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Who are you voting for?


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But I suppose you can always just lay down like a beaten dog , like those colonists did back in 1776.




Good luck with that. Money-in-politics reaches far, and the states are most certainly not immune. They suffer from the same problems that the national government does, just on a smaller scale. I think you REALLY underestimate the level of greed involved in politics today, regardless of at what level of government it exists. There is too much money to be made in the current circumstances for ANY of them to want to change it. Please note how often "campaign finance reform" bills are introduced, and never even make it out of committee.



So you choose to lay down like a beaten dog , what color would you like that leash to be.


You can look at it that way if ya like. Me? I choose not to beat up the greasy spot that used to be the dead horse. If you think you can change anything at all, feel free, more power to you. To me, it simply isn't worth the effort. I will spend my time in more worthwhile endeavors, doing something I enjoy. I leave the political activism to those that simply don't know any better.



Heyyou do you feel okay?! Are you having fun yet? Are you going to leave now that you've stated, "the people who simply don't know any better" who are actually watching you here getting an education?


You seem like a nice enough guy, I hope you stocked up on hot dogs, hamburgers, pizza and chemically created carbonated Cow Beer!

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HeyYou good.


The young students, the inquisitive children on the Internet, and people like me who did not get interested in politics because, later I learned, the parents and elder children had kept it from me when doing their homework. Which they claimed they did at school and didn't need to study.


I've learned quite a bit reading everyone else's debate concepts.


My limited knowledge about candidates rally got filled in. I can say I am now more aware of the rallying candidates, their style, and cheerleading groups who raise our hopes by raising the emotional level.


Then the suggestions of how everything is in need of their special skills, which as president I see isn't going to be so special because they basically, "Yea or Nay" bills.


Just like my reasoning about the old west, if the candidates have enough charisma it makes it so we want to join the parade, dance in the streets, and run around yelling chants just like the nearly naked group who do the cheering at all the sporting events.




While this forum debate focused on what the candidates were saying or were avoiding saying, the brighter members, Like yourself, considered the real business that should be paid attention to. The fact that barely educated, curious, and the political minded members could do a better job is a fact.


We all could do better if we had a bunch of sincere people and a cheerleading squad to get us into the race. Now I think even you, anyone here reading with a sense of if all, or I could probably face the crowd, knowing about the crowds status and avoid getting pelted with rotten food.


Will the crowd turn to anyone who could make a difference?


The Internet voting system that was tried years ago is missing.


The new method was tried and was ruined by many methods.


So the old voting system for each polling area was restored. I remember the crowd roars about the claims in the newspaper, on television and after the counts using the new Online Voting Systems. The failure of the counts, the machines taking the vote did not do well, broke down, and there were even claims of sabotage.


The ePolling system failed miserably that was supposed to replace the ancient paper polling stations with the electronic voting systems, so we all could vote from the comfort of our living rooms, dens, basement computer stations, etc.


The people did not stand up and say, let us all try it again for local, city or towns, and do it for the State and United States elections again and again, until we perfect it.


The people who were in charge of the method for voting just gave it up. They used excuses like, "Many people, who were regular voters, still didn't know how to set the clock on their VCR's."


The time is now.


The excuses are no longer strong enough to keep the leaders growing senile themselves in their official status.


We are all concerned enough.


The new Way. Is better, safer, and if anyone of any party says different than it will be clear they are the ones who are ignorant.


We the people of the USA have the power, we need to focus the power, and we aren't going to do if if we just keep going back to the good ol days ways.

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Some sort of civil or class war appears inevitable at this point - there are similar problems in the UK, although not nearly as extreme and the general public's options are pretty much limited to write, strike or protest (and perhaps riots).


While the American people may not have the 'gumption', what they do have is plenty of ammunition. This could be an unfortunate mix. With such an increasingly volatile situation, I also see the shifting of such targets to further afield than already has been the case.


The pieces are moving.

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I understand that HeyYou. That is what the problem is, the people are not re-addressing changes in the Internet structure and security, any, at all.


The ideas I just shared with you are from the past. Because of all that past failure which could of been caused by small hard drive capacity, real sabotage, damaging statements about the Electronic Online Voting System from both parties, and possibly even real hackers working against either party causing invalid votes using the Online Voting System is what caused the EOVS system to be scrapped.


Now-a-days, in this 21st Century, it could work.

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I don't think we are going to see a class war... What I DO expect to see is economic collapse. What we are currently doing is unsustainable. The gap between the haves, and the have-nots is expanding at an ever increasing rate. Real income for the bottom 80% of the population is still going down. Exporting all of our good-paying manufacturing jobs overseas was the beginning of the end. But then, for corporate america, it has always been about "what makes me the most money RIGHT NOW." Doesn't matter that the people they are putting out of work, are the same folks they expect to buy their products.....

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I don't think there is much economy left to collapse though. World over. We are all living on borrowed time and it's going to take something short of a miracle to change the tide - perhaps the hardest thing to do is ebb the consumption culture permeating the global capitalist state that has choked us all to the point of seeing the noose as a better option.


People are not going to accept the same wages that the corporations offer elsewhere. The economy that surrounds them also means to do it would mean they technically become paid LESS than their 'third world' counterparts. It's economical and political checkmate.

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I don't think there is much economy left to collapse though. World over. We are all living on borrowed time and it's going to take something short of a miracle to change the tide - perhaps the hardest thing to do is ebb the consumption culture permeating the global capitalist state that has choked us all to the point of seeing the noose as a better option.


People are not going to accept the same wages that the corporations offer elsewhere. The economy that surrounds them also means to do it would mean they technically become paid LESS than their 'third world' counterparts. It's economical and political checkmate.


Your right all the indicators are that demand , the ability to buy , to consume is in a death spiral . We were sold this supply side trickle down bullshit that told us if we just deregulate and lower taxes at the top what flows down would take care of everything and its just not true. Economies grow because people have the ability to buy , which is demand , no demand no jobs , its as simple as that. And as things grind down there will come another economic shock similar to the housing crash ,(likely in the sovereign debt markets) that will cause not only our economies to crash but our nations as well and the real problem is there is nothing in the tank for most countries to be able to do anything about it.


As for the American Election its an example of this discontenting reality on both sides. Except one side is one of blame the other guy , the usual divide and conquer strategy that has lead to all the bitchin (sorry ladies) and the other side is about pullin together , you decide which is which . And it ain't Hillary thats just a vote for circling the drain , the status quo , the establishment . (plus she is a pathological liar)

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