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Playstation Network getting hacked??


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To all you PS3 users out there, here is how to play online without PSN.




1 - Open your game, give it time to get to the menu.

2 - This is a crucial step, shut down the PS3.

3 - Now, this is where bits get a little tricky. Turn on your PC.

4 - Launch a game

5 - Play online and enjoy!



Edited by CommanderCrazy
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Have to remember, not only is this affecting current customers, but it is also making sales of almost ALL PS3 games virtually meaningless since nobody can connect just to play single player, including Brink in a few days.


It's not just gamers who are being impacted by this, but virtually every game company who was sold on the "security" of having their games connect to the online service.

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Have to remember, not only is this affecting current customers, but it is also making sales of almost ALL PS3 games virtually meaningless since nobody can connect just to play single player, including Brink in a few days.


It's not just gamers who are being impacted by this, but virtually every game company who was sold on the "security" of having their games connect to the online service.

FO3 DLC was delayed if I am correct because of it. I've seen XBox, PS3, all console, and only PC exclusive but maybe in some time we will see xbox and PC exclusive.

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Have to remember, not only is this affecting current customers, but it is also making sales of almost ALL PS3 games virtually meaningless since nobody can connect just to play single player, including Brink in a few days.


It's not just gamers who are being impacted by this, but virtually every game company who was sold on the "security" of having their games connect to the online service.

FO3 DLC was delayed if I am correct because of it. I've seen XBox, PS3, all console, and only PC exclusive but maybe in some time we will see xbox and PC exclusive.


For some reason i am able to update all my games to the latest version, all my single player games are playable. Currently playing Just Cause 2 until psn gets back up and running.



Fantastic game i do sayhttp://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif.

Edited by Thor.
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