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In the last few months of Ronnie Reagan's last term as Pres, the "line item veto" passed. It allowed the pres to removed specific parts of a bill, while the rest went on to become law. A couple months later, when Slick Willy was elected, it was suddenly declared 'unconstitutional' by the SCOTUS. Amazing, huh?

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I would like more people to ponder the bills for the House and Senate before they are passed. With the Internet access this sites information could be enlightening to many. In the 21st Century more people may learn about what they are able to do, by following the guidelines to write a bill.

Anyone can learn how to get a bill started and on the table. They can learn too how many sponsors, backers signatures are needed who agree with the bills content to get a bill attention.

The United States has a website allowing the pending bills and bills on the table to be read by anyone who wishes to read them.

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Stumbled accross this on facebook - interesting: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filibuster


Ah the beloved filibuster....Now I wouldn't mind it quite so much if there were rules of actual on-topic and conscious debate..but there isn't and they can pretty much go and read from the newspaper and sing or whatever as long as they do not stop...they can use it as a very effective tool. Maybe not effective if you want to get things done or if your personal favorite bit of law is coming up for a vote, but effective to stop it for sure.


From 1992 to 2012 the filibuster was used by Republicans 591 times and Democrats 352. So over 900 times in total. That is a great deal of hot air.

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Once again CNN doesn't have a clue, or maybe they do.

Let's make the guy who charged the stage in Dayton Ohio to assault Trump a stooge Liberal hero.


Here's what they and Tommy Dimassimo don't want you to see.


Dimassimo has already deleted all of his radical social media from before the incident. He doesn't have a prior foot print anywhere. I already looked. Everything now is from after he war released from jail.

BTW, he is a professional actor and makes the rounds at various staged protests. It is like he is professional agitator instead, or maybe both. This is all very odd.


And I'm still voting for Trump.



"I wanted to take the podium away from him." In other words, he's a Liberal who thinks the 1st Amendment only works one way, like those shrieking spoiled children in Chicago who bully-boy 'protested' so people wouldn't be allowed to say things they didn't agree with. That's Socialism in action. There's no wondering why Trump has the level of support he does.

Edited by WursWaldo
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Yeah I have no idea about that guy. I am all for civil disobedience but that is like protest not rushing the stage in that particular manner. It isn't a Metallica concert. And if he was wanting to look like swiss cheese he picked a good way, rush the stage full of armed secret service members.


It is also unfortuate as there are many "liberals" that are protesting what they think Trump says and stands for in a perfectly acceptable way (though I guess if you support him you don't perhaps enjoy) that of course doesn't get talked about as that does make news.


I do not agree with pretty much anything he says, does or stands for but he has as much right to run his trap as anyone.


And I was watching the History Channel the other day and noted (and I am not saying that Mr. Trump acts or stands for anything this person did) as have others a particular resemblance to another historical figure...(and this is a bit of a joke but man do that have the same faces and sense of theater!)







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Yeah I really hate a "I am going to vote against that person" instead of a "I WANT to vote for this person." Of course my lesser of the evils may differ. I still think I might pick myself as that lesser evil. ha ha ha

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This debate is a symbolic gesture by the people, for the people of the United States of America to determine who the US citizens debating here would vote for on Election Day.

Please tally the opposing comments and agreeable comments and yeas and nays of the debaters opinions?

Please tally this debates approval and disapproval count.

Do all the candidates meet the age requirements, mental conditions, and physical conditions?

Do all agree that at present not one of the candidates for president meets all of their (each debaters) requirements for the office?

American citizens please pose your answer to this final question. Are the present candidates suitable or should they step down from their soap boxes and let a new group step up in the next 48 hours?

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