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My biggest issue with Fallout 4 & what I intend to do about it.


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Good day gentlemen :smile:


Right then. My biggest issue with Fallout 4 is that it sold over 12million copies at launch, adding up to almost a billion dollars in sales.

Why is this a problem for me? Because most of those sales, along with most of the rave reviews the game got (from professional reviewers, no less), are contigent on the game's potential and how good it will be once modders have put in thousands of hours of work into it.

The huge surge in Nexusmods registrations in the last week is pretty solid evidence of this.


Those same modders will see not a single dime of those 750+ Million $, but we expect them to clean up Bethesda's mess nonetheless.


As it stands, Fallout 4 is nearly beta quality, and the PC version is clearly a lazy port. ("Learned from Skyrim" my left toe...)

Yet it still costs the full triple-A 60$ US. And they offer a Season Pass (ugh), for future DLC.


Minecraft is great because of its mods. Minecraft costs 27$. It also never tried selling me DLC.



So, what do I intend to do about this shameful situation ?

I intend to express my opinion in the most meaningful way I can: with my wallet.

In other words, I will not buy the Season Pass. I will not buy any DLC Bethesda releases.


However, I would like modders who release top quality mods to please make sure they allow us to make donations to them.


I don't have much disposable income, but I do want to make sure people who really deserve it get rewarded for their hard work.

I also encourage everyone else to do the same.

It may only be a few dollars, but those can add up.




Thank you for your time, have a nice day :smile:




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The game is good only once modders have had their turn? I doubt that. I've sunk a lot of hours into the game and the features it has compared to past TES and FO games is extensive and it has been an enjoyable experience. Bugs? Yes, but that's typical of Bethesda's RPGs when they're new. There has been only 2 things that constantly nag me as bad with the game:


1. Settlement Management is poor


2. Dialogue Wheel needs to die a fiery death


Edit: http://i.imgur.com/XHyQqVG.jpg

As I said before, I sunk a lot of time into the vanilla game already. I feel that it is good enough to stand on its own two feet. Will the release of FO4's GECK and modders make it better? Absolutely, especially given time. But it doesn't stop the fact that the base game is already very good.

Edited by Warmaker01
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The game is good only once modders have had their turn? I doubt that. I've sunk a lot of hours into the game and the features it has compared to past TES and FO games is extensive and it has been an enjoyable experience. Bugs? Yes, but that's typical of Bethesda's RPGs when they're new. There has been only 2 things that constantly nag me as bad with the game:


1. Settlement Management is poor


2. Dialogue Wheel needs to die a fiery death

May it melt in hell. :down:


And there is no way you can compare fo4 and MC, like what? I have seen TW3 vs Skyrim, but this is crazy. They are vastly different.


Beth didn't force dlc and pass on anyone and didn't even announce anything about it expect that fact they are planning it. You don't have to buy the pass or dlcs. And what wrong with dlcs? Almost all great games have dlcs, metro, bioshock games, TW3 oblivion, fo3, fonv. There is nothing wrong with the idea. You are treating the whole thing as if Beth was EA and fo4 was the sims 4.


Learned from Skyrim didn't mean UI. That what happens when a cross platformer get out across them all in the same day. It limited by consoles in terms in almost everything including the UI. Want bigger settlements? To bad, xbone tis weak, want bigger cities? Yeah not much space. This side is clearly meant to be modded sadly.


They meant bugs, gameplay, crafting and everything else. Which is very clear when you play fo4. AI is better, followers have depth, the lighting is nice expect the freaking god rays, the crafting convenient, we can dress up our dog, can decorate player bought house ourselves, there is no neckseams etc. And fo4 is a bugless experience for many expect for fps dips and the building system.




Those same modders will see not a single dime of those 750+ Million $

Reminds of the time beth wanted modders to have the chance to earn money from their mods. Everyone was happy about it :tongue:




I also encourage everyone else to do the same.

But I want the extra power armor paint pack!

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I'm having lots of fun with the game, and I can't hardly even play it, my computer sucks and I get drops to 10 - 15 fps for 30 seconds or more when it needs to load lots of stuff or when the BOS is in the air.


I only have one complaint about the game, THE GOD DAMN HARD CODED KEYS!!!!


I use an extensively modified control setup.I think the only 2 keys that are the same as default are the reload key and use key.


I can't aim with a scope because the key I use for that is hard coded to then hold breath and I can't get out of the scope,had to use autohotkey as a workaround.


I cant use the build mode to make settlements at all.The only key that works to move around is my strafe right key.


The hard coded keys are so troublesome It almost makes me want to stop playing the game.


There is too much stuff wrong with the keys and UI to list it all.It's a constant pain in the ass.But the game its self is good. Its like a funny, smart and hot girl that's bad at sex, If its wasn't for that one thing it would be perfect.

