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This, so much this. I see them all as the same companion with minor variations.

Guess we'll just have to keep our collective fingers crossed that Willow eventually takes a detour through MA before going to NV :tongue:


On a slightly less negative note (albeit, not by much), thing is, there are people in MA who at least hint at having more than one dimension and some endearing qualities. E.g., Glory also caring for a brain-dead synth, or showing some curiosity outside her direct duties. Just... they don't get to be companions or potential romantic interests.


I suppose if I HAD to get laid in the game, Glory would probably rank higher than any of the companions.


This part especially cracks me up. So, Danse is my favorite of the bunch (he's good in combat) and when I use the weapons or armor workbench he gets so excited [Danse loved that]. Makes me laugh every time because it's just so goofy.

Well, he's definitely good in combat, and having an unbreakable PA certainly is nice. Still, I don't really fancy bending the old boy over. Especially not while he still has the tin britches on :wink:


Well, that and it would make me sad when I have to shoot him in the head. I mean, I could also talk him out of it, but, you know, sacred BOS duty. He understands :tongue:


But yeah, I feel you. Get out of PA, upgrade a weapon, upgrade an armour, get back in PA, call a vertibird (he also loves it when you get in one of those), take a settlement quest, crack a terminal, and woo, Danse is available to be romanced :tongue:

Edited by Moraelin
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This, so much this. I see them all as the same companion with minor variations.

Guess we'll just have to keep our collective fingers crossed that Willow eventually takes a detour through MA before going to NV :tongue:


On a slightly less negative note (albeit, not by much), thing is, there are people in MA who at least hint at having more than one dimension and some endearing qualities. E.g., Glory also caring for a brain-dead synth, or showing some curiosity outside her direct duties. Just... they don't get to be companions or potential romantic interests.


I suppose if I HAD to get laid in the game, Glory would probably rank higher than any of the companions.


I love Glory. I would have loved to have her as a companion. The available girls are so boring; there's the good one, the bad one and the cute one.


Willow is going to stay in NV; I'm planning someone new for the Commonwealth.


This part especially cracks me up. So, Danse is my favorite of the bunch (he's good in combat) and when I use the weapons or armor workbench he gets so excited [Danse loved that]. Makes me laugh every time because it's just so goofy.

Well, he's definitely good in combat, and having an unbreakable PA certainly is nice. Still, I don't really fancy bending the old boy over. Especially not while he still has the tin britches on :wink:


Well, that and it would make me sad when I have to shoot him in the head. I mean, I could also talk him out of it, but, you know, sacred BOS duty. He understands :tongue:


But yeah, I feel you. Get out of PA, upgrade a weapon, upgrade an armour, get back in PA, call a vertibird (he also loves it when you get in one of those), take a settlement quest, crack a terminal, and woo, Danse is available to be romanced :tongue:



Danse is the only one I've intentionally maxed affinity with (I unintentionally maxed Deacon just doing RR stuff with him). Everyone else irritates me so much I've only made it to like their first talk and then abandoned them for being lame (except Nick who I like, but he acts like a grandpa so I go find handsome-Danse instead).



Re: The BOS MQ

I can't even do it because they want me to kill Danse. I refused and used my Charisma to keep him alive. The ending of the quest sucks, though, because I can still travel with him but whenever I do the BOS hunts us down. Such a pita I just do the MM now if I intend to keep him with me.


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Well, it IS the US.

Speaking as an outsider (I'm Belgian) the US does not make ANY sense.

They say one thing, but do the opposite, it looks as if their entire culture is based on paradoxical thinking.

One cannot show a breast on TV, but about 70% of all porn originates there.


Myeah, I are teh baffled by this.

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Well, it IS the US.

Speaking as an outsider (I'm Belgian) the US does not make ANY sense.

They say one thing, but do the opposite, it looks as if their entire culture is based on paradoxical thinking.

One cannot show a breast on TV, but about 70% of all porn originates there.


Myeah, I are teh baffled by this.

You mean net porn? Anyone can use so it not that hard to make a porn empire.


I think cable TV is controlled by the big guys? Yet again cable has game of thrones.


Confusing horny westerners are confusing.

