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Mods You think Need to be Made


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The following is a note sent along with sincere thanks to TinyManticore... but if anyone wants to do a patch along these lines to flesh out the Synth (pun unavoidable) feel free...



So many thanks, TM. Your mod made me keep playing Fallout 4 for literally years longer than would have done. Now, before I bleat on about my notion, I'll say it likely would just involve different dialogue choices.


(This is for Commonwealth starts, one in particular...) I have to admit, I do find myself wishing that the Non-Survivor looked like you when you got into Vault 111. This would be jarring for most every role... save one.


Why does an escaped Synth that still knows they are a Synth want to go into a vault, much less the one Conrad Kellogg raided decades ago? In a word; cover. I figure the Synth has the urge to cover up that wide eyed confusion by masquerading as a Vault Dweller and the only one not screwed up by Gunners, Gangsters and God alone knows what else is... 111.


Of course, finding you're the twin of the fallen final survivor and have an urge to deal with Kellogg one way or another leads to certain suspicions like how your escape was altogether too easy, even planned! I see the Synth taking up the role of "the Survivor" and answering people like Piper as if they were the survivor of 111 to maintain cover... and find out what the Hell they even exist for. (This linking with Nora Companion or the amnesiac spouse just adds to the mind screw)


Maybe I'm overthinking it. But God, would that be cool? "Father" ending up confronting a parent he literally built from the ground up.]]]

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Here's one for you; The resident clothes and such found in a box, locker, or cabinet in Vault 111! I mean, good God, the overweight woman complaining as you're getting processed and receiving your vaultsuit is noted for having been executed as that was policy for 111.


With the advent of Start Me Up, people setting up their other starts can retain the clothes and such they arrange before exiting the bathroom.


I have never appreciated the whole business of your prewar crap being completely deleted when you enter the cryotube. It's silly. It's shoehorning. It breaks immersion (for a given value of immersion).

I give heartfelt praise to BlueBox042 as that worthy has addressed it! Praise the mod Why Are The Clothes Gone and empathize with him on his previous sin! Praise him with great praise!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hallo Ihr!

Also ich komme mit dem Kreation Kit in dem was ich versucht habe gar nicht klar aber vieleicht einer von euch!

Was ich mir im spiel wünschen würde wäre:

Curi s Dialekt auf den spieler zu übertragen damit der spieler mit curis Menschlicher stimme spricht weil mich dies französisch deutsche slang ( nenn ich es mal ) echt reizen würde für weibliche charaktere.

Follower sollten echt mal richtig freche sprüche drauf haben. Müssen ja keine beleidigungen sein aber verhöhnungen. ( änlich wie bei Skyrim follower Sophia )

Gegnersprüche werden auch langsam langweilig da wären so sprüche wie bei den Borderlands gegnern doch ganz lustig.

Wenn der spieler schon sehr gut aussieht wie wäre es mit ein paar anmachsprüchen dem spieler gegenüber wie sowas in etwa " Wow sieht die/der heiß aus" " hallo Hübsche/r" "Bist du noch zu haben?"

Sidler klingen auch sehr trocken und einfälltig und strahlen im spiel für mich mehr verzweiflung aus als freude endlich einen ort zum leben gefunden zu haben. da wären ein paar dialoge der siedler doch ganz schön. miteinander aber auch dem spieler gegenüber!

Wenn das in deutscher sprache zu machen wäre wäre schön da einige mods die ich benutze mein spiel eh schon in vielen teilen ins englische rutschen!

Vielen dank an den der das hinbekommt. Curis dialekt für den spieler wäre mir aber 1 derer die mich am meisten reizen würden.

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  • 3 months later...

I honestly think (since rumors and such will give you locations to check) that the Overseer's terminal at 111 should mark all Vault locations in the Commonwealth (and any DLC locations) on your map. Needless to say, this would include (with patch) any Vaults added by mods. Failing this such a resource absolutely should be available at Vault-Tec Regional HQ; tracking the Vaults was part of their JOB!

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  • 1 month later...


Interactive Environments ! ! !

more situations with objects storing large potential energy you can trigger,

or a draw bridge, useable crane to move boxcars (oooo, this could be its own mod)

, cutable elevators like assassins creed,

push large things off of roofs, etc, etc.



You've posted that in three separate threads, two of which you necroed. It's annoying. Make your own topic.

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I honestly think (since rumors and such will give you locations to check) that the Overseer's terminal at 111 should mark all Vault locations in the Commonwealth (and any DLC locations) on your map. Needless to say, this would include (with patch) any Vaults added by mods. Failing this such a resource absolutely should be available at Vault-Tec Regional HQ; tracking the Vaults was part of their JOB!


I actually already have one that does that. It's kinda buggy about Vault 75 for some reason though, so I'm not releasing it until I get that sorted out. It adds entries to the Overseer's terminal in vanilla 111, and provides a holotape as well (which I have other plans for) that does the same thing. That has the advantage of being easy to add to every vault and the HQ just by dropping a holotape on a desk, without having to edit 7 different terminals (HQ, 75, 81, 88, 95, 111, 114). Mod added vaults are pretty easy to add, just add new entries to the terminal with a script fragment to unhide the map marker.


The idea is that when you read a status entry on a given vault that unlocks the map marker. Not fast travel, just the location. Most of them work correctly :pinch: I'll see what I can do to sort it out over the next couple of days. I need to double check some of the terminal entries in the various vaults so that my "current status" matches what is in there, and remove a redundant terminal (not the text, an actual wall terminal lol).

Edited by aurreth
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