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Hot Topic #2: The cliché multiplayer Elder Scrolls topic


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Some of us just like to be able to turn on a game whenever we want, play a little, and then stop playing to go to work, sleep, have sex with other people, etc. MMOs waste too much of our precious time with their incredibly long leveling processes, nonexistent storylines, and need to find other people to group with. I don't spend my entire life gaming, and do not wish to play games that force me to associate with people who spend their lives playing games.


Oblivion lets me came and go as much as I please without having to worry about paying monthly fees or dealing with the types of people willing to do so.

I agree with you completely, well said.

If Bethesda puts it in the next game ok, I may even try it out especially if it’s like the way PieterLouw describes (below) but I want a great single player game made first and formost.


After almost spending two years on this great site, and hundreds of hours with Cs here goes my first two scents!


We need a pub , I mean a big pub that somehow links to your in game or even a pub in each town. Would love to buy you guys a round :excl:

There one can interact and show off combination of clothes and Amour even arrange for a duel in the arena the next morning.

Once you leave this pub or inn you return to your normal game. This way you have the best off all worlds, watch the game come alive.

This in game chat-room and fighting arena however must be controlled (age groups) via on-line registration.


what ya think?

Can this be modded?

PS This would be great way to introduce new clothes and armor to the community.

The idea is great (I’d buy you a round as well), but I don’t think it’s possible with Oblivion the way you said.

Even if Oblivion players were connected when you are strutting along in your custom apparel other players could not see it unless they had the same mod. Of course a server could host and store all this but that’s not how it works now.

The next TES game could have it though.

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To be honest, if you took Oblivion and made it MMO, that would be amazing.

By the time the game would be released, the average PC will surely have advanced enough to play Oblivion on low-medium settings, taking into account the other 50+ people that might be on your screen at the same time.


I would hope for large PvE battles, along with well thoughtout PvP, as a lot of MMOs tend to throw in shoddy PvP systems as an afterthought.

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Better to just release a stand-alone game set in the universe, apart from any content that would leave those who don't like MMOs feeling left out. If Bethesda released a story-driven game on that scale, they'd be mobbed and lynched by the silent majority of their players who have no interest in that sort of gameplay environment.


Oblivion wouldn't make a good MMO because it is too hero-centric; every bit of its gameplay is geared towards a single player-character. You would have to quite literally rebuild the entire game from the ground up to allow for multiple people following questlines at the same time. Nevermind that Cyrodiil itself, while huge as a singleplayer environment, is downright minuscule for an MMO. It might seem big while you're running around all by yourself, but even two hundred people or so would completely ruin the immersion as there would inevitably be a crowd around anything of any interest in thegame world. an MMO set in the TES universe would require, at the very least, that the whole of Tamriel be opened to exploration- and much more likely other known locations like Akavir as well.


What I would positively love to see is a TES game that supports co-operative play for no more than three or four. That would actually work with a playable storyline that wouldn't need to reset itself every few hours for the benefit of the horde of people who didn't get a turn last round. If the game involves a huge world while delivering that, so much the better- but it would still be far better off as a singleplayer or co-operative experience rather than a grand free-for-all on the scale of Everquest, FFXI, WoW, and so forth.

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I think the best way to work a TES V multiplayer game would be to have your general storyline+sandbox SP in addition to server-based sandbox multiplayer, a la Freelancer.


Think about the modding opportunities for the servers...

Example: Tamriel United RP Server -- Featuring player-run guilds!


Also, even an MMO could support some sort of modding. Namely clientside modifications such as changing the appearance of weapons or armor.

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Ok. I'll add my bit of thought on this topic.


In my opinion, i think it would ruin it.

Just as i was interested in the WARCRAFT lore until WORLD OF WARCRAFT came and killed off Kel' Thuzad (coolest necromancer ever :D)

Then killed off Illidan. I think TES will follow the same path into failure.


Also as i read before, their AI may just be 'stupid' static quest givers and vendors. I LOVE the 'living' world of OBLIVION and i hope they inherit it into further games.

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I would vote NO for a TES MMO because I am selfish and want all resources on the single player releases. There were only 3 worlds I hoped to see recreated online mmo style... TES, Battletech, and Faerun. But after playing most major mmorpg's last few years, I dont want any of those 3 'ruined' by doin it.
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  • 3 weeks later...

if they were to make a mutiplayer eldar scrolls, they should do what 'Spore' has, and upload everyones profile online and download them onto everyones games everytime they play.


by doing this modding would still be possible; there wouldnt be one person going around killing every other player; and there would be know lag from online play.


:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:



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Well insted of talking about multiplayer, hope you guys are aware of the EXISTING MULTIPLAYER MOD =P

But for vulk sake i hope they won't make an MMORPG, cause then you would have to pay to play,

Better if they just make an Expansion pack where you can fight friends or co-op play =)

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