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This looks great, provided all options are toggle-able. I would prefer them to be toggles rather than being in any way tied to difficulty because it would allow more/better individual customization.


I, for one, would always toggle weapon/armor deterioration off. There's a fine line between verisimilitude and make-work, and I'm willing to give up a bit of the former to avoid the latter. I know that if my Minuteman General armor takes a few rounds, it should naturally not work as well (IRL most body armor is almost useless after taking any ballistic/shrapnel damage), but having to stop and repair it every fifteen minutes is annoying and flow-breaking for me. I never cared for this aspect of FO3, and I'm kinda happy to see it gone. I'm also not all that into "realistic needs" mods because while I know my character needs to eat, drink, and rest, that doesn't mean I want to stop for lunch just to avoid penalties.


That having been said, having the options present is a wonderful idea.

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Well, the mod sounds great and all, but how do you plan on implementing all of that?
Food, hunger, sleep...that's possible, but different ammo types and weapon/armor degradation?

Those sound pretty hard to implement without being a hassle. And those 2 features are the ones I miss the most.

I never understood the "features" in Bethesda games. Instead of adding more and refining the old ones, they just remove them. Weapon degradation in previous games was not perfect, but it made sense that 200 year old weapons would get worse with use.
Pipe guns that can fire millions of round without degrading is just stupid.

I really do hope Obsidian will get another shot at Fallout and that this time they'll have more time to iron it out.

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I'm going to be in a stark minority here... But i for one agree with the removal of durability (for the majority of things) and weapon crafting.



In terms of making weapons, machining proper guns isn't something you can do at a cobbled together work station (hence why Pipe guns are such garbage). Part of the whole point is that only advanced, secure organizations like the NCR, the Gun Runners and the Brotherhood are able to operate the facilities to manufacture weaponry. Everyone else has to make due with salvage. Making it so anyone can make their own on the go is A; horribly unrealistic B; not really that beneficial (considering everything and its mother is armed) and C; sorta violates the entire point of a post apocalyptic world. Being able to build SOME jury-rigged weapons, like the Syringer, Junkjet and Railroad Spike-thing maybe, but manufacturing guns is beyond the scope of what you can do at your little workstations.


And for repairs... The system was basically unsalvageable. You cannot just swap out parts from old guns to repair one infinitum. Similarly, you can't just 'patch' a hole in armour and have it work just as well. The only way to make the system work and make any sense would be to have a limited number of repairs, like in Dying Light, but then you're inherently putting a life expectancy on legendary and unique weapons, which no one really wants. So, without that limit, you're left with a clunky mechanic that has no real purpose (there's no shortage of guns around to repair with) beyond tedium. You could dramatically slow down the degradation rate, but then it looses any semblance of significance. The only thing that was sacrificed with removing Repairing was the ability to shoot a weapon from someone's hands (because the action now had no downside).


Like the old Skill system, general degradation didn't really add anything to the game. It didn't change how you approached situations, it didn't overly influence your play (even at early levels, you had enough loot to keep a weapon in working order) and it didn't provoke any really thoughtful decision. Particularly with weapon-mods in the mix, it's even more of an automatic maintenance action. Repair your modded gun, everything else is just parts.


So, saying it's part of how the game SHOULD have been is frankly missing the point of why it was removed to begin with.


And frankly, i think people be tripping over the dialogue wheel. The system's fine, it's just short on descriptions. Without turning it back into an awkward, screen-controlling scroll menu you can dramatically expand the options it offers just using expanding options.

Edited by Lachdonin
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  • 2 weeks later...

Haven't heard anything in a while, no updates anyone? No extra ideas or suggestions?


No pre-CK testing with papyrus? (it's 99% similar to Skyrims - so can be used to test ideas)



It's one thing to make a suggestion and it's another thing to actually pull it off.


(I'm a bit bitter now, so please excuse me)


I'm sure Script extender and Nifskope team are working hard on making modding possible, but it will take quite some time to include all mentioned features into the game (if possible).


