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A vehicle or horse would make make the experience more immersive and logical to me. Even something like a Bicycle makes sense for the tech of this place, and I would really like the big horses overhaul imported from Skyrim, because I LOVED having a horse. A horse made sense.


Please modders, make a Skyrim like horse with autoloot and shoot from the saddle.

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I honestly prefer walking around doing nothing in the outer map on fallout 4 than I do skyrim. Idk skyrim just needs more enemies/that kind of space or something like that. Main reason why I think people made the civil wars mod. Skyrim loses it's staying gameplay value due to it's emptiness... I've heard that even some people prefer Oblivion due to Skyrim's emptiness/lack of richness.

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I think Fallout 4 tried to work upon comments about Skyrim and things like that, and therefore you get a smaller map but more things to jump on, like buildings, and makes it generally more exploration worthy in terms of cities, more radiant quests, more enemy spawns, buildings, and difficulty adjustment. The two series will only get better at this point hopefully, but they definitely listen to their fans.

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I honestly prefer walking around doing nothing in the outer map on fallout 4 than I do skyrim. Idk skyrim just needs more enemies/that kind of space or something like that. Main reason why I think people made the civil wars mod. Skyrim loses it's staying gameplay value due to it's emptiness... I've heard that even some people prefer Oblivion due to Skyrim's emptiness/lack of richness.

Oblivion world building is even more boring. The leveled list is really really odd too. Bandits get high end gear and low leveled spawns are replaced with stronger stuff. It freaking odd.

Oblivion has good-amazing quests however and of course, great sound track. If you were okay with.....everything wrong with it and want cool quest. Oblivion is a must have.

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I think Fallout 4 tried to work upon comments about Skyrim and things like that, and therefore you get a smaller map but more things to jump on, like buildings, and makes it generally more exploration worthy in terms of cities, more radiant quests, more enemy spawns, buildings, and difficulty adjustment. The two series will only get better at this point hopefully, but they definitely listen to their fans.

There is nothing wrong with a small map as long as it denser and more fun. Daggerfall was a big as Englend, but it really, really boring since it was a random generated in everything. Fo4 does world building right. It was a joy to explore. Think assassin creed and dishonored. AC has a whole country, but it meaningless while DH it a big enriched gameplay more.

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Getting really tired of the complaint threads of the Fallout 4 game.




There are quite a few actual "towns and quest hubs" in comparison to both Fo4 and FnV.

Comparable to Skyrim even, still decent.


Size of the Map all around not even close to a real let down...Not even.


I also see a whole slew of complaints around graphics or performance,

Well guess what, not a lot of people have as strong a computer as they thought they did.

Game runs amazing on my end, got like 500 hours on Fo4...Flawless FPS and no grapics issues.


I've even tripled my settlement budgets and still get 60 FPS without stutter in some of my crazy settlement builds, game is a freaking champ. I barely touched any of the graphics settings.


I look around on Nexus for mods, go look for yourself most popular ones going just ruin the graphics to make it playable for low end machines what that should tell you is that people are using the wrong hardware to play the game. My machine is all high grade top end parts from freaking 2009 but top notch, some of it certified prototype parts from before their official release and I even threw in EVGA gtx970 ssc and a dedicated PhysX GPU EVGA gtx 580 2 GB version. My solid state drive means no load times none barely have time to read the little descriptions in the load screenies. With Dual Xeon CPU's that were rated low but uh hello proto's man got em off a retired fella in the industry these things eat this game.


So what am I getting at, if your computer is champ you wont have graphics complaints........Most users have issue with games graphics and that intensifies everything else.


Map really isn't small, its the fact that there are no winding long corridors forcing you to take odd routes to get everywhere.


Just the same doesn't matter how many times people explain it the same droll will just continue to crop up over and over.


You'd think these people wouldn't come over to the Nexus to infect us with their non-sense, I mean for real this site is a modding culture, and your expected to have a thing for wanting to mod your game. Now why do I say its odd, cause modding is about creativity and that whole settlement feature that's a creative outlet, if you don't understand the irony of that well I guess you cant be helped.


Great changes could happen for this game with mods but not if people are too busy bashing on the game for dumb idiotic reasons. Seriously if you don't like it bust out Fo4edit, Nifskope, and the mod tools we do have and get to work. Or just leave.


At best your complaints are going to burn out people that do like the game and could be the people that go to great lengths bringing you more enjoyment for the title.


In the end complainers are just not saving anybody or anything and provide very little useful information.


Its just tiring



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