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Mods don't work after 1.3 patch.


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So far all my mods are working..however I noticed my targeting eyewear mods will sometimes stop working and I have to take them off and put them back on. This usually happens when leaving a cell or entering another. There may be other mods that are randomly stopping but I just played for a couple hours without noticing anything else, so I think all is well.

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The clowns who are mocking those with issues need to shut up.


After the patch my very stable Fallout 4 crashed every time I entered a settlement workshop. It kept doing that even after removing all mods and clearing out the /Data folder of all non-vanilla content. New games behave the same way as my saves, so it isn't corrupted saves any more than it's mods.


This is what I have figured out.


If either fallout4.ini or fallout4custom.ini in documents/my games/fallout4 contain the Nexus recommended alterations, the patch has problems.






I get a good game load but a CTD when opening a workshop in settlements. No mods, nothing but vanilla /data








I get a CTD after I hit play in the launcher. Again, no mods, nothing but vanilla /data.







The saves load fine and so do the settlement workshops. Some mods work, others do not.


With the older






The saves load, some mods like CBBE and its outfits are fine, and the workshops come up just fine.


I am still working on getting my full mod list going again, though.


But as far as I can see, those who are having no problems with their mods are the ones who didn't follow the Nexus and mod authors' post 1.2 patch directions.

Edited by Michael3000
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The clowns who are mocking those with issues need to shut up.





A...calm the f*ck down! No one mocked anyone!


B...You shouldn't be changing anything in Fallout4.ini so who isn't following instructions?


C...I changed Fallout4Prefs.ini to [Launcher]


and Fallout4Custom.ini to [Archive]




and yes, that is the way it should be done, and yes, everthing is fine!


Now i'm not saying that it is your fault, but don't start calling people clowns and saying they are the ones that did somthing wrong just cause they're not having a problem.

Edited by Puddycat
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Learn to read. 2 posts above mine is this gem:


"To be frank, if you cannot seek out and understand the childishly simple instructions to keep your mods working, you shouldn't be using mods at this time- full stop."


So your A... is an embarrassing admission of your own illiterate jackassery.


As far as "you shouldn't be changing anything in fallout4.ini" well thanks for your unjustified admonition. Can you give any reason why someone shouldn't make the 2-line archival changes to fallout4.ini instead of to fallout4custom.ini? I get that a file validation will change fallout4.ini back to vanilla, but if someone understands that, then they don't need a fallout4custom.ini override. You have some other reason, jackass?


I don't know why you aren't getting CTD when opening a settlement workshop and I am with






I do know there are lots of people who are having CTDs when opening settlement workshops after the patch who weren't having them before... those posts are easy to find. So great for you that you aren't, but that doesn't help anyone who is getting them.

Edited by Michael3000
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obviously no one here understands sarcasm. I know that steam wont refund if you have more than a couple hours of playtime on the game and at 740 hours I knew my request would fall of deaf ears. I also added that I found a solution on my own that was not suggested by others so I thought I would add that to this thread. That was the reason for the edit to my original post. I tried all the stuff other people said then I went on steam and verified the game cache. None of the other stuff seemed to work but that did. As to my intelligence you don't want to go there Mensa puts me at 170+ just enough shy of the genius mark to keep me at least a little bit humble. Only 1 in 100000 can match my intellect and only 1 in 1000000 can beat me so I'm sorry if you didn't understand my sarcasm but don't worry your still special.

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Not meaning to take away from all the helpful and knowledgeable posts above, I just want to add that, it is not only loadorder.txt you should care about. FO4 also manages mods via plugins.txt and DLCList.txt. Technically you do not need to mess with these files because NMM takes care of them. But after a patch, if FO4 manages to change even 1 of these 3 files, then your mod will not work properly.


Example: My Unique Player mod stopped working (my player char has a different/unique skin texture comparing to the rest of the world). I mean, such a simple mod.... the mod still exists in loadorder but not in plugins.txt thus the mod is not loaded. Quick easy way to solve: uninstall that mod via NMM, and reinstall it. A better/precise way, go check plugins and DLClist to make sure the same mod exists on all of them.


Now I am not asking you to do this with each and every mod, that is too tedious. But if a mod is causing trouble and/or not loading, you know where to look first. And yes, some mods not loading while other mods depend on them, CTD ensues.

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