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Hardcore Mode


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Remember in NV when they had a Hardcore Mode consisting of Having to eat and drink. I would love to have this back except adding in the Need of Sleep and having to have food and water. also lower the finding rates of every item so looting is much harder. I think that would be awesome! Just a Idea though. I bet many of you probably want this back with the new additions.


Also Im new to modding and all that so I don't know if this is possible, but if it is please try!


To add to this list make these things harder to find too.

Fusion Cores

Bottle Caps(Because I have 5k bottlecaps 5 hours in with no luck perk.)

Much more will be added

Edited by weltle0301
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This is what I am waiting for the most, a mod that reduces the amount of loot and ammo especially. I have way too many bullets. It's like there are ten different manufacturers in the Commonwealth.

Even in the apocalypse, lead, copper, steel, saltpeter, charcoal, sulfer, and just gunpowder are plenty available for the world as a whole - not to mention specialized machines for making bullets.

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This is what I am waiting for the most, a mod that reduces the amount of loot and ammo especially. I have way too many bullets. It's like there are ten different manufacturers in the Commonwealth.

Even in the apocalypse, lead, copper, steel, saltpeter, charcoal, sulfer, and just gunpowder are plenty available for the world as a whole - not to mention specialized machines for making bullets.


The only real problem, as I understand it, would be the primers. And there are several explosive compounds that are viable in this regard, including mercury fulminate (used in early primers and older percussion caps) and lead azide or potassium perchlorate. Seriously, given the chems that the various backyard labs are churning out, it's not difficult to see ammunition being reasonably available.

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This is what I am waiting for the most, a mod that reduces the amount of loot and ammo especially. I have way too many bullets. It's like there are ten different manufacturers in the Commonwealth.

Even in the apocalypse, lead, copper, steel, saltpeter, charcoal, sulfer, and just gunpowder are plenty available for the world as a whole - not to mention specialized machines for making bullets.



You made a point...i had my impression about ammunitions but you changed it.

What i do not feel is right is the potable water...even if it is not radioactive, i cannot believe that after 200 years it is not putrid.

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