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Could the Nereverine be Dovahkiin?


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Face it people, betherda is not going to make the dragon born the nereverine. Its not what they do, if they did it would ruin the whole "your an unnamed prisoner" thing. Im sure all you talented people could make mod for it or even just roleplay it.
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The nereverine went to akiviri (not sure of the spelling) and never returned. Its on the USEP Wiki.


Yeah, when the Oblivion crisis was going on. Who knows what happened to him after 200 years? I think he got there, and after searching for 200 years for the dragons that were supposed to be there, he turned around and headed to skyrim when he heard some rumors there might be some there.


It would also explain why he is crossing the border :P

He's crossing the border because he is being led to his execution. Howard stated this himself.

Interesting idea though. The PC could technically be a relative of the Septims unless there is more than one bloodline that is Dragonborn.


It was my understanding that the sequence of events is more like: 1. crosses border into skyrim 2. is captured and imprisoned 3. is being led to his execution 4. some event takes place which prevents the execution and sets off the main story.



Think of this as more of an intellectual exercise than even something like speculation. The goal here isn't to speculate whether Bethesda wants the Dovahkiin to be the Nerevarine. It's simply to discuss whether the Dovahkiin could, from a lore perspective, also be the Nerevarine.



I do see your point. The Nerevarine, if he is still alive, has certainly acquired a certain level of skill and power. If the Dovahkiin were the Nerevarine then that power should be accounted for in some way. Since it isn't then he can't be the Nerevarine.


My perspective on this is that the level your character starts at should not really be taken into account. It's a game mechanic after all, and it wouldn't be much fun to start the game with a powerful character. In my mind I don't think that game mechanics should usually be able to influence the writing of lore unless they are actually written in to that lore. I'm not certain whether or not the Dovahkiin, in whatever prophecies that we know about or what we may come to know that concern him, dictate how strong or capable he is when he arrives in Skyrim. Even in Morrowind there is nothing that says that the Nerevarine would come to that land a meek little level 1 creature and grow to great power. It just happens that that was the case, though, because of game mechanics. But it would not be contradictory to the lore if that had not been the case. (for instance if I played with a mod that maxed my characters stats and level at the beginning of the game). My point is, I think that the level system is there purely for fun (as far as the character is concerned) and does not influence lore or what could be possible within the lore. So just like my example with Morrowind, if I played a mod that maxed out Dovahkiins skills/level/perks at the beginning, he might be as powerfull as the Nerevarine would be, and change in game mechanics wouldnt necessarily change the story or the role the character plays within it.

Edited by stars2heaven
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He could have been bonked on the head and forgot all his skills as well as who he really is...that's could be an explanation if he is the Nereverine.
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The other thing is, maybe he/she's so old they forgot their skills? or maybe the trip to akavir was an excuse to disapear off into the ether to reapear at a later date. In WarHammer 40,000 the mightiest human warriors, the Primarchs(those that survived the Horus Heresy) despite having massive potential to effect the galaxy, simply vanished, leaving their warriors behind to disapear without a trace-each offered a diferent reason, but all vanished, however they all stated, with one exception (Corax, but he was a right nutter to begin with) that they would return "to stand with you in the final battle, when the dark gods of chaos stride fourth to devour the galaxy" Dramatic, but maybe the bethsoft lads chose a similar fate for Nevy, having them disapear to reparear when needed-it's a common enough plotdevice.


(Please dont say anything about the correctness of my WarHammer refference-I did say those that survived, Yes Ferrus died... horribly, yes a bunch of them went to chaos, yes, Rogal Dorn vanished and left his hands behind(what the heck? :)) yes The Lion this and aGuilliman that, bottom line is, those that were walking and talking, walked away and vanished into the sunset, saying "I'll be back" in their various ways.)

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The other thing is, maybe he/she's so old they forgot their skills?


Do you realize just how long they would have to live to forget all their skills?


And not to mention that they'd have to simply not use them for, I dunno, 50 years? Maybe 100? I doubt the nerevarine would just sit and retire to a life of luxury without any reason, they wouldn't retire due to age, since they don't age, and I'm having a hard time thinking of any other reason for them to ever stop adventuring.


There's a good chance the nerevarine either died in Akavir, got stranded, or conquered it.

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  • 2 months later...

