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Rules of Forum use?


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Got a question here.


What if the person is not planning to distribute said mods (ripped contents) and wishes to keep it for him/herself, then posts the images from a purely aesthetic point of view? Even more so if the forementioned person have purchased the games that were subject of conversion. There is nothing illegal nor illegitimate about that.


As BB2 said,

You can't post them because people will ask for the files.

And adding onto BB2's reply, it is not really a matter of what's illegal, or even just "illegitimate", (as XenoGenesis might define it.) It's a matter of what Dark0ne has decided is acceptable or not on the Nexus. His site, his rules. You don't like them, you don't have to post to, or even visit them.


And no further justification or explanation is required, although he and the other Staff members often provide ones... :)

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I've added the following to the terms of service:


Aside from no nudity, you should only upload images that would be acceptable in the file database. This, importantly, means that you should not upload pictures of mods you are using that would not be allowed in the file database such as mods using ported or copyrighted content. Whether or not you use these mods is your choice, but please do not upload pictures of these mods in action to the Image Share section of the sites.


[/thread] now? :wacko:

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I've added the following to the terms of service:


Aside from no nudity, you should only upload images that would be acceptable in the file database. This, importantly, means that you should not upload pictures of mods you are using that would not be allowed in the file database such as mods using ported or copyrighted content. Whether or not you use these mods is your choice, but please do not upload pictures of these mods in action to the Image Share section of the sites.


[/thread] now? :wacko:

Thanks Dark0ne. I think that'll help with a lot of this confusion and define a nice line that users should not cross. It'll also give ammo for the moderators and those posters that give friendly warnings to other posters.

:biggrin: :thumbsup:

Edited by lonewolf_kai
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That isn't going to work. Go with my method (no endorsements/comments on a picture with ripped content, or have them forcefully disabled by a mod) and the imageshare isn't going to turn into a dusty barren mostly composed of subpar images of characters in poor lighting conditions and jaggies all around because all the good screenshooters went somewhere else to upload or got banned...


Remember, nudity got a not-so-warm reception when it was disallowed. Imagine what would happen with the new rule regarding ripped content... All I'm saying that trying to avoid or prevent the inevitable will only leave you going crazy in a bunker fifty feet underground. After all, wouldn't the images fall under Fair Use anyways?

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That isn't going to work. Go with my method (no endorsements/comments on a picture with ripped content, or have them forcefully disabled by a mod) and the imageshare isn't going to turn into a dusty barren mostly composed of subpar images of characters in poor lighting conditions and jaggies all around because all the good screenshooters went somewhere else to upload or got banned...


Remember, nudity got a not-so-warm reception when it was disallowed. Imagine what would happen with the new rule regarding ripped content... All I'm saying that trying to avoid or prevent the inevitable will only leave you going crazy in a bunker fifty feet underground. After all, wouldn't the images fall under Fair Use anyways?

That still doesn't prevent PMs though.


Personally, I'm with you, but admin has been pretty specific in this thread (and now in TOS) about your point and how they feel about it.

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That isn't going to work. Go with my method (no endorsements/comments on a picture with ripped content, or have them forcefully disabled by a mod) and the imageshare isn't going to turn into a dusty barren mostly composed of subpar images of characters in poor lighting conditions and jaggies all around because all the good screenshooters went somewhere else to upload or got banned...


Using ported/copyrighted content doesn't make the lighting condition or "jaggies" any better. The two are totally separate issues.

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The two are totally separate issues.


I think ziitch is referring to the fact that many of the higher caliber screenshooters tend to be the ones that use rips. They've been around longer, have more experience with screenshooting, and know the right places to obtain stuff.


...This may not be an easy thing to keep track of. There's been no less than 5 screenshots posted today alone that contain ripped content, and the day is still young. Maybe it's just me, but this seems like a difficult and fruitless endeavor. Few even know what to look for, and most of the few that do aren't going to be willing to file reports. If the moderators aren't going to overshadow the entirety of the imageshare with an extensive list in their hand, then there's really no effective way to prevent this sort of thing.

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As far as I know I'm the only site moderator working this morning, and I'm multi-tasking, and prioritizing.


It's not like this is a new rule. When we see illegal content in the imageshare, we remove it.

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Perhaps not a NEW rule but certainly one that was not enforced to any degree. I think the main issue is going to be this...no one has the time to moderate that place...and the ones that get looked at will be the reported one (and I agree with Eiries on this one about the anger/vengeance reports as I think it may have happened already.) So some are going to get by while others won't then there will be a bunch of hoopla of why did so and so get banned and not so and so.




