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I will not be buying this game until they release the toolset.


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To Calerid... If you are playing FO4 on the PC, you do know you can fix ALL your texture problems (lo-res or not loading) by adding a few lines to your .ini file?


Under [general] in fallout4.ini add:


iTextureUpgradeDistance1=4800; 7500

iTextureUpgradeDistance0=2400; 5000

iTextureDegradeDistance1=6000; 7500

iTextureDegradeDistance0=3200; 5000


this forces the BEST textures to load almost all the time instantly. On a 1GB 6870, this was the ONLY way to get decent performance- the texture streaming used by FO4 is inhereted from John Carmack's insanely BAD Megatexture system (although FO4 doesn't use other Megatexture tech), and massively increases VRAM usage for ZERO gain.


PS the second values on each line were recommended for peeps with better GPUs.


The DOWNSIDE is that your initial load times (even off SSD) will be much longer.

Thanks Zanity,


I will try this for sure. I do believe I may already have from Umbrecht's Ugrids guide; However, I do not believe that it is simply a LOD issue. I have had the game flat out unload the textures for objects. It can be very annoying. This on a 780 so it's not terribly VRAM limited.

Edited by Calerid
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Can't say I won't be buying the game until they release the toolset... but I'm not using/installing any more mods until then. (I use very few now, just some manual/vanilla ones, pretty much)


Most of the mods I'm interested in have a shortcoming or two, which are listed as "will fix once GECK is released". Can't use until then. :]

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No offense to the original game or the original "modders" of the game, but no. One of the best aspects of this franchise is the ability to truly mod it.


I was gonna buy one game this december, and I didn't buy FO4 (despite my love for the franchise) for the simple reason that they haven't released the tool set yet. It's apparently an afterthought. Once it becomes a forethought, or at least presentthough, I might actually buy it.


Until then.... still rocking Fo3, and even FoNV, or NWN 1 (if I am looking for online)


Fo4??? Yeah it looks nice, but don't get it twisted Bethesda, one of the biggest draws to your games are what players can do with it, that you can't . So until you give the power to the players/consumers like previous generations, I will not be buying this game.


But I am looking forward to the day when I can buy this game and experience something better than previous fall outs (both from the original developer, and it's community.)


MY advice is to stay as far away from this shitpile as possible. What for the GOTY edition when you can pick it up for $20 bucks about three or four years from now. It's going to take that long, (if then) to fix Bethesda's horrible, horrible design decisions. This thing is an FPS, there's nothing to do but shoot at people all day. The dialogue system needs to be completely reworked, the main character completely overhauled to be an actual human being, fine turning the endings, giving real choice and depth of roleplay, and even the Karma system probably has to be reintroduced. And since it's unlikely that anyone is going to overhaul the main story, which is the only thing that this game has going for it, a bunch of modded Quests with real choice are going to need to be written to even hope of making this into an actual RPG. I blew 90 bucks on this turkey, learn from my mistake.

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With Tactical Thinking (BoS), Precipice of War (Railroad) and End of the Line (Institute) active the storyline has abruptly come to an end over here, at least as long as there's no GECK and no alternative, less moronic (some even say indoctrinated) ending on the horizon. For me as a young mother that'd be much appreciated. But do I regret my early stage investment? Of course not, my kind always starts such a game in the week of its release already, no matter how bumpy the virtual road ahead actually is for that's really not a new phenomenon in Bethesda games.

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