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Sorry, I really do try to reign in my propensity for sesquipedalianism use of big words. :blush:

Actually the site I referenced for logical fallacies uses plain English instead of the Latin or Geek terms that I had to learn.


If anyone is interested we do have a debate forum here where off the wall ideas can be discussed and argued. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/47-debates/

Please read the stickies before jumping in - especially the rules for debates. :thumbsup:

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Yeah, see, "strange" is very relative. You think something is "strange" because it does not pertain to what you think is "normal". That is a fallacy that is not exclusive to mods.


Some people think it is strange to wear huge lip plates, while they think it is normal to stare into an electronic device 18 hours a day. Others think the reverse to be true.

Gotta call BS here.

Intersexing IS exceedingly rare as a natural condition, though trans are trying to make it more common through cosmetic surgery. (which I think is bigoted and insensitive to the actual people born suffering this condition)


Because it is exceedingly rare, it fully meets the usual criteria to be considered "strange" and "abnormal", and therefore there is no "fallacy" in calling it such.


Where-as there are a good many different fallacies (all of them offensive, and many bigoted) in trying to compare wearing ear-rings and computer-usage, both as strange, and as remotely equal to the medical condition of being intersexed.

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Yeah, see, "strange" is very relative. You think something is "strange" because it does not pertain to what you think is "normal". That is a fallacy that is not exclusive to mods.


Some people think it is strange to wear huge lip plates, while they think it is normal to stare into an electronic device 18 hours a day. Others think the reverse to be true.

Gotta call BS here.

Intersexing IS exceedingly rare as a natural condition, though trans are trying to make it more common through cosmetic surgery. (which I think is bigoted and insensitive to the actual people born suffering this condition)


Because it is exceedingly rare, it fully meets the usual criteria to be considered "strange" and "abnormal", and therefore there is no "fallacy" in calling it such.


Where-as there are a good many different fallacies (all of them offensive, and many bigoted) in trying to compare wearing ear-rings and computer-usage, both as strange, and as remotely equal to the medical condition of being intersexed.


So folks with gender dysphoria are bigoted, out to upset an "exceedingly rare" group of people, just by seeking to address their issues? Well that's certainly a novel view of the world. I bet you're great fun at parties.

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Take a step back, assume a clinical objective point if view, and observe the human male predeliction with an aspect of human female anatomy that is comprised primarily of fatty tissues and exocrine glands that have the same evolutionary root as sweat glands.




So folks with gender dysphoria are bigoted, out to upset an "exceedingly rare" group of people, just by seeking to address their issues? Well that's certainly a novel view of the world. I bet you're great fun at parties.

There are people are not gender dysphoria and do all this. Some even make up new sexuality and genders.


The last one I heard of was nova tran something. They think they have the sexuality of stars.


I'm not joking.


You are not drunk.


This is not a dream.

Edited by Boombro
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There have been some off the wall debates there.



If anyone is interested we do have a debate forum here where off the wall ideas can be discussed and argued. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/47-debates/ :thumbsup:

That forum seems so intellectual. I imagine they could use a good boob mods debate. :laugh:


There have been some off the wall debates there.

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Yeah, see, "strange" is very relative. You think something is "strange" because it does not pertain to what you think is "normal". That is a fallacy that is not exclusive to mods.


Some people think it is strange to wear huge lip plates, while they think it is normal to stare into an electronic device 18 hours a day. Others think the reverse to be true.

Gotta call BS here.

Intersexing IS exceedingly rare as a natural condition, though trans are trying to make it more common through cosmetic surgery. (which I think is bigoted and insensitive to the actual people born suffering this condition)


Because it is exceedingly rare, it fully meets the usual criteria to be considered "strange" and "abnormal", and therefore there is no "fallacy" in calling it such.


Where-as there are a good many different fallacies (all of them offensive, and many bigoted) in trying to compare wearing ear-rings and computer-usage, both as strange, and as remotely equal to the medical condition of being intersexed.


So folks with gender dysphoria are bigoted, out to upset an "exceedingly rare" group of people, just by seeking to address their issues? Well that's certainly a novel view of the world. I bet you're great fun at parties.


Would a man that thinks he is African American, and pays for melanin augmentation not be bigoted and insensitive to the plight of actual African Americans?


Even from "gender dysphoria" people, it is the same principle of civil rights. So we should look at it as such at all times, rather than just when convenient. The 14th Amendment is equal protection from and under, as well as application of, the law.


(and isnt it weird that the spell-check doesnt recognize "dysphoria"?)

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