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Yeah, I kinda hit on two seperate topics because they relate for me personally; nudity / sex in games, and romance / companions.. as I mentioned, and was followed up on by others... something like Biowares (Mass Effect being a GREAT example) companions.. you grow and experience the game WITH them, they dont just make 1 liner comments about stuff going on... they are really apart of the story and you really truly interact with them.

Having a sex scene with a companion that I have spent many hours getting to know, experiencing the story, and going through actual risks with, having many interactions with, etc etc, makes a lot more sense than i fthey had sex scenes in current Fallout 4. Itd just be weird to me, because I have essentially no investment in the companions of fallout 4. I missed who it was, but they were exactly right.. the companions kind of exist in their own little bubble.

And yeah, the like / dislike system is silly at its core. Fallout is a massive game, and I can find flaws with many things if I wanted to, so to be clear.. I love Fallout. But there are always ways to improve. I would have much preferred for companions to fall in love with me based on story decisions, missions, dailogue, and just the progression of the story and the route I take. Danse getting hot for me because I got in and out of my power armor a few times... welll... just silly.

Or better yet is when I decide to murder someone in front of Piper, she gets all appalled that I just did that.. "Its ok Piper, here, watch me pick these locks... shhh now now, everythings alright, I picked the locks."

I mean, really? She's willing to overlook the fact I just blatantly slaughtered people and went against everything she believes in, because I picked a few locks? lol.

I think a lot of us are on the same page companion wise. And as I said, for me personally, it circles back to the sex scenes... it just wouldn't add anything for me with how the game CURRENTLY is. If someone adds a much better companion / companion system, then I would be more interested :smile:

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Well, it IS the US.

Speaking as an outsider (I'm Belgian) the US does not make ANY sense.

They say one thing, but do the opposite, it looks as if their entire culture is based on paradoxical thinking.

One cannot show a breast on TV, but about 70% of all porn originates there.


Myeah, I are teh baffled by this.

You mean net porn? Anyone can use so it not that hard to make a porn empire.


I think cable TV is controlled by the big guys? Yet again cable has game of thrones.


Confusing horny westerners are confusing.


Shows like Game of Thrones, Spartacus, Ray Donavon, etc that have explicit sexual content are pretty much ONLY on premium cable channels, aka you paid extra for them so its okay to have that content. I cannot think of a channel you will ever see nudity in any extensive form on NON-premium channels.


Censoring language is another funny one... watching a guys head get blown off with a shotgun, brain matter everywhere.. thats ok, no need to censor that... but the guy that shot him saying "Take that mother f***er" and THAT needs censored. A word. (I censored in case of children here... I normally wouldn't care to, its just a stupid word.)

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Yeah, I kinda hit on two seperate topics because they relate for me personally; nudity / sex in games, and romance / companions.. as I mentioned, and was followed up on by others... something like Biowares (Mass Effect being a GREAT example) companions.. you grow and experience the game WITH them, they dont just make 1 liner comments about stuff going on... they are really apart of the story and you really truly interact with them.


Having a sex scene with a companion that I have spent many hours getting to know, experiencing the story, and going through actual risks with, having many interactions with, etc etc, makes a lot more sense than i fthey had sex scenes in current Fallout 4. Itd just be weird to me, because I have essentially no investment in the companions of fallout 4. I missed who it was, but they were exactly right.. the companions kind of exist in their own little bubble.


And yeah, the like / dislike system is silly at its core. Fallout is a massive game, and I can find flaws with many things if I wanted to, so to be clear.. I love Fallout. But there are always ways to improve. I would have much preferred for companions to fall in love with me based on story decisions, missions, dailogue, and just the progression of the story and the route I take. Danse getting hot for me because I got in and out of my power armor a few times... welll... just silly.


Or better yet is when I decide to murder someone in front of Piper, she gets all appalled that I just did that.. "Its ok Piper, here, watch me pick these locks... shhh now now, everythings alright, I picked the locks."


I mean, really? She's willing to overlook the fact I just blatantly slaughtered people and went against everything she believes in, because I picked a few locks? lol.



I think a lot of us are on the same page companion wise. And as I said, for me personally, it circles back to the sex scenes... it just wouldn't add anything for me with how the game CURRENTLY is. If someone adds a much better companion / companion system, then I would be more interested :smile:


I agree, but beth is on the right track.

The like/dislike works well when talking to NPCs, but as you said, it odd with actions.

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