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NMM 0.61.3 fixes for Fallout 4


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It may be unrelated to your problem, but sometimes when I hit tab, the pipboy does not come up. If I hit escape to bring up the menu, hit escape again to get out of the menu, then the pipboy works fine. You might try that. Hope it helps.
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In response to post #31682070.

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I found this to be an issue with the steam overlay. Switched my overlay from Shift-Tab to Pause/break, and issue was solved.
Hope this helps.
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In response to post #31669955. #31673750, #31673880, #31676115 are all replies on the same post.

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It sure as heck isn't that. the new launcher flat out disables all mod when started.

But no i dont see this as evidence of them trying to sabotage us, i would at this point assume they just made an honest mistake and pushed the beta patch directly to live(beta patches have this same "feature", but it actually makes sense there)
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In response to post #31669955. #31673750, #31673880, #31676115, #31682985 are all replies on the same post.

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Bethesda probably thought the patch would break a lot of mods, and therefore the game itself, so they would get wrong bug reports about the patch that were in fact related to outdated mods. So for me it makes sense. But they could've at least announced it.

Anyway everyone knows the risks of modding.
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In response to post #31682070. #31682640 is also a reply to the same post.

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I get that in settlements all the time, especially after doing something in the workshop, and it still says "Hit X to open Workshop" at the top. I think that prompt interferes with the Pip-Boy, so hitting ESC clears whatever is blocking the pip-boy opening.
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