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What is your favorite settlement location and why?


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I have two I prefer.


My first would be Spectacle Island. I like having my own island, building a big base there and keeping Cait, Curie, and Dogmeat there. I usually keep Strong there as well b/c he has a lot of room to roam around. I would keep Piper there but being as I'm a traveling man I like to be able to take off to Diamond City on an occasional trip and still get some lovin while I'm there. Spectacle Island gets attacked from time to time, but it's usually mirelurks due to it being surrounded by water. I've only had one raider attack there. Seems most game enemies are too lazy to get a boat to go there.


My second would be Coastal Cottage. I like the views that it affords via its location on top of the hill over the sea. This location usually gets attacked by gunners or a deathclaw. The last deathclaw lasted about ten seconds due to all the rockets I have set up.


What are some of your favorite settlement locations and why? Any certain things or people you like to place there?

Edited by Juxtaposition109
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1. Sanctuary. Lots of space, and openly.

2. The drive in. Also lots of space.

3. The castle (minutemen) because of the already, not counting, rooms, easy to defend.


Yep, that about sums it up for me too.


I also really wanted to like Covenant until I realized most of the stuff there can't be deleted or moved and it doesn't have much of a build height. I really wanted to build that up as my main base because I liked how it has perfect walls already built in.


Spectacle Island was always intriguing to me because of the sheer size of it, but I hate that you basically have to fast travel to it. I still haven't given up on this one though, you could build an entire city on this island.

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The first farm next to red rocket since I feel my PC relates to them. Also, it has a wide space, has a cat that rests on the workbench and those sweet hanging lights that warp around it.

Other than that, red rocket. But it it dirty and hardly fits the followers.

I'm looking for a another one, mid sized for my own later after patch comes out.

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The ultimate build location is spectacle island. The castle can make a good base as well. Some of the others have critical resources like all the steel you can scrap at starlight drive in or all the trees in sanctuary. I downloaded a mod to give the trees colorful fall leaves don't know if I would recommend it though as it really limited the number of trees I wanted to cut down

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1. Sanctuary, for obvious reasons and its also my main town where I store all my stuff and have lots of settlers.

2. Abernathy farm, I made a really big farm out of that.


And that's it, the Castle seems nice and might be my nr.3, but I really don't want to spend too much time into building yet another settlement, not to mention that radio there is constantly giving me misc. quests that I don't want.

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I have no problem with ignoring the Castle radio quests, even while having it on all the time. I'm using the 111 extra tracks mod, plus I replaced the base tunes, so I can listen to my metal collection while shooting people in the head. And not have to hear that idiot DJ from DC Radio all the time. I mean, he was funny as hell the first time around, but after almost 500 hours of FO4, man, that stopped being funny about 400 hours ago.


Now, lemme see why I like the castle:


- large basement where nobody ever goes, for storing all my Power Armor collection


- all crafting stations pre-built


- pre-built shop


- gets another vendor after you do one more quest


- pre-built large water purifier


- pre-built wiring and some lights


- a fair bit of pre-built beds too, to get you started


- the radio there constantly attracts minutemen (up to 5), so it fills up faster than a regular settlement


- superbly defensible position


- lots of land and water. You can make that thing really produce a lot of purified water to sell, and you don't even have to go far to sell it for ammo, once you get Ronnie Shaw


- out of the way artillery emplacements, if you want to assign Preston somewhere out of the way, but still easy to find if you need him

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