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Automatic Weapons ? Why ?


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Wounding Gatling Laser hardly ever leaves those messy bodies laying around. Ashmaker the explosive minigun is pretty good too and Piper seems to be proficient with it. You and your partner in X-01 Mk. VI with those two weapons and forget stealth. Just bring it on is that all you got deathclaw?

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Well, both those effects are available in automatic too.


And it gets even better with mods. E.g., a Freezing tommy-gun which dropped off one of those legendary triggermen when saving Valentine, and my Old Style Criticals mod is... is... *sniff* beautiful. Even with 5 luck (which you'll probably want even just for the Idiot Savant), about every 20 rounds shot your enemy just freezes solid. It's pretty much an exploit.


Or have you tried a FURIOUS automatic weapon? By Odin's iPatch, now that's BRUTAL.

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I started out with sneak and headshot. But then I looted an explosive assault rifle. And thats it. One burst and I can kill a whole squad of heavily armed gunners without VATS, just pointing that thing in the general direction and they're gone. No scope, no VATS, just BOOM. I've put a silencer on that thing and now I can sneak-auto-boom almost everything... (yeah I know, that makes no sense lore-wise, but its fun).


Yeah, thanks to the bugged McCready-Perk I can do headshots at max distance. But my .50 sniper rifle isn't legendary. My laser sniper rifle is a 'lucky' one and the legendary plasmas I looted (yet) just suck (bonus damage vs mirelurks...). So while I can one-shot (or rather one-burst) everything with that explosive automatic, a single headshot with the sneaky sniper rifle often does NOT kill the target. Then they seek cover, alert all others and I get swarmed.


When I defend settlements I have to switch back to sniper rifle and VATS to avoid collateral damage. When I tried to defend Hangmans Alley with the explosive gun that... well, I did reload a previous savegame...



I forgot to mention ammo. Thats not an issue at all. I have tons of caps to buy ammo and the enemies drop a ton of 5.56 in the highlevel-areas. If ammo had weight, it would be an issue. Gauss ammo (the only not automatic weapon that kills everything with one shot) is more of a problem, its really rare.



It depends on the legendary effect of the weapon and the situation.

Edited by Arnaeus
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I was very disappointed in the full auto guns, they just use too much ammo. I would rather use my 5 mm and .38 cal as a substitute for caps.

I have an Irradiated Assault rifle in 5.56 and a silenced .308 sniper that both do one shot kills in sneak with the rifleman perk maxed.


Role playing the Silver Shroud I used the Thompson but it kills way too slow. Give me a semi-auto every time.

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finished the first play through a couple of days ago and started a fresh game with +1 difficulty


been having an interesting time with basic quests being sent to more intense locations.


tripped into a legion post last night - went -- crap - super muties (at player level 10)


a couple frag mines behind me - frag grenades in front of me


and a legendary mutie with red skull marker appeared behind . .


found many issues with the game in that battle . . .


red skull fell to a 38 pipe pistol with the drum clip ( not a 308 pipe pistol, a simple 38 - not even automatic ) -- 3 shots in vats or 1/2 a clip by pressing the trigger rapidly.


that pipe pistol just chews them up - and the game seems to depend upon mass assault to kill you -- that place was cleared out in just a few seconds with bodies everywhere.


bang - bang - bang is better than 4 levels of gunslinger in vats (comparing to previous game)

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only downside to the Gatling Laser is that whenever you reload it, switch weapons, or anything else, you will have a new core in it, so you will have like 20 half depleted cores that aren't low enough to justify selling, but high enough to put in power armor, so you constantly have to swap out of armor and reswap half used cores in all the damn time... that s#*! is annoying and I hope mods fix it. All they had to do was include Electron Charge Packs just for the gatling laser, and all would be good.

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