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Immersive / realistic "Must be Made" mods


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:dance: I'll be working on changing most of the remaining interior lights to dynamic and removing unsourced lights as soon as we have the Geck! I,m also hoping someone/s will start working on opening up all those boarded off buildings - something like NVInteriors from New Vegas :woot:


[EDIT] Sorry I should have been more specific, by dynamic I meant lights that cast shadow! [/EDIT]

Edited by gargorias
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Lots of stuff that requires GECK, sadly...

  • Immersive first person
  • Hunger, Thirst and Fatigue
  • Diseases and infection?
  • Pain / bloodloss mechanics?
  • 'Better' ways to treat crippled limbs. Splints to get some use back (but not all - half the movespeed debuff, for example). X days of rest with bandages.
  • Tweaked radiation poisoning (doesn't lower your health straight off - applies debuffs etc instead, which affect other vanilla and modded stats, such as hunger and fatigue)
  • Death Alternative - play on harder settings without spamming reload
  • Disguise followers by putting PA helmets on them to allow them to follow you into certain areas without triggering hostility
  • More effects attached to weather types, such as True Storms and Nuclear Weather (the latter of which would provide heat extremes for a Frostfall style mod)
  • Armour decay over time (ties into the next idea)...
  • Actually dangerous radstorms - acid rain, causing a passive decay rate to your armor over time and also damage to your health. (Works well if radiation poisoning is reworked to not basically hurt you too)
  • Damaged / broken Power Armor parts don't magically unequip themselves. Instead, a 'broken' retex or something?
  • PA UI reacts to damage to the suit - damaged helmet gives your 1st Person UI some cracks (think Metro). Subtlely different walking sound on very damaged / broken legs? Various mechanical feedback sounds from damaged parts.
  • Stay in first person when sitting down.

That's most of the gameplay ones. There's lots of stuff I'd like to see done with factions, settlements, radiant quests and the plot of the game itself... But that's an entirely different rant there.


I'm all for keeping the boarded up buildings locked - closed buildings mean modders can easily slap doors on them for access to custom modded cells for further content. In some ways, the amount of closed buildings is a blessing and a curse... at least for the large buildings. I don't see it quite so much for tiny village houses.

Edited by Athanasa
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