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deadric shrine quests


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Sheogorath.. Might be tricky. It's been a while (~200 years) so they may try to claim Jyggalag's Greymarch is over and Sheogorath resumed his control.


Actually, no, the mortal from Cyrodiil took over as Sheogorath, so 200 years could've been enough to make him/her lose their mortal appearance, or there may be some sort of illusion that causes the mortal to appear as Sheogorath which would explain why everyone instantly refers to you as Sheogorath and don't reference the fact that you were once mortal or that someone new took the throne.


They could easily have a Sheogorath's, and Jyggalag's shrine quests.


I just hope we can do a shrine quest for Mehrunes Dagon.

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I totally agree! they shold have all of the shrine that they had in oblivion and add Jyggalag and Mehrunes Dagon.

Dagons quest could be where your just have to destroy a village by somehow causing a natural disaster (because he is the prince of destruction and favoures natural disasters).

Edited by deadramage
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I believe Sheogorath will be the same as befor meaning the Champion of Cyrodiil will grow to his station as Jyggalag said.

How I know this? Well the answer is in the Museum of Oddities if we ask Una Armina for a tour she will give the following comment about the (if we gave her) Sheogorath-Shaped Amber: "This right here is one of my favorites. A lump of amber in the shape of Lord Sheogorath's head! The wonders of nature never cease to amaze."

However once the Champion becomes Sheogorath her comment changes to: "This right here is one of my favorite items. A lump of amber, in the shape of your head My Lord! And a very popular item, if I may be so bold."

This means that the Champion already looks like Sheogorath which would also explain how everyone right after imbueing the the staff in the Font of Madness recognizes him/her as Sheogorath. Another thing is that Daedric Princes dont actually have gender they only look male or female coz they want to, so it makes sense regardless we played a female or male character.

So Sheogorath in Skyrim will most likely be same as always however he might make a reference to the Dovahkiin that he was once a hero like him/her when summoned.

And I also think Jyggalag will have his own shrine too since after 200 years he must have gained some followers like the rest of the princes and had his own shrines built as a result.

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