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Why is the media focused more on the royal wedding then the massive to


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LOL Vagrant0 I loved that, it was also in that clip that I posted. Full marks to him for just enjoying himself unrestrainedly. You might do well to try it yourself, Marharth.


Quite apart from the Royal couple, consider also some of the other participants. They have every right to show off and be proud, we are proud of them. That fellow member with me of the unruly tribe of gingers, Prince Harry, has put his life on the line in service of his country, and is also a tireless worker for others not so privileged as himself. Much as the Prince of Wales is criticised, that is mainly by people who have really no idea about his level of involvement in trying to change the lives of people through the Prince's Trust.


See all the Queen's horses and all the Queen's men? All polished shiny for the day? Then see those men in their tanks in the firing line on another day, as they often are, and then say they don't deserve to be centre stage in front of billions of people the world over.


Hey, HellsMaster, it really isn't that bad to be British. We know how to party and most of us can actually behave - see how few police were needed to hold back the column of half a million revellers advancing down The Mall to see the balcony appearance?


And Marharth, DO lighten up, you will have plenty of opportunity to be miserable in the future.

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People who claim these are just two rich people getting married who do nothing for us and change nothing clearly have no clue. The royal family are some of the biggest charity workers in the world, bringing in more money for charity than almost anyone else in the world. They get paid £10 million a year in our budget, with that money they bring in 10, 20, 30 times that for the country in the form of tourism, and the same again, if not more, in charity work each year.


Well worth it.


The queen herself is 85 and has been told countless times to seriously tone down her travelling. She tells them where to go and still travels the world over in the name of charity.

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Saw this and just laughed, I guess not everyone was just waiting for the second kiss. Little girls are priceless.

Actually the little darling was bothered by the noise of the happy throngs, but her visual timing was impeccably British.

Edited by Aurielius
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My thoughts exactly. My mother was estactic about this, and yet I wonder why this over seas wedding is more important then over 200 dead from storms, a civil war in the middle east, and our 2nd to last shuttle launch.
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Wait you mean that's not a photochop?


Brilliant! :teehee:

There were planes flying over at the time, so she was closing her ears.


Once again, I have no problem with people liking the royal wedding.


I just don't like the media covering it more then the deaths of 300 people (yes the death poll went up.)



The media is supposed to cover important things over the other things.


The royal wedding is just a marriage between two people in a wealthy family, the royal family doesn't really have any power now besides influence.


They have very little power in a political sense, it is roughly a bit more then a really famous celebrity.



The wedding clearly has not caused unrest anywhere (unless you count the street parties as unrest.) I don't see the wedding making any change at all.



If you seriously think that a wedding is more important then 300 or so people dying I guess there is no point in debating.


EDIT: I completely forgot about the shuttle launch, like damn...


The royal wedding was getting covered more then a storm that killed 300 people, a NASA shuttle launch, and the massive unrest in the middle east.

Edited by marharth
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You talk as if the news hasn't been full of wars/floods/natural disasters. It has over here. The Royal wedding is now over and guess what we have back on the news now? Mad Muammar in Libya, the awful Assad in Syria, the tornadoes in the USA. And Prince William going back to work rescuing people on Monday.


People just like to see spectacle and grandeur and beauty, and for the odd day, forget about all the bad things that are happening. It is human nature.

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So you say you'd like the news to focus on events where lots of people die? Well, in the US 1200 people die every day from smoking. Worldwide, 5000 people die every day from AIDS. If the news picked stories by body count, we'd hear the same five stories every single day. (Actually, it's either very depressing or very reassuring to note how little the major disasters affect the death rate.)


It's more sensible to cover stories based on their worth to the audience. Do you really want to see the same two satellite photos for hours on end while someone from the Institute for Sensible American Compromise tries to assign blame to the weather? Or do you want exposure to an international event which shows us that some countries' public figures are capable of behaving classy as hell, in stark contrast to

? If you still choose the former then that's sort of sad. Edited by Marxist ßastard
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Mind also, the wedding (which I didn't watch, since I had no interest, though I probably should've anyway) was both new and an exceedingly rare event. There were new, even on-going things to talk about.


On the other hand the tornadoes have come and gone, nothing much new to say about it except a quick bit about a new body being found here or there, which at this point sadly is just another statistic to most people. As the guy above me said how many times do you want to see the same destruction over and over? Hear the same story, over and over? Yes, lots of people died, lots of people are homeless, lots of people got hella lucky to survive, but we've already heard the story. What's new?


Oh right. The wedding.

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