I will also say this. I have 110% supported Dark0ne and this place since day one. I have said in writing that the day I no longer agreed or could accept the rules...as this is Dark0ne's site and he can do as he pleases....then I wouldn't play here anymore.


So I am not..at least not in the image share. I like to put whatever I want in the images and I have so much crap I don't know any longer what is a rip, illegal or where I got it all. *shrug*


So no more images for me. I will find somewhere else to post them.


Also....I think it is sad in a way. The site has grown and there are great files here...and I do appreciate all the work and sweat that goes into this place..I do. But I see less and less moderator involvement in actual threads, they have less time to help and do a lot of the stuff that was being done when I first came here. One of the great things about this place is I felt and now at almost 40 I would hope so) like an adult here. I don't feel like that anymore. I feel like I need to watch everything I do and say. I see more banning post that anything else. I still think that chat place is nothing but a heartache. Moderators seem on edge and don't seem to me, at least (and this is all my opinion so you can wipe your behind on it if you want) like they are having much fun anymore.


I used to be able to look at the bannings and understand 100% why someone got the boot. Now its like a crap shoot if I get it or not. There appears to me to be little consistency in some bannings vs strikes....again....anyone can get kicked for any reason really....and that is Dark0ne's perogative....I just don't like the taste it leaves in my mouth.


So...I am glad that this image share matter has been put more clear....and I hope that it all works out. I will keep to my little corner and follow the rules like I always have...but this is no longer my favorite place to hang anymore...and that makes me really, really sad.

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I see more banning post that anything else.


There have been a lot of bans here recently. You'll find that bans tend to increase when a new game gets released (Dragon Age 2 recently) and during school holidays. Right now it's the Easter holidays so that goes a long way to explaining it. Most new comers are not well versed with our rules (or don't care) and don't know we operate a "no warnings" system for most offences.


I still think that chat place is nothing but a heartache.


I would agree in some regards, it's become a moderating nightmare and increased the amount of bans drastically. The open and real-time nature of the chat has meant that many people get banned for chatting about stuff they shouldn't be chatting about in public. It's amazing how many people will come in to the chat and either ask for links to pirated copies of the game or ask for help modding their pirated copy. You'll find a lot of the recent bans have been related to those two subjects.


However the chat has also become home to some civil, mature and respectable regular users and discussion so I would be loathe to get rid of it. Some times the moderators can be a little tough in there, but I would go loopy if I had to moderate that place every day as you tell the same people to stop talking about the same things every 30 minutes.


As far as looking over your shoulder is concerned you shouldn't have anything to worry about. Something I spoke to the moderation team about not too long ago was to take in to account the posting history and contributions of a member before they click that ban button. People can have bad days. People can not know and sometimes they can even forget so sometimes we need to give the benefit of the doubt.


I've also implemented a new "ban appeal" system for banned members to use to appeal their ban. As it is I review every new ban thread that gets made and if I ever saw your name there I would be quick to question it. It annoys me deeply when I wake up in the morning and see a name I recognise, someone who has contributed to this community. Unfortunately before I can get to the bottom of it I find out they've made a new account and trolled me with the usual verbal abuse, or the staff here, or trolled around the other ES forums which then makes a come back for them untenable.


I will almost always stand by the staff here because I know them for who they are, I know I can talk to them reasonably and maturely, I know if I need to I can overturn a decision they've made and they won't throw all their toys out of their pram but most of all I know they've contributed to this community more than anyone else in the Elder Scrolls, Fallout or Dragon Age community. Invariably these banned users end up playing chinese whispers on the other forums out there, what really happened is they got banned for uploading an image of a nude character, or a file with some copyrighted stuff in, or something of similar ilk and then it gets on to the other forums as "Dark0ne banned me because I was better than him and he resented me", or words of similar meaning, and I just facepalm, especially when people just believe it.


Truth is a lot of the moderators are on edge right now, we all have RL issues we're dealing with at the moment. Lon, Vagrant and Buddah haven't been around that much although hopefully they'll be making a return soon, I'm not going to rush them knowing how much work they've already done here, I've got lots going on in the background, Myrmaad has lots going on and Dante is a vampire for god's sake....that brings with it all sorts of problems.


Hopefully things will get back to normal soon :)

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