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Is it just me, or that no matter how they tried, the developers can&#3



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...Slightly better then MW...

Check your sources again Ser. :excl:

I had to say that, because I felt that the new trailer was just "okay." There are good things I noticed, like the animations, particularly when they run. It just didn't blow my mind


But it's just my (slightly dumb) opinion!


just don't hurt me


I'll clarify what I meant. I know that photo-realism in video games would need some monstrous computer. We won't be seeing that until a decade or two. I'm just wondering why there isn't much improvements/breakthroughs in games' graphics recently.


Is it because the consoles are getting outdated, but they don't want to release another one? Is it all just for "financial" reasons? Is this the highest point we can achieve for this generation?

Edited by Ancient Aeon
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As many others have said, there is a difference between CGI movies and real-time rendering. However the graphics are still improving year after year. I don't know about humans, but they seem to have gotten forests to look pretty neat for the next generation of games here:


You also have to remember that the games released today uses the technology from about 5 years ago when they first started to work on the game.

I also saw some vidoes on real impressive physics for hair and clothes while searching information on the "world of darkness" mmo, but can't find them now. If someone have an idea of what I'm talking about it would be appreciated if you could post it here.

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Okay, I think I was wrong about the "games recently didn't have major breakthroughs in graphics." Thanks for explaining folks, goodbye!




Nah, I'm just kidding, I'm not finished yet.


What I really (how many times I said that already?) meant, if realistic CGI dates back to 2004 (in movies), then why we have to wait for 2010/2011 to get that kind of graphics? PS3 has been around since 2006, isn't it just a matter to convert the technology to the game engines?

Edited by Ancient Aeon
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This leads into the question; which is better photorealism or surrealism?




This vid should explain what I mean.





The frame with Keanu Reeves made me laugh out loud. I seem to lack the supposed unpleasurable visceral reactions from stuff in the 'dip in the graph' area.

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Yeah, I know about that. But that valley only applies to humans, it doesn't apply to other things.

is an example, it could be called revolutionary, but there's something really wrong about their faces.


What I really meant to say is how the graphics in gaming haven't got major improvements/breakthroughs lately. Have you seen the new

? Compare it to the MW 1 and 2, they look exactly the same, prove me wrong.
, while the animations are outstanding, the rest of the graphics are just like a slightly better MW.


It's like after they made Oblivion, Crysis, and other stuff, they just, gave up. Maybe it's done on purpose, though. X360 can only handle so much, and even PS3 are showing signs. And not everyone have a >$1500 PC.


Do we really need to wait for Half-Life 3?


The vid explains it even though that it isn't the answer you're looking for. Some games (like ME3, Oblivion, Crysis etc) need photorealism because we expect it to be real but other things such as voice acting (this happens a lot with RPGs such as ME, DA2, TW) turns us off because it is bad.


For example, I hate Triss' voice (english) cross all TW games, the first was alright but meh but the second one was horrible, was like reading a book in monotone. This breaks me from the game and makes me to think of fan-fics where Yen (Geralt's lover) comes back and burns her to crips. Yes I know, the Polish ones is way better but it's an example of how a voice can create or destory a character. Another example where the voice can define a character is Morrigan from Origins. Before you say that I'm bias, here me out. The VA really nailed it, the tone, the style, the voice, it was as if it was fit to be that character. When you hear her, you know that it is Morrigan. No question.


My whole point with that vid is that no matter how much you can improve a game's graphics, characters would still not be believible because of things such as voice or movement. When you see a solider, you expect it to be tough and walk military like. When you see a kid, you expect to walk and talk like a kid. Sure I like ultra graphics so I can enjoy the game but sometimes you don't need ultra graphics to enjoy a game.


Another reason is that we are reaching the other side (as LA Noire showed) and making it more "real" gets more difficult as we move along. Eventually we are going to reach a point where we can't go no further and everything is going to end up the same.


Off-topic: I'll bet ME3 is using that new Unreal Engine, sweet!

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Best graphics I've ever seen are LA Noire. Admitedly, they're exactly the same level of detail as GTA IV, but the faces are photorealistic, though it's more about the unusual mo-cap than any new rendering software. Nonetheless. even if you will never buy it, check out LA Noire via trailer, the graphics, the facials particularly, are amazingly realistic and expressive, for a game where it's vital to be able to read facial expressions, they made damn sure the faces' expressions were worth watching, and nuanced enough to really portray the actor's expression.


DIRT-3(out tommorow, YAY!) has the best photrealism I've yet seen, it's just like watching a movie-or real racing, and with the simlike controls, is incredibly visceral, a la Shift 2 w/ Mobile Helmet Cam.


WoW has the best stylised. I dont want to hear complaints on that either, I'm not in the mood, but the colourpalet is spectacularly vivid, creating a lively, colourful comic-book esque style world that perfectly fit's WoW's sense of humour, while being able to give a real sense of scale, and even vertigo in places. Looking down off the cliffs near the rookie section of the NE homeland feels like looking into an abyss, because you cant see the bottom, and to be seeing it, you've got to be on a treebranch, which as you look down, feels painfully thin.


Borderlands has the best outright comicbook look of any game I've ever seen perhaps excluding UT-3. Lively, colourful, it aint, but Pandora is such a richly detailed, entrhalling world, that it just. simply. works. Borderlands wouldnt be half as good with photorealism, it's a game where comicbook art meets comicbook world, and where the result of that meeting is a perfect fit.


Team Fortress and UT-3 I think would round out the list with best cartoon graphics. Unreal Tournament Three looks like... well, a CGI movie, it's outrageous blood, massive guns, and imaginative, unqie worldscapes and technology all gel with the gritty, pseudo-comic artstyle, lending it massive visual charm, even if not remotely realistic, or even particularly colourful.(Red, red everywhere) Team Fortress, with it's combination of gibtastic violence and Pixar graphics would not be a tenth as funny as it is if it didnt look like Toy Story gone mad, colourful, witty, funny, and absolutely brutal, TF-2 deserves big props for showing the world just what you can achieve while looking like a kid's game.

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...Slightly better then MW...

Check your sources again Ser. :excl:

I had to say that, because I felt that the new trailer was just "okay." There are good things I noticed, like the animations, particularly when they run. It just didn't blow my mind


But it's just my (slightly dumb) opinion!


just don't hurt me


I'll clarify what I meant. I know that photo-realism in video games would need some monstrous computer. We won't be seeing that until a decade or two. I'm just wondering why there isn't much improvements/breakthroughs in games' graphics recently.


Is it because the consoles are getting outdated, but they don't want to release another one? Is it all just for "financial" reasons? Is this the highest point we can achieve for this generation?


Yep consoles are to blame, the tech in them now is well past its sell by date. They lack the memory and GPU hardware features required for what is possible today.

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According to Game Informer it's trhe best not only in the series, but the best racer they've seen this year, they gave it a 9/10 and said it appeals to both hardcores and casuals to a high degree, summing up the new Gymkhana mode as (direct quote) "The most fun waste of time since Skate"
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