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invisible walls really starting to make me..


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i been starting to get really pissed lately when i nell behind something, or try to go threw a opening i know i should be able to get through in the open world and find i cant get threw there because theirs a wall i cant see. and even worse theirs walls all around the map that, i feel throws it in your face you cant go that way. i love to know if theirs way to to turn off these all around. beside this, dont anyone else think the walls into days age think its so out of date and never understood why thy did this. (i have tried to fire my gun threw openings in ruins and find theirs a wall there (normally the same walls that i should be able to walk threw easily)

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WTF- the data that defines the world DOES NOT EXIST beyond the 'invisible walls' that form the edge of the map. What on Earth do you expect- some magical game that creates data in real time out of thin air, just cos you are not grown up enough to understand how coding works?


Let me guess, when a movie ends, you also think you should be entitled to tell the film to 'continue' somehow, because YOU cannot understand the idea of a finite creation.


The so-called 'invisible walls' in this game are logical and well placed, by-and-large, unlike many of those in Witcher 3, where the map gave one impression, but the actual navigatable world differs significantly. FO4 has MANY serious issues, but 'invisible walls' aint one of them.

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i been starting to get really pissed lately when i nell behind something, or try to go threw a opening i know i should be able to get through in the open world and find i cant get threw there because theirs a wall i cant see. and even worse theirs walls all around the map that, i feel throws it in your face you cant go that way. i love to know if theirs way to to turn off these all around. beside this, dont anyone else think the walls into days age think its so out of date and never understood why thy did this. (i have tried to fire my gun threw openings in ruins and find theirs a wall there (normally the same walls that i should be able to walk threw easily)

What's with all the throwing? Maybe if you stop throwing things around the wall wouldn't bother you so much.

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One thing I like about FO4 is the LACK of invisible walls everywhere I go. The only place so far that I've really noticed any were at the map borders (well, DUH) and trying to billy-goat into the stands at Diamond City.


Pretty much everywhere else, if you can see it and make the jump or climb you can go there. There are some places where it looks like you should be able to lob a grenade/shoot through a gap, but that's just normal collision models. Even there they did a pretty good job. I've played games before that wouldn't allow you to shoot through a chain-link fence.

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In regards to the edge of the map, Morrowind had pretty much endless boundaries..so, i can see why you would think this should work the same way. I recently asked myself the same question though. If they could do it then, what is exactly stopping them now? If they are using the same type of cell loading I can see it being feasible. I.e. An area loads a certain amount around you as you enter. Also, the endless use of load screens, to load new areas pretty much guarantees an endless adventure.. Unless, there are leftover scripts that build due to too much being explored (granted there is even scripts in un-cared for regions) causing the game to get wonky, i really don't see a reason what OP is saying being that illogical.. It is almost as if they took a few steps back on this game.. and honestly, i think it is more lack of deadline time and laziness on Beths part in this aspect, than it is that it is unfeasible.


If you can crank out a game, with the most basic appeal to the masses (note: not hardcore fans), you will make money. Give them a little of what they want in the next one, and your set for life.

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One thing I like about FO4 is the LACK of invisible walls...


Yeah, my feelings too. Gawd, especially compared to FONV (no kidding, lol), the environment is extremely accessible. I did find one place downtown (can't remember where exactly) where I hit a wall trying to sneak through a tunnel-like opening that was taller than my character, but that's only one spot after an embarrassingly huge number of hours played. And, who knows, maybe I just didn't try hard enough. 'Cuz I found another spot recently, close to Diamond City iirc, that I thought was an invisible wall but was just kind of blocked by an angled roof that I was able to sneak under once I found the sweet spot. For the edge of the map, well, I kind of expect that. Plus, I just saw a video that revealed that the south portion of the map, by the glowing sea, is actually totally accessible well beyond the map border (I had no idea, gonna check it out eventually).

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A lot of these are not walls per say but that the collision for the terrain exists as a sheet and not matching exactly what you see. You see this with opening in partially collapsed walls and what not that you can't shoot through. It is basically just cutting corners on the assets.

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In regards to the edge of the map, Morrowind had pretty much endless boundaries..so, i can see why you would think this should work the same way. I recently asked myself the same question though. If they could do it then, what is exactly stopping them now? If they are using the same type of cell loading I can see it being feasible. I.e. An area loads a certain amount around you as you enter. Also, the endless use of load screens, to load new areas pretty much guarantees an endless adventure.. Unless, there are leftover scripts that build due to too much being explored (granted there is even scripts in un-cared for regions) causing the game to get wonky, i really don't see a reason what OP is saying being that illogical.. It is almost as if they took a few steps back on this game.. and honestly, i think it is more lack of deadline time and laziness on Beths part in this aspect, than it is that it is unfeasible.


If you can crank out a game, with the most basic appeal to the masses (note: not hardcore fans), you will make money. Give them a little of what they want in the next one, and your set for life.


I don't really understand this point, Vvardenfell was an island, thus you just found empty ocean in every direction. It still only had a grid of 84x88 cells that contained content once you included their DLC. Unless we want to propose some very unusual Boston geography I don't think it's possible to make the commonwealth into an island to avoid invisible walls.

Edited by PoliteRaider
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