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Just to be clear, I did not say the game was bad.

I simply believe it is by and large being overestimated and given a free pass for a lot of things.

There are reviews out there giving the game 9/10 and 10/10 while mentioning the game will get modded heavily. I personally think a game should be reviewed AS IS, out of the box. Vanilla.


And like I said, they get free passes. "Bugs are normal for a Bethesda RPG" is a ridiculous thing to say. It is a full fledged triple A title and it should be polished as such. I've seen a lot of people mention they finished the game and barely ran into any bugs. I find that exceedingly difficult to believe. I personally run into bugs on such a steady basis it's not a question of "If" so much as "when".


Again, I did not wish to bash the game. It can still be enjoyable, obviously. I simply take issue with it being delivered in such a state for how much it costs (nevermind that I'm Canadian and it cost me 80$ rather than 60$).


As for comparing FO4 to MC, I was trying to make the point that if someone tells you how great MC is, it is usually because of mods, rather than the vanilla game itself. When you buy MC, you are buying a platform upon which to build with mods to tailor it to your liking.

This is very similar to what you could say about FO4. I feel the vanilla game, out of the box, is lacking in many ways. It is buggy and feature-starved, with a clunky interface and sub-par graphics.

I can tell a friend how great the game will be once it gets modded and patched properly, but I can't recommend he buy it until then, because 60$ is a lot of money for a game that "will be great once modders have their way with it".


For a game that came out many months after The Witcher 3 (which is an impressive technical display, nevermind the great writing and interesting characters), costing the same (actually W3 is 20$ cheaper here)... I can't help but feel like Bethesda banked on my faith / hype / loyalty to their brand, and sold me a half-baked product.


Is the game fun ? Yes.

Is it anywhere near as good as it could have been ? Hell no.


It will probably be one of the best games in a long time once the mod tools come out... which is why I personally want to see modders rewarded. I truly believe modders are a huuuuge part of this game's success.

Maybe I'm wrong.


I know I'm going to put some money aside to reward the following mods:

- Significantly improved graphics, lights/shadows/darker nights...maybe even animations? Nobody can fix the god-aweful faces....

- Significantly improving features. Crafting overhaul/additions, for starters. Holstered weapons, and so on.

- I am so willing to pay someone who takes the time to open up and populate all those boarded-up buildings... But that is probably too big an undertaking for anyone.


If others pop up and catch me by surprise, all the better :)


I'd also like to pre-emptively give thanks to those who will improve the radio stations. I've already seen some temporary fixes for that.

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You're seriously comparing Fallout 4 to minecraft?

I understand that many people have a lot of fun with minecraft but Fallout 4 obviously was much more expensive to develop.


I have the feeling that many people would've been mad about the game regardless of how it is.

After so many years since the last fallout game and countless replays of the previous ones with the best mods available.


But considering this is a bethesda game we're talking about one thing is very important:

In over 69 hours of playing I only had one crash and no game breaking bugs.


So apart from some stupid design choices and graphical weaknesses they improved a fundamental part of their work.


I think it's okay to consider modding when giving a score because many other games can't even be modded as heavily as bethesda games.

Some games can't be modded at all.

Edited by Grasmann
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For a game that came out many months after The Witcher 3 (which is an impressive technical display, nevermind the great writing and interesting characters), costing the same (actually W3 is 20$ cheaper here)... I can't help but feel like Bethesda banked on my faith / hype / loyalty to their brand, and sold me a half-baked product.


Here is your problem, you have assumed a lot of things without checking the facts first.


No company is obligated to create better product than their competition. Is it recommended, so they stay in buisness? Yes. Is it possible to compete with Game of The Year material, solely by putting enough effort? Hell no. FO4 developement started over 4 years ago. Do you really think a few months is enough to scrap everything they did (instead implementing last minute fixes and polishing the game), because they suddenly realized there is a better game? They just have to sell enough to cover those 4 years of expenses and save some for next project. That's all. Most of the time it doesn't pay of taking huge risk in this industry. Over the years we have seen lots of developers teams creating superb titles and then going bankrupt or selling themselfs to bigger companies as soon as it starts going downhill.



You have bet on a game, based on fanbase hype. At no point Bethesda tried to lie to you about what you are getting. They even admitted themself they are not aiming to compete in graphic departament with other games. Buyers like you could have waited few days and check Steam comment section or "lets play" channels before making any decisions. When somebody feels that the game needs to "deserve" to get bough by him at full price, most likely he is better of waiting for steam sale or base game + DLC bundle.


There is nothing wong with developers selling decent DLCs. It's up to you, if you feel like paying for additional content (that was in developement for few months after game release) for your favourite game (if it's not, skip it and carry on). I feel it's pointless to resign from something that you might actually like, in order to prove a point. You should have waited with buying the base game or get steam refund after trying it for a bit less than 2 hours. This would make an impact on statistics, that will actually go through all the bureaucracy. Not getting a usefull addon for an item you already invested in and which you gonna keep on using, harms you more than anyone else.

