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Who are you voting for?


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Trump takes Florida, Kasich wins Ohio and Cruiz gets cut off at the knees in both states. He'll be dead in the water and Kasich will close the gap, while the gap between Trump and Cruiz widens. There will be a brokered convention no matter what, but Cruiz getting clobbered in two big states will hurt his chances and his ego.


I heard today that Carson is going to endorse Trump. That will only pick up a few percentage points for him, though Carson will be one more feather in Trump's war bonnet.

How about a Trump/Carson ticket? Might soften Trumps image with minorities, and Carson for VP could erode some of Hilary's support from black voters. There has been suggestion of Condoleezza Rice as a running mate, but I would see that as an attempt by the establishment to Wiesel their way like a Trojan Horse into a Trump administration. Where as choosing an outsider like Carson would play to the Donald's strength and reaffirm him as the anti-establishment choice, which might have some appeal to disgruntled Bernie Sanders supporters who may be faced with the choice of hold their noses and voting for Hilary or staying home.

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What would happen if the people refused to vote for any of the candidates?


What would I have to write on the voting slip of paper to protest their running for office?


I know here you can spoil your ballot by marking more than one box, for example, which is then counted as inconclusive. I have always wondered what would happen if enough people did this. But I think people are too 'well-behaved' for it to happen en masse without some sort of coercion.

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There will always be those that go out and support whatever candidate their party puts up, simply because it is from "their party", regardless if the guy is a flaming idiot or not.


Besides, I have zero hope that the american people will EVER figure out that if they want change, then putting the same folks back into congress every election cycle is NOT the way to go about it. Just proves to me that collectively, americans have got nothin' on a box of rocks.

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There will always be those that go out and support whatever candidate their party puts up, simply because it is from "their party", regardless if the guy is a flaming idiot or not.


Besides, I have zero hope that the american people will EVER figure out that if they want change, then putting the same folks back into congress every election cycle is NOT the way to go about it. Just proves to me that collectively, americans have got nothin' on a box of rocks.

PT Barnum once said "You rarely go broke by betting on gullibility or stupidity"....a man with insight.

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It humbles me to note when I am enlightened. It is such a marvelous experience. It really helps, when I ask a question which displayed my stupidity, when someone is polite enough to answer with a correct answer. I become educated.


PT Barnum did not always say what the newshounds quoted him as having said. So I would take anything that was said that someone else said, he said, with a grain of salt.


The declaration may well have come from someone who showed wisdom; while either: wishing to become as famous as Mr Barnum, or just to get some money to put food on the table.

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There will always be those that go out and support whatever candidate their party puts up, simply because it is from "their party", regardless if the guy is a flaming idiot or not.


Besides, I have zero hope that the american people will EVER figure out that if they want change, then putting the same folks back into congress every election cycle is NOT the way to go about it. Just proves to me that collectively, americans have got nothin' on a box of rocks.


When they talk about this there is a sense that YOUR congressperson or whatever is doing ok..it is all those OTHERS that are not. So you can vote for your person.


I also do not think Americans understand the stupid that happens in bill writing (or maybe the good as this is how things get done.) You have say a bill to give the troops a small pay raise. Like who would really vote against that? Then a party or party potion will get attached to the bill to cut funding for social security. Then it goes down when voted on and come election time all the commercials come out, "Mr. X voted against giving OUR TROOPS a raise..blah blah


Or perhaps a bill is voted and passed which seems to many outside as a terrible one...say increasing social security tax on the middle class and they attach the troop salary raise to it and so it passes for that and so a compromise (or devil's bargain depending how you look at it) is made.


I don't always like this. I have often thought a presidential line-item veto would be a good thing. Most of the nations' governors have it. Some think this is giving the executive office more power in an office that already has pushed for more power that it should have.


And for any that wonder I have not revisited the immigration thing because I think it needs its own thread and I am just trying to figure out how I want to get that all running. I have not forgotten but it is such a challenging topic to derail this one isn't fair to either thread.

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