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Zombie Movies And/Or Games


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I love zombie movies :D

[Rec] (Spanish movie, there's an american remake too.)

28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later. While they are not technically zombie movies, it's pretty much the same concept.

Of course the classics by George Romero are good (and I love the 2004 remake of Dawn of the Dead :) ). There are zombies in the Resident Evil movies as well.

If you wanna see something disturbing, watch Deadgirl. Not your typical zombie movie.

For something more funny, try Dead Snow, Shaun of the Dead and Zombieland.

TV series The Walking Dead is great, and Dead Set is alright too.

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Army Of Darkness. If for some reason you havent watched this, you should.


Very very funny movie, and a true classic. Made in the '80s and with the worst stop-motion animation anywhere, but this just adds to the charm. AOD doesnt try to be anything other than a send-up of every zombie move ever made.

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games i know of.. res evil 1-3

css-zombie mod(i dont know the name :( )

cod 5:first strike and WaW(i reconmend 5 cause its better and its online zombie fun :P )


movies.... res evil 1-3

zombie stripers (yes its a real movie)

zombieland (feturing mouintain dew code red......)

blacksheep(zombie sheep anyone???)

dawn/day of the dead


im not shore it counts ... evildead series(movies and the games)

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Planet Terror's pretty good. Night of the Living Dead's old and new version always creep me out but I still love it!

Maximum Overdrive- not really about zombies, inanimate mechanical objects go on murderous rampages because Stephen King had too much drugs or something. Ooh! Can't forget Pet Cemetery and Tales From The Crypt: Demon Knight.

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Older, but fun arcade zombie game- House of the Dead 1, 2 & 3. Comes in PC format too, but consoles have the gun I believe.


They've covered many of the really good movies up there. House of the Dead also has a movie, which is mad fun if you've played the game because they incorporate some game images/gameplay into the movie.


There is a good zombie movie in Quentin Tarentino's Grindhouse series of films, but I can't remember the name. The girl shoots with a prosthetic leg, what could be more bad arse than that! lol Got three new ones I haven't even seen yet, Outpost, Automatic Transfusion and one of the good old B-grade 60s movies-Fangs of the Dead.


Any of the above mentioned Bruce Campbell movies are great. The Reanimator movies are also campy and good. Silent Hill has zombies of sorts, the movie, probably the games too.

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