To be fair, in Skyrim true housing was introduced in Heartfire DLC. In Fallout 4 we get this at day one for no additional cost.


Fallout 4 has it'd flaws and I hope some of them will get addressed. Still the game is solid 7/10. I would say it's class A+, not a tripple A (even if it's my personal GOTY). That doesn't change a fact that most A games start at 60$ price point and don't offer as much as FO4. Developing a highly moddable game also cost money and can be risky. Look what have been possible in Witcher 3 and compare it to Fallout 3 / NV or Skyrim mods on Nexus. How many other developers put some effort and release creation kits for their games for free? You treat it like there have been nothing done by developers and they just take credit for modders work, while most of the modders do it for their own enjoyment and it's definately easier when the devs support it.

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I'm having lots of fun with the game, and I can't hardly even play it, my computer sucks and I get drops to 10 - 15 fps for 30 seconds or more when it needs to load lots of stuff or when the BOS is in the air.


I only have one complaint about the game, THE GOD DAMN HARD CODED KEYS!!!!


I use an extensively modified control setup.I think the only 2 keys that are the same as default are the reload key and use key.


I can't aim with a scope because the key I use for that is hard coded to then hold breath and I can't get out of the scope,had to use autohotkey as a workaround.


I cant use the build mode to make settlements at all.The only key that works to move around is my strafe right key.


The hard coded keys are so troublesome It almost makes me want to stop playing the game.


There is too much stuff wrong h the keys and UI to list it all.It's a constant pain in the ass.But the game its self is good. Its like a funny, smart and hot girl that's bad at sex, If its wasn't for that one thing it would be perfect.

Here you go http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2107/?

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2 key additions to FO4 that have been featured in mods or something dreamed of?


Weapons Modification - You guys recall your favorite weapon mods that added upgrades to weapons for FO3 and FONV. Obsidian tried something in those lines for FONV but it was a bit light in implementation. But in FO4, Bethesda went balls to the wall with Weapons Modification. You can take some item and completely change it's behavior and playstyle. What was once a weapon that should have qualified only in the Gunslinger Perk as a semi-automatic pistol can be so heavily altered that it becomes a semi-auto rifle (Rifleman Perk) or turned into a fully automatic Submachine Gun, Machine Pistol, Assault Rifle (all falling in line for Commando Perk). Some weapons can even be rechambered to use completely different ammo types. Not only do the stats get greatly altered but the appearance of the weapon can be completely changed into something else. We had NOTHING at all like that at all in any previous Bethesda RPG. Even the grandest weapon mods in the FO3 & FONV days had NOTHING at all like this in capability, scope, and visual variety.


Side note: Weapon Modders will have their work cut out for them. Having weapon models that can be sensibly altered with different parts and not look like garbage no matter what configuration the player picks. Due to FO4's Weapons Mod System, the notion of a static weapon is just so... Bland now.


Settlement Building - Ever since FO3, the notion of making and running your own settlement was there in the playerbase. It was a desired feature and some mods tried it but it just was limited. In FO4 we can make a community and spread it around, build it up as we see fit, given local settlement limitations. This was never a feature before in any of the FO games. The situation was the same with the TES games. Yet here we are in FO4, making our own communities. There's issues to work out and things that can be done to make it better. But compared to what was possible before in previous FO/TES games, with or without mods, we've come a long way.

Edited by Warmaker01
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Game is fine as is outta the box and deserves those high scores.


I have Witcher 3 and have over 120 hours playing it and really its not my cup of tea and comparisons between Witcher series games and Bethsada Games just feel so out of place but I suppose your not familiar with the difference of 3rd person and 1st person. The difference of being a clearly defined person in a clearly defined role, yes you don't get to play a non-mutant, female, who is a magician or a musician in the Witcher Series nope.


I've played Witcher since it first released back with "The Witcher" you know before the sequels and I can tell you that yes that series has a certain reputation for pushing the hardware limitations into the realm of your computer will choke on this game. So lets have a reality check here, most normal people never get to play Witcher of any given number at full graphics settings. It wasn't the Witcher either that sent people out to buy upgrades for their computer not like Fallout 4 did.


Graphics for Fallout 4 are just fine and respectable as aposed to a game like Witcher 3 where they literally had to roll back the graphics just so the consoles wouldn't choke. Surprising how many people forget that happened. To top it off at some point graphics cant be the end all be all of measurements for if a game is "great"...As clearly there are people that don't enjoy W3 clearly as much as some people out there think we should.


As it is most people in the world don't have a computer that has the power of an Xbox 1.

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