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Raiders fighting each other


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The majority of the commonwealth being occupied by such a large number of raiders doesn't seem right. If all of them belonged to the same faction, they should have easily organized an attack and overwhelmed all the main factions that the player character can join.

The only reason the commonwealth isn't overtaken by raiders is because they are disunited.

I'd like to see a mod where the existing raider faction is split into at least 5 different raider factions, each fighting one another for control. Each raider faction can have its own culture. Examples: Cannibals, Syth-bigots, Drug-fiends, Slavers etc. It will be cooler if you see a raider-infested location being attacked by another raider faction while you have choice between going all out and killing everybody or using your sneak skill and wait for them to kill each other.

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This is a great idea. Seeing distant large scale battles would be ideal in the city streets. It's odd how quiet the city can be when you hear no fighting at all. The same should be so regarding Super Mutants v. Raiders. It happens less frequent than I imagined. This suggestion has my vote.

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they already are split, just sadly the game 'sees' them all as one faction (Read the computer logs about those 2 raider groups battling and eventually wiping eachother out lol)


as a 'workaround' fix you can add the mod which increases 'stealth detection range' (which has added 'bonus' of allowing 2-3 groups to see eachother over large distances, creating an almost non stop 'battlezone' in clutterd areas like around DC/Good Neighbor.

Edited by AtmaDarkwolf
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I don't like it when developers downscale. Even in Oblivion, Goblins used to fight each other. Bandits and Marauders were 2 different factions that fight each other,

Because they are set as different faction in-game.

To make raiders fight each other. Simply make different kinds of raider gangs like forged. Set the faction enemy right and boom. Done.

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