..when caught put them to work on the wall then show them the other side of it.

Just mild thought ..if we allowed billboards on this wall it could be the longest continuing advertisement on the planet and pay for it's upkeep. :tongue:

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As a conservative, I think it is time for the 'old party' to realize we live in a modern world and move more to the center. But I also think liberals need to back off of the socialist agenda and move more to the center. And both sides need to stop treating the Constitution as a living document that can be changed or circumvented when it conflicts with their party agendas.


Solving the illegal alien issue is really simple in concept:



  • Secure the Mexican border and build Trump's wall. To pay for it, tally the cost and penalize the federal aid Mexico receives every year. Treat it like someone buying a car who has bad credit. If the wall costs 20 billion dollars then Mexico's aid for the first year is cut by 10 billion. The U.S. keeps it as payment for building the wall. For the next ten years Mexico's aid will be cut by one billion. The wall will be paid for within 10 years by Mexico, in theory. This will somewhat off set the cost of building the wall. This will also prevent a trade war with Mexico, since the aid given is U.S money to begin with.
  • Compel illegal aliens to register as resident aliens. They will not be deported without cause nor will they be on a path to citizenship. To accomplish this, you do not try to hunt down individuals, you go after employers and unions. The Feds can use ICE to enforce existing laws to the fullest. Leave it up to employers to ensure the people working for them are resident aliens or U.S. citizens. Otherwise there will hefty fines, criminal charges, IRS audits, Social Security fraud investigations and anything else the government can throw at employers. Make it to where hiring illegal aliens isn't worth the risk. Redirect any funds gathered into Social Security.
  • Cut all funding for food stamps, free medical care and other social programs that support illegal aliens. Those funds and programs would be reallocated and prepossessed to service and provide for registered aliens only. The programs are still there, you just have to be registered to benefit from them.
  • The registered aliens who came here illegally must pay the fine or do community service, they must pay all back taxes in a structured plan that won't break them financially. Again, redirect the funds gathered into Social Security. If registered aliens wish to become U.S citizens then they can go through the process just like legal aliens do. If there is enough interest, then legal immigration can be increased so that new aliens will not have to wait. That will allow for the aliens already here and any new ones who come legally. Illegal aliens who are felons, child molesters, rapists, drunk drivers, drug dealers and other sociopath types will be deported, no mercy given.
  • States that have sanctuary cities will have 90 days to comply with existing Federal law. Any state not in compliance after that will have their federal road, bridge and prison funding cut off. The sanctuary cities will be subject to Federal investigation and local governments and law enforcement will be subject to obstruction charges, if applicable. This will put both state and federal pressure for mayors, sheriffs, police chiefs and city councils to follow the law already on the books.
  • Establish a cut off date for illegal immigration into the U.S. After that date, any illegal aliens caught will be deported back to their country of origin. If the U.S. sends that country aid then their packages will be cut to cover the cost of the fine, the processing and any other costs associated in dealing with illegal aliens. To a country like Mexico with the amount of illegals crossing the border that could get very expensive for them. This will prompt other countries to stop illegal immigration on their end. And they will be 'paying' U.S. for having to deal with it. This is also the way to handle criminal aliens already here and illegal aliens who refuse to register as resident aliens.
  • Strengthen human trafficking laws here in the U.S and start a U.N petition to get other countries to follow suit. For here in the U.S. we could do mandatory maximum sentencing and stack offenses. Give these criminals the maximum the law allows and do not run the sentences concurrently. If a human smuggler or sex trafficker is facing up to 70 years in prison they might start looking for another job.


There is much more to this but at least what I have is a start. And I think it is very fair.




Just mild thought ..if we allowed billboards on this wall it could be the longest continuing advertisement on the planet and pay for it's upkeep. :tongue:

That's a great idea in populated areas, though the Mexican side would be covered in spray paint within 10 minutes of the wall going up.

Edited by WursWaldo
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I have a question Waldo..


So once the illegals re-registered they would then be eligible again for food stamps and medical stuff? What of the time between one and the other. I know how long it takes the government to work through this kind of thing. Do you think this process, especially in large cities, will be fast enough to get them to their legal status or can the system in place offer some temporary protection for the children?


And yes I know I just said, for the children...lol

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I have a question Waldo..


So once the illegals re-registered they would then be eligible again for food stamps and medical stuff? What of the time between one and the other. I know how long it takes the government to work through this kind of thing. Do you think this process, especially in large cities, will be fast enough to get them to their legal status or can the system in place offer some temporary protection for the children?


And yes I know I just said, for the children...lol

Out of necessity there have would be a one year advanced announcement so the change wouldn't come as an overnight surprise. The programs would initially be rolled over so there wouldn't be any interruption. The only new qualifier would be a state issued ID or a resident alien card. I think 365 days is more than enough time for a concerned parent who requires aid to get registered. It could be done like state issued IDs. The illegals register, they get a paper copy that's valid for 90 days and then they get their hard plastic card in the mail, or where they registered. 'The children' won't do without unless their parents are irresponsible.

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