I remember Kirkbride saying something interesting, talking about the Dovahkiin but mentioning the nerevarine prophecy word for word,

"Say, something like the someone called the Dovakhiin happening to show up..."born under uncertain stars to uncertain parents." (An aside for extra credit: what in the Aurbis makes the Prisoner such a powerful mythic figure?)"

But i don't think he meant much by it, just that the chosen of gods (in this case arguably the cyrodiilic mirror of Akatosh, or more understandably Lorkhan/Talos/Both) tend to be very vague in their prophetic descriptions, otherwise they'd have a tendency to be killed at birth time and time again, what if say Almalexia upon hearing the Nerevarine prophecy was told the area, sign and race of the Nerevarine? I imagine that, crazy as she was, Morrowind would have been a very short game. Which is to say no, they won't be the same being.


Let's not forget that Indoril Nerevar killed wulfharth, an avatar of lorkhan, and very vocal enemy of alduin, while he defended the heart chamber with Dagoth Ur. Now Dagoth Ur was crazy sure, but essentially what he was defending was Zero Tower, screw the dragonfires, this is what was holding prophecy still. The Nerevarine essentially allowed the oblivion crisis to begin, with good intentions of course (would a shitstorm of ash vampires rampaging through nirn be any better? i think not). Dagoth Ur himself asked if the Nerevarine was sure that he (dagoth) were the real enemy in morrowind.


On the Nerevarine in Akavir? I only have opinions, i had hear that he was being led to his execution too, but by whom? who could be powerful enough to simply march a Pelinal Whitestrake Level demigod to his execution, unless of course the Nerevarine went willingly? I don't know, but I'm assuming he's still alive (corprus is handy like that) and active in Akavir. Whether he has conquered it or plans to? Hell no, Tosh'Raka is essentially a god (and not in the way that the ALMSIVI were "gods", Tosh'Raka Mantled Alduin through faith just like Akatosh and Auri-el) and he has his own plans for Akavir. No i think the Nerevarine is looking for something or just straight up exploring.

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Seeing as the last Dwemer has lived over 1000 or 1500 years or more Corprus must mean that they are Immortal. I remember reading somewhere too that those that are infected with corprus live forever with a cursed and uncontrollable flesh (Or something like that.) Or the Dragonborn might be a reincarnation of Tiber Septim (He got his throat cut by a Nightblade so he had to use whispers not shouts. Makes me wonder how whispers work. maybe way less powerful Shouts a FUS RU DOH forget how its spelled would be a fus ru doh.) it would make sense in a way. But I think the gods choose this to happen. Because your the last Dragonborn right? If you were from the Septims I am sure your lineage would pass on. That is compared to if your character was born from a regular Mother and Father and through the Divines you got the soul of a Dragon. That would make more sense in my opinion. But if you are a Septim that would be odd because some races Imperials can not breed with (If I remember right according to lore.) and other things as well. But still if you are a Septim the Divines with there power would make it possible for you not to have a baby Dragonborn (I could imagine you have a child and it does a Dragonshout and destroys the house, not I am joking about this by the way that would be odd.) And still for the Nerevarine he might still be alive but if not it will show how dangerous the land of Akavir is because the Nerevarine as everyone knows is strong. But if your not the Nerevarine and he is not dead, I know we won't see him. It would break immersion. For example you meet the Nerevarine but he is an Imperial and has a name of Attius Curio or something like that and in Morrowind you played a Dunmer named Garadon Kale (That is my name of my character.) it would definitely break immersion. You might see your character from Oblivion of course but as Sheogorath and looking like Sheogorath did. We don't know, who knows the Old-Sheogorath could of came back. You may so no, you became him, but what if you died and because you died Sheogorath comes back. I mean you took his place. But no one really know what happened. Skyrim may or may not elaborate as this. In any case you character from Oblivion seemed immune to Madness. When you asked Haskill if the "Mad" people outside could be cured he said "Cured, what do mean Cured? You talk as though it is a disease. Maybe you are the one that needs cured" He was obviously talking about your immunity to madness. When you became Sheogorath you didn't become like him "Mad" but you understood the mad. (Maybe later you become more like him, maybe not. Or maybe you were mad like Sheogorath but Bethesda just didn't program it in.) As I said no one knows but we'll find out I hope.
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