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Please help I am having mod troubles


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A picture of the issue, telling us what mods you recently downloaded, and a spoiler list of your load order are... kind of basics here.







I am not sure what is causing this, I have 2 eye mods that make them look more detailed, I could link them if it would help, I also downloaded this mod and had it for a bit because I was downloading mods to increase settler capacity and for some reason thought this did: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5038 , I bit after I downloaded that I noticed the dark thing on Curies neck, I am not sure if it was specifically from that though. I would be EXTREMELY thankful you could help as I have been clueless for like a week.

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I'm gonna go out on a limb and say you have some version of CBBE installed? I don't use it, but I've heard that the textures don't play nice and aren't laid out the same as they were in Skyrim.

So if it was CBBE and it was causing this, if I disabled it from all profiles, and loaded it up, would it go away?

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