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I'm not voting for anyone who has not, like me, had to change my little sister diapers before I was old enough to care that girls were different. I'm not voting for anyone who has not changed a babies diaper only to have it piss all over them while doing it. I'm not voting for anyone who has not gotten poop all over them as they tried to remove the diaper of a giggling kicking baby who seems to know you'd rather be playing with other children, your own age 9 year old grasshopper league baseball, who are going to the baseball field while you're helping your Mom so she can have a moment to use the toilet.


If you're a guy, like me, (younger then most of the candidates) who has had all the experiences of raising a child when you were a child, and still have a strong sense of smell, and sense of civility and decency in the company of others, I might vote for you.

Well, my sister was / is eleven years my junior...so yes I've changed more nappies than I care to remember, attended countless Tea Parties where my dining companions were stuffed teddies and Barbies and more dance recitals than I care to recall. If asked I will decline..definitely not interested in the job

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I'm not voting for anyone who has not, like me, had to change my little sister diapers before I was old enough to care that girls were different. I'm not voting for anyone who has not changed a babies diaper only to have it piss all over them while doing it. I'm not voting for anyone who has not gotten poop all over them as they tried to remove the diaper of a giggling kicking baby who seems to know you'd rather be playing with other children, your own age 9 year old grasshopper league baseball, who are going to the baseball field while you're helping your Mom so she can have a moment to use the toilet.


If you're a guy, like me, (younger then most of the candidates) who has had all the experiences of raising a child when you were a child, and still have a strong sense of smell, and sense of civility and decency in the company of others, I might vote for you.

Well, my sister was / is eleven years my junior...so yes I've changed more nappies than I care to remember, attended countless Tea Parties where my dining companions were stuffed teddies and Barbies and more dance recitals than I care to recall. If asked I will decline..definitely not interested in the job


And I think THAT should be the highest qualification for it. :) Give it to someone that DOESN'T want it, and tell if they don't do a good job this term, they get a second to get it right. :D

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I'm not voting for anyone who has not, like me, had to change my little sister diapers before I was old enough to care that girls were different. I'm not voting for anyone who has not changed a babies diaper only to have it piss all over them while doing it. I'm not voting for anyone who has not gotten poop all over them as they tried to remove the diaper of a giggling kicking baby who seems to know you'd rather be playing with other children, your own age 9 year old grasshopper league baseball, who are going to the baseball field while you're helping your Mom so she can have a moment to use the toilet.


If you're a guy, like me, (younger then most of the candidates) who has had all the experiences of raising a child when you were a child, and still have a strong sense of smell, and sense of civility and decency in the company of others, I might vote for you.

Well, my sister was / is eleven years my junior...so yes I've changed more nappies than I care to remember, attended countless Tea Parties where my dining companions were stuffed teddies and Barbies and more dance recitals than I care to recall. If asked I will decline..definitely not interested in the job


And I think THAT should be the highest qualification for it. :smile: Give it to someone that DOESN'T want it, and tell if they don't do a good job this term, they get a second to get it right. :D




If you succeed you get a $1,120,000.00 a year welfare package, with Health Insurance, Dental Insurance, and Security people crawling all over your yard, up your back and down your sides '24/7' for the rest of, "your life"?

A home in Kansas somewhere over the rainbow, a home in Hawaii near the Temple of the great King, and your childhood home will be moved to the Smithsonian as soon as your parents are convinced to move to a better place, 'Florida', i.e., if they don't live there already.




Let's write up a bill, get the necessary number of signatures, and send it to the house and senate to make HeyYou's plan for getting the next president drafted, like they used to do to 18 year old men, until the draft dodgers days which was the reason they eventually dropped the draft card routine.


I wonder if Canada got a bit over crowded back in those years?

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Trump won't be at CPAC tomorrow. I think Christie told him what to expect. "You're not a real conservative so get lost." That's the message they sent Christie a few years ago when he was uninvited and it's the same tone party conversations have taken with Trump. It doesn't help that members of CPAC were going to stage a little girl hissy fit walk out when Trump made his address. I don't blame him for cancelling.


I've had a suspicion for a long time now and what's happening within the Republican Party is proving it; to me at least. The staunch far right conservatives in the party think they own it. They don't want moderates and centrist Republicans; well, they do but they only want the votes, not the people who come with them. Something these egalitarian Republican fossils fail to realize is that if Trump wins the zoo vote and the majority of delegates but is brokered out of the nomination, not only will he walk but so will the people who support him. No matter peoples' opinions of Trump and his supports they are idealist and supporting a cause they believe in. If the party screws Trump not only will the Republicans rid themselves of him, but his supporters too. Cruiz, Rubio and Kasich won't pick up extra votes. Those votes will go away.


