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How human are synths?


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Actually, have you considered that the whole history of human civilization IS about using external technology to augment what your body can do?


One of the main advantages Homo Sapiens had from the start for example, was the use of javelins, to extend the range at which they could kill an animal. We also used fire to be able to digest plant matter, by breaking the cellulose wall with heat, where our own digestive tract can't.


Even today, we use antibiotics or antivirals to deal with stuff that our immune system on its own has trouble with. We use glasses, when our own eyes are less than perfect. We put hearing aids in people's ears, so they can hear when their own senses fail. We put pacemakers into people who'd die if their own hearts were all they had. We just started putting camera sensors in blind people's eyes, so they can see at all.


Hell, even the fact that you're on the internet right now, essentially uses external technology to extend the range at which you could communicate, if your lungs and vocal cords were all you've got.


Now don't get me wrong, I don't think that going cyborg is necessarily a step forward, when seemingly done for no good reason and not really improving the life of the poor barstard in any way. Which really is the problem with such settings. Be it the Borg, or the Dalek, or the Cybermen, or whatnot, invariably there's a lot those guys lost and not much they gained.


But just dismissing external technology wholesale is silly, when even the very conversation wouldn't happen without external technology.

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Actually, have you considered that the whole history of human civilization IS about using external technology to augment what your body can do?



Calculators which could solve equations much faster than human brain, not to mention chance of making an error, vehicles that allow us to travel faster than we could with our legs and thats not even tip of an iceberg.

Most funny thing are glasses. Originally only those near/far sighted would use them, but now we have things like google glasses/their chineese clones which are also used by people without any sight problems, just for usefulness of their extra options. Who knows what would happen if we develop prosthetics that would be in every way better than their biological analogues, in my opinion 30 years from now sportsmen in paraolympics would be the ones setting records.


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from Raycheetah


So, a cloned human being isn't... human?

Good to know we have authorities like you to define these things for us! =^[.]^=

Who knows ? Maybe when/if this happens in real life we will be able to answer to your question. I said "Synths are clones.", not "a cloned human being isn't human".


I am not dealing with the real life, only with Fallout 4.

In my opinion :

  • Synths don't have a life (they can't feel the pain despite they say they can, they can't know love despite they say they can, they can't raise childrens) but only exist. They only are a copy, and the "brain" is a CPU programmed. They can easily be replaced.
  • Cloning is ugly. Have you seen the room where they are made from human bones ? The entire process takes 5 minutes. They are machines.
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In my opinion :

  • Synths don't have a life (they can't feel the pain despite they say they can, they can't know love despite they say they can, they can't raise childrens



raising children is easy - any Mr. Handy can do that


producing children - synth with a soldering iron

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Synths don't have a life (they can't feel the pain despite they say they can, they can't know love despite they say they can.

Many humans have those same traits.

There are humans who cut their limbs and don't feel any pain whatsoever. You can run a truck into their faces they will feel nothing. You can dip them in acid and they will feel nothing but tickles maybe.


Same for love, hate etc. I don't know the name of the condition, but some people don't have those feelings or have problem processing it. I have met two, Synths feel more natural and human than them by a long mile.

There is also asexual people who have zero sex drive.



they can't raise childrens

So if you can't rise children, you are not human?

Plus, what do you mean rise? You mean take care or general parenting? Because both are do-able by more basic AI than Synths.


Plus, if they can make human like AI. They can make artificial sperm and eggs maybe, or just "barrow it." from humans. It easy to make a male synth with sperm that works, it just a big sex toy then.

Edited by Boombro
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Synthetics are the future of mankind.


We have played around with this idea for centuries with various serums, mechanical/wooden prosthesis, pace makers, and now we have artificial hearts and lungs.


Soon, technology will be pushed, most likely by space programs or wars, and be re-engineered for civilian use. Many technologies we use now were developed by those two purposes.


Stem cell research (if the back woods conservatives and bible thumpers will just get out of the way) could prove the answer to many people's problems. Think about it, we could have a society like Gattica, where we could program our children to be perfect in every way, physically and mentally to give them the best start in life. The only boundary would be their own potential.


I would go for that in a heartbeat, an artificial heartbeat. Think about how valuable an individual life would be. Each person could have the entire library of congress downloaded into their brains, so that everyone could be an engineer, doctor, plumber, teacher, soldier, etc.... and job roles could be switched at will, to meet the demand and need. No more would their be "shortages" of nurses, doctors, teachers, engineers, programers, etc.... we'd have limitless opportunities. People would be smarter, and make better decisions instead of being stuck being stupid.


This could be abused by the wealthy to keep the poor down though, because mankind is not generous or benevolent, we are greedy, selfish, violent, and warlike, unless a benevolent dictator could hold the families of those in economic or political power hostage, kind of like what the Tokugawa did in Feudal Japan, to keep people obedient.


In short, it'd benefit rich people, and eventually, if they were willing to, which they wouldn't, allow it to trickle down (we know how well that works in economics... not).


So it's a nice idea, but would make things too much better for rich people instead of those that desperately need it (poor people).


s#*!, how did I manage to make class warfare out of this?

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raising children is easy - any Mr. Handy can do that

Mr. Handy need one of the parents, probably because a baby recognizes the skin, the smell and the voice of the parents.



Many humans have those same traits.

True. I guess the explanation is : they can't feel the pain because they have efficient protection. Raiders take drugs or booze so their pain doesn't exists because their synapses are filled with antalgics.



So if you can't rise children, you are not human?

They aren't human because they can't take care of childrens from baby to adult + they don't have a life (pain, love, create music/art and a lot of other passions like playing pip-boy games, lapsus, and so on). They can't create children except S9-23 who won't be able to grow i think.


PS : Again, i am not dealing with the real life, only with Fallout 4.


► My Walkthrough playlist : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLS5-oGZgV1QuW-yPRB-GHJXHlxqH7zaJY

Edited by Alano69
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They aren't human because they can't take care of childrens from baby to adult + they don't have a life (pain, love, create music/art and a lot of other passions like playing pip-boy games, lapsus, and so on)

That why does nick prays, flirts, gets insulted and glory does the RR tasks with so much passion?



True. I guess the explanation is : they can't feel the pain because they have efficient protection.

Nah, it something they born with, not drugs and dady problems.

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