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Next Fallout Co-op?


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First off, apologies for posting in the New Vegas section but I couldn't find anywhere else..


But anyway, I've heard rumours that the next Fallout is going to be co-op, and I was just wondering, since it would take away from the game itself, (Which is the reason they aren't attempting it in TES 5 - Skyrim) can anyone confirm this?


Thanks in advance,


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@Ub3rman Sorry, it wasn't online I heard them, so I don't have a link.


@Guerilla Looks good but I don't think that was what I heard about..

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If you mean Fallout 4, slated for release in late 2012 or 13, it doesn't look like it




"Will it be a MMORPG?


No, it will be a single-player game, like previous Fallouts"


update: looks like the MMORPG thing by Interplay might not survive:



Edited by kevkiev
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  • 11 months later...
As much as I hate to say it the idea of a co-op Fallout bounces around in gamers mind like you're speaking gibberish and trust me I've tried to convince but the persistence in gaming these days is what keeps companies from making games like that but I am open to that idea because we can't assume the game will be bad or good with or without co-op because we've never been given the experience to try it out so in an overall conclusion the answer is most likely not.
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It will not be co-op. It uses the same CK as Skyrim, you can find some of the basic items in the skyrim CK infact. As such the system currently does not support the ability for multiplayer, similar to the issues we had with STALKER being made co-op.
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Hello I am Thissguy Mannperson and I am not much of a fan of co-op. I like to go about a game's storyline at my

own pace, and my pace can be rather slow. On top of that, VATS and a wait/sleep feature might not work well.

I always thought New Vegas could've had a simple deathmatch feature not connected to the main game.

Maybe if there will be another Fallout in the style of Fallout 3 and NV it could feature deathmatch in the style of

Quake or Unreal, with vats and levels removed, or a sort of Invasion gametype with ghouls and stuff.

Mount&Blade Warband has competitive multiplayer and manages to have a great seperate single player experience.

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