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I stick to my already shared opinion: The warewolves should walk/run and stand on two legs - in a crouching position - but when he sprints he should have all four paws on the ground and leap forwards - like Gollum (but not really) or the warewolf in Diablo II. :thumbsup:


No Twilight nonsense! :yucky:

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They could either be muscular and huge.



Or smaller and more flexible. (this picture was originally posted by Zeazer.)


Edited by hejpadig
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I'm on board with the Van Helsing style werewolf. It's what I've always imagined them to look like-hulking, fearsome beasts.


Something like-


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Why wondering how werewolves will be in game, personally I think they will be like in bloodmoon with better graphics obviously, makes sense to run in four legs as it´s faster (How I loved to simply run looking for preys in bloodmoon xD) but being able to walk up straight too.Twilight werewolves are simple and no fun at all although in real life folklore some places describe werewolves as big simple wolves.I prefer the humanoid ones.
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Even without the "Hollywood" features, I still want werewolves to be something to raise an angry/fearful mob, with pitchforks and torches in hand, about. I think Castlevania did vampires and werewolves really well, so one like this-http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101016154028/castlevania/images/f/fb/Lesser_Lycanthrope.png


-would be cool, too.

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