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Porting content from other games

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There are many ways, textures, they would obviously need the DLC meshes anyway, or if its a remesh the default texture and if it has an ESP make sure the DLC is in the master list in the file header of the ESP.


If it's not a replacer then they'd have to upload the meshes, and even if they can't activate it without the ESP or ESM, they're still getting copyrighted material.

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Sorry if this has been asked or answered already, but this thread is 10 pages already....


How are DLC's handled? Are you not allowed to make mods based on DLC content? I mean you can't ever really guarantee that the downloader will have the DLC, even after GotY comes out, so if you do a texture mod on say the vampire armor that was recently released with Dawnguard, you can't ever upload that?


Modding DLC isnt really any different to modding the base game, you assume the player already has all the assets other than those you're adding or altering, there is no need to include vanilla files. Bethesda are good about sharing altered versions of their assets, as long as its for the same game, if you want to be sure that only those who have the DLC can use the mod then as said add the DLC as a master.

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... ask about writing from scratch a copy of an obscure feature in another game...

If you write it from scratch, no problem!


I've seen excellent, by-hand reproductions of lots of materials; models, textures, game-play features, even whole episodes, from one game into another. Those are some of the most enjoyable mods, especially for the folk familiar with both games.


Our restriction is on the porting (taking) of the underlying code without permission. ('round here, that's called "stealing", and we don't tolerate it.)


Good Luck! :thumbsup:


Does voice acted dialog count as ported material? I've been playing with the idea of making a total conversion in skyrim for the "Knights of the Old Republic I." I understand that I would need to make and construct all of the messes, textures, and what ever else myself, but does voice acted dialog from the game, if I was to some how pull it from the game and put it into this mod, be considered to be ported material? With this question in mind, would music from other games (like Zelda or Knights of the Old Republic I) also be considered ported material?

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Does voice acted dialog count as ported material? I've been playing with the idea of making a total conversion in skyrim for the "Knights of the Old Republic I." I understand that I would need to make and construct all of the messes, textures, and what ever else myself, but does voice acted dialog from the game, if I was to some how pull it from the game and put it into this mod, be considered to be ported material? With this question in mind, would music from other games (like Zelda or Knights of the Old Republic I) also be considered ported material?

Of course dude. Any asset you take from other game would be stol... ehm... "ported" material. Do you see any "Gothic 3 OST in Skyirim" mod 'round here? Pretty much everything that is copyrighted, not in public domain, not for free use or distributed without author's consent will be considered something to be taken down. Edited by eltucu
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Does voice acted dialog count as ported material? I've been playing with the idea of making a total conversion in skyrim for the "Knights of the Old Republic I." I understand that I would need to make and construct all of the messes, textures, and what ever else myself, but does voice acted dialog from the game, if I was to some how pull it from the game and put it into this mod, be considered to be ported material? With this question in mind, would music from other games (like Zelda or Knights of the Old Republic I) also be considered ported material?

Yup. Voice and music tracks are as copyrighted as any other game element. :armscrossed:

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A question: Does porting rules apply to game mechanics or entire games? Say, I ported Quake move from Kingdoms of Amalur to DAO or Kingdoms of Amalur itself to DAO, is that illegal?


NOTE: The examples you gave were solely in-game content.

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A question: Does porting rules apply to game mechanics or entire games? Say, I ported Quake move from Kingdoms of Amalur to DAO or Kingdoms of Amalur itself to DAO, is that illegal?


NOTE: The examples you gave were solely in-game content.


You can use game mechanics as long as you recreate them yourself (heck what game has had original mechanics in the past 10 years?). If you were to recreate Quake on the DA:O engine you would have to make original models, textures and sounds etc still.

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A request, if I may? I do not create mods myself, however I do work with mod authors and a number have expressed concerns relating to being banned for various reasons. Reading through this topic has provided a good understanding of how to avoid getting banned for porting content. The beginning of the topic covers what is NOT allowed fairly well, however three elements that have come up in the course of the thread are not pointed out with the initial posting -


1) the explanation that not just are we (Nexus users) prohibited from using content from one game developer's game in another game by the same developer, there are situations where the developer itself is unable to. That helped my understanding greatly.

2) a summary of what is NOT porting aka what IS ok. I know it seems a tad silly, but it is helpful, and it is something that has been expressed throughout the thread.

3) what process a mod author should follow when they are concerned that something they are using may be considered ported. Who should they contact and with what information to show that their mod doesn't violate the rules relating to porting.


So essentially if either the initial post can be updated or this information be summarized somewhere, I think it would he helpful in putting to rest concerns about being banned unjustly for porting content.


I am a Fallout lunatic, and I love the Nexus. I just want to help improve the environment for people who want to do things the right way.

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Why? Lawyers. Not all of the assets are generated in-house; some are generated by outside contractors and thus the devs don't have carte blanche rights on their use. The dev studios' legal divisions say to play it safe, and Nexus complies. Unless a dev house says explicitly what rules of usage beyond "use only in mods for the game they were derived from* " there are, that's the default rule. Kinda like how the default rule of using assets from other mods is "No you cannot".


* = or packed with... FONV's a weird case, it packs a lot of FO3 assets virtually unaltered.

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