Something that wouldn't surprise me would be Trump disavowing the Republican Party and running as an Independent. He made a deal with the party that he would support whoever got the nomination and not run on his own. All of the candidates did that. But now the party is trying to sabotage Trump and if he does get the delegates, they are still going to broker and try to cheat him. Does anyone really think Trump would take that and not try to get some payback? Yes, it is immature and yes it would split the party and guarantee a Democratic win in the general. But aren't the Republicans doing the same thing now anyway? Trump gets kicked out, his supporters feel alienated and stay home during the general and Democrats win.


Republicans wanted new blood and Trump has given that to them, but now the old guard hypocrites are saying 'that's not who we want because they don't think the way we do'. What anyone reasonable person should find infuriating is that the party set the primary and caucus rules and Trump is winning by them. They don't like that, so now they are changing the rules. It is a chckens*** way of doing business.


Note to Democrats: Some of you might think this is a good thing. Imagine this happening in your party and Sanders was the receiving end. How funny and good would it been then? Would you be okay with it?

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Let's write up a bill, get the necessary number of signatures, and send it to the house and senate to make HeyYou's plan for getting the next president drafted, like they used to do to 18 year old men, until the draft dodgers days which was the reason they eventually dropped the draft card routine.


I wonder if Canada got a bit over crowded back in those years?



Nah we're always expecting refugees from America , especially round the election cycle. We're thinking of building a wall and making you pay for it. lol




The spike is when they announced Cruz won Texas , alll the rest is Trump

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Let's write up a bill, get the necessary number of signatures, and send it to the house and senate to make HeyYou's plan for getting the next president drafted, like they used to do to 18 year old men, until the draft dodgers days which was the reason they eventually dropped the draft card routine.


I wonder if Canada got a bit over crowded back in those years?



Nah we're always expecting refugees from America , especially round the election cycle. We're thinking of building a wall and making you pay for it. lol




The spike is when they announced Cruz won Texas , alll the rest is Trump




You don't need to wonder where I get my information. The Internet even shows us what the Invisible man is up to. That is; if your a history buff and you are Internet Savvy. Otherwise, we're all, just a tumbling down rumbling down, from one of the broken gears in the machine of lifes cogs.


Here's my 2 cents. :geek:


A wall blocking all the farm families who have homes and families on both sides of the border who cross the border daily without a single guard batting an eyelid? We'll have to charge the cartels more money for the wall, too. Those businesses supplying foreign food and cheap drugs to their laborers we have pay $200.00 a pinch for, who are transporting the special added condiments too which keep the refuges and illegal aliens happy while they work illegally for their great great great great... and so on and so forth, grand parents. Some of latins, mexican, afro/mexican, chicano, mestizo, syrian, iragee, iranian, indonesian, pakistanian, croation, slovinian, fin, denmarkian, russian, india's flock, chinese and several other illegals who are just visiting on a work visa, who travel aboard ships all the way from other countries and enter Canada unscathed with no addition charge, will have to pay for the Wall.


The U. S. of A. is 17 trillion dollars in debt and we don't have a drug crop we can sell to any of the other countries, so we're going to have to have Canada give us a tab so we can at least say we're trying.


All those modern day mobsters will likely start shipping their goods through the FDA offices.


While all the owners of the 26 million slaves who a shuttled back and forth across Mexican and Canadian borders will have to pay more too, when they come to the US from Canada to do the jobs I could not get as a lad, most likely because my great grandparents lost the farm in Washington's Goldendale area before I was born. Which they probably lost because of the lack of further cooperation between farmers helping each other bring in the crops each year; which has died out.


Oh! NO! My deceased Great Grandparents would likely roll over in their graves if they knew they were going to have to go through a strip search, have their roles of hay poked with long rods, and even get a colonoscopy check before they could cross over to help at the farms of their northern most children's farm lands up in Canada.


I hope Canada's government can squeeze blood out of a rock, or beat the russians or china and now north korea in getting a farm started on Mars real soon.


The governments sure seem to waste a lot of money getting us no where fast. :tongue:

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It's official. Sanders is a sexist. Hillary's campaign said so. She interrupted him and he had the nerve to put her in her place as an equal so he could finish his statement.


That's just Hillary and her gang using her liberal cohorts in the media to go after Bernie , terrible. She will do anything to win.

Edited by Harbringe
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