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Strange screenshot bug


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Every time I take a screenshot, I get a file that I cannot upload anywhere (it's a .bmp, though it still won't work for some odd reason) and that I cannot open with any program, except for QuickTime Photoviewer or whatever the hell it is. Since I can't upload it, I'll take a screenshot of the screenshot and post it right... here.



I don't know what is going on. No other programs are using the Print Screen key and I know for sure I edited the .ini file CORRECTLY (seriously, how damn hard is it to change a 0 to a 1?). I cannot take a screenshot using a third party program as far as I'm concerned (I've tried), because Oblivion seems to "lock in" all of my keyboard presses.


I wanted to take a screenshot of a very funky thing happening where things seem to get "sliced up" and extremely jagged when I reach a certain distance. The f'd up screenshot manages to display that correctly (refer to the very left of the screenshot, notice the little "layering" look - look to the right too, before that random diagonal line slices it in half, it happens there too), but it f's up everything else. No color, weird horizontal lines like it was made on a 1980's monitor, and the weird diagonal line slicing it.


Could I get help on this issue so I can take a decent screenshot to display a rather detailed view of the graphics bug I have?

If anyone is willing to help on both my graphic bug and screenshot bug, I'd appreciate that as well. The graphic bug seemed to have happened after I installed the UOP. I've tried the LODgen. From a medium distance, things look like they would without anti aliasing, only it is exaggerated 10-fold (this means it's not an aliasing error...). From a long distance, everything seems to be cut up horizontally.

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I've had this happen to me as well, and I ask you if you've been able to take screenshots normally before, and are you using wide-screen?


I ask because I had this exact image distortion occur when taking some screenshots of my character while on wide-screen. I changed it to the normal screen and I could take screenies normally again. So that's all I can suggest to try. :\


I don't know if it'll fix your issue with not being able to open it with most programs, as that did not happen to me when I got the image distortion- though I only tried opening it in Photoshop CS3 and it opened up fine.

Edited by HelloStranger
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Thank you so much, HelloStranger! It worked FLAWLESSLY and fixed ALL of my issues regarding taking a screenshot. From now on, if I want to take a screenshot, I guess I'll have to temporarily change to not-wide-screen, but then again, I don't take many screenshots so that won't be a hassle.


Thank you again. Now I can post the core issue that lead me to wanting to take screenshots to begin with.

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