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Strange things going on


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I have played Oblivion on pc for about two almost three years now. Fallout for almost one. I'm pretty well rounded in understanding the installation of mods. But for some reason I can not get my mods to show up in game. I am not running many at all either. Mainly, the only mod that I know for certain is not working is Accurate attack. I am still dealing with the "swing-and-a-miss" combat instead of hitting my opponent everytime when this mod is installed.


I know that I have installed it properly. It's only an .esp. I placed into "data files" and then checked it in data files in the launch screen. I haven't gotten around to Downloading Morrowind Mod Manager just yet so hopefully that is not the issue.


Also I have another mod that increases the size of the Odai River outside of Balmora to make it look more like a river than a stream. Not even that mod appears to be working.


So any suggestions would help. Sorry for this noob-sounding extensive topic. Thanks everyone :)



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Do you have Windows 7 or Vista? If so, and you let it install to the default directory, under program files, your game is going to have trouble detecting the mods.
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The very first thing I did when I installed windows 7 is disable UAC. Simply because I know what will hurt my system and what not to install. UAC is just plain annoying. And I have already changed my games directory. I do that for every game I install.


I will probably reinstall the game just to make sure. Unless there is anything else I can try. Thanks Auriana and everyone else.

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