But those features won't fix my main problem with the game and that's the main story and the character.

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Haven't heard anything in a while, no updates anyone? No extra ideas or suggestions?


No pre-CK testing with papyrus? (it's 99% similar to Skyrims - so can be used to test ideas)




It's one thing to make a suggestion and it's another thing to actually pull it off.

(I'm a bit bitter now, so please excuse me)

I'm sure Script extender and Nifskope team are working hard on making modding possible, but it will take quite some time to include all mentioned features into the game (if possible).

But those features won't fix my main problem with the game and that's the main story and the character.

Sorry about the lack of replies/updates, but I've been busy prepping for finals among other things. However, I am glad to say that most of the mod has been fleshed out at least in concept. I won't be updating the inital post because there's far too much to add/change for it to be orderly. Instead, links will be provided to the main doc along with the ammo amd equipment ones as well.


Just to get you guys excited again, here's a quick list of what else has been added:

•Alternate Start/Story

•Changable Player Race (Mutations)

•Cybernetics (Implants and prosthetics)

•Expanded killmoves

•Mounted Weapons (Power Armor)

•Power Armor Reactors

•Ridable Giddyup Buttercups

•Togglable Stealthboys


Document links

Main: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Xc-KbuT35g8Ec9lgqJvu8jQxLrPNA_DkhK5BlZ-RMDY/edit?usp=docslist_api

Equipment (Largely a WIP): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XmihM4TijPYkQ7-y59fhBsisZqX4FYEgcuHl-jRMcYI/edit?usp=docslist_api

Ammo (Still a few things to finish): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y-8ZHyljIpcnTfzc9OiDI0CNh2VWSRBDj4ENkTzdJbM/edit?usp=docslist_api

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Hey guys, just came up with some new features that will added to be the docs soon enough.


First thing I wanted to share: Shields! There will be two kinds: Riot and Makeshift.


Riot Shields are those used by metro police and the military to decrease the chance of bodily harm, capable of blocking small calibers in addition to thrown projectiles (such as molotovs and grenades). However, energy weapons and higher calibers are more likely to break through thinner shields.


Makeshift shields are heavier and made of metal most of the time, enhancing protection against pretty much all incoming damage. They're more modular due to their makeshift designs but, again, are heavier and bulkier too.


To block using a shield, hold down Mouse 2. To fire/use a weapon while a shield is equipped, press Mouse 1. To fire and block at the same time, press Mouse 1 in conjunction with Mouse 2. Power attacks with either the shield or weapon can be done while pressing the grenade/power attack button with the respective mouse buttons.


Second thing: Perk requirements for ammo crafting!


I've already done this to some extent but I wanted to make it more detailed.


Gun Nut + Gun Slinger lets you craft small calibers (.22LR, .38, .44 Magnum, .45 ACP) etc

Gun Nut + Rifleman will unlock 5.56mm and 7.62x51mm NATO.

Gun Nut + Commando lets you make 4.7mm Caseless along with 5mm.

Gun Nut + Sniper unlocks .308 and .50 BMG

Science! + Nuclear Physicist allows Microfusion Cells, Small Energy Cells, and Plasma Cartridges to be made. Fusion Cores require max of both ranks.

Demolition Expert + Science! allows you to make timed, plasma, and pulse grandes. Mininukes require max ranks of both.


Some subtypes, such as High-explosive Armor-piercing Incendiary, will require three perks as they fall into multiple categories.

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I'm completely agree with this expect the weapon durability cos' like others said it will break the game n' also this is my opinion, old classic Fallout don't have weapon durability so it's a good thing since Bethesda add those features.

Also I like to add some in your list, please make a mods that will fix the lore in Fallout 4 ( pre war jet and t60 power armor ) I think this is easy since you just need to edit the description oh I also forgot! make the soldier at the beginning game when you need address yourself wear t45 power armor not t60, and make brotherhood of steel wear t45 or t51 power armor that can fit the lore.

I know Bethesda is an arrogant when it comes to respect the lore. but hope modders can fix those.

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