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HBO's Game of Thrones- Anybody watching?


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My tactless prediction of what's going to happen:


  1. Fair haired girl in horsey land decides to live a nice peaceful life. No invasion planned. Happy as she is. Same with horsey people.
  2. Along comes the king's assassin(s). They fail.
  3. Horsey people get pissed off. They weren't going to invade but now they have the impetus to do it.
  4. Crap hits the fan back in the seven kingdoms as they go to war against the horsey people.
  5. The seven kingdoms get spanked by the horsey people.
  6. Before the horsey people can truely dominate the winter comes.
  7. The winter brings bad things with it, like the Nightstalkers, and the Night's Watch are horribly under equiped and undermanned to deal with it
  8. Night's watch get rinsed and whiped out. Remainder turn in to typical fantasy "rangers".
  9. Seven kingdoms and horsey people form an alliance to attack this new threat together as only a combined army will deal with the threat


That's about as far as it goes for me right now.


On the other side of town I think Stark and the Lanisters will sort their little squabble out (maybe the Imp will be nice about it all) and everything will seem to be fine. Then the little boy will remember Jamie was the one who pushed him and then crap will happen :)




I've read all the books currently out(STILL WAITING FFS!). Not that close at all. The books are not droll at all. I really have enjoyed them immensely...love their unpredictability. I was left gasping in disbelief at what the writer had thrust upon me. quite a few times.



I watched 3 episodes. My first impressions:

As for acting...

yeah: Tyrion is kicking ass, I am impressed.

Varys and little finger are reminiscent of their counter parts, both need to be sleezed up a bit.

Arya is close. And Daenerys isn't bad. I have hopes she will come into the role stronger

Snow isn't at all how I pictured him :shrug:

Hound was good. Can't wait to see the Mountain.

Paine was spot on, but he doesn't talk so he just has to look grim as f***

Jaimie and Cersei are ok, I actually think they can be very good in their roles.

Robb is decent. Actually I never felt he is developed as fully as other lead characters in the books anyway,

Catelyn, I'm not a fan tbh. She better sort it out :confused:

Ned, actually could be worse. Though I pictured him looking a tad different. Not Bean's worst performance in the slightest imo.

Drogo: I pictured less of a hollywood perfect body, much more lean and taller. he's looking like that just to hunk out for the ladies..


The trouble with the series is that it is so epic, so sprawling, and has so many 'main' characters and plots that with the little screen time they get, I just hope it is enough to have both the actors develop the role and sink into them, as well as the audience actually getting a grasp on their true flavour and personality.


Highly recommend SoIF. I keep trying to read fantasy, I tried Wheel of Time not long back and gave up 1/4 into the second book. But this series held my attention very well.I haven't actually found anyone who has read them that disliked it. where I used to live over the course of a couple years, 10-12 of my friends/ neighbours finished the series due to us lending the books out to them. All had positive reviews, and they all came back for the next book...


I believe it is very easy to spoil this series.

Edited by Ghogiel
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Going to put everything in spoiler tags from now on for those who don't want to see plot stuff. I suggest the rest do the same. Oh, and if you've read the books don't tell me if I'm right or wrong...I don't care...it's there for people who haven't read the books to speculate on, not for you to smugly tell me I'm wrong!



Watched episode 7 last night (Monday is our watching night) and did not foresee the king dying so quickly and suddenly. Kind of throws everything out of the window in regards to my prediction. While I got the (obvious) point of Daenerys' assassination going awry and starting the war bells ringing, the king dying and the apparent success of Joffrey to the succession of the throne is going to start a civil war that I think the Lannisters are financially capable of dealing with until the horse lord makes his appearance.


What happens next is anyone's guess, but I'd change my prediction that a civil war will be going on when the horse lord arrives and he will attack indiscriminately despite the attempts of both sides to try and "woo" him in to joining them in their attack against the other faction(s). At which point the feuding civil war may well ally themselves once more to fight the threat the horse lord poses. The civil war might even help the feuding sides as they will already be on a war footing when the horse lord arrives, something they wouldn't have been on before if they'd have arrived when a civil war wasn't occurring.


I stand by my prediction that winter is coming and with it a fate worse than that of the horse lords. At which point it's quite possible all fighting will stop and Drogo will see reason in allying himself with the other houses to fight whatever comes from the north.


I do not, however, know if winter affects the East/Drogo's people like it obviously does the Seven Kingdoms. I would be interested to know, without revealing massive spoilers, if they fear the winter as much as the Seven Kingdoms do or whether they have no idea of what awaits them north of the wall?


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.it's there for people who haven't read the books to speculate on, not for you to smugly tell me I'm wrong!

I didn't get that is what it was for from your initial post, I apologise.


I had to laugh though, your certainty that you were predicting it fairly easily is why I lol's

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm SOOOOOO mad at myself!! :wallbash: Couldn't watch the latest episode until we got back from vacation. The connection in the condo was so slow! BUT, after we did watch it, I got a wild hare and decided to "research" the wiki on the original books. I saw things I'd rather not have seen :facepalm: I do hope they deviate from the books a bit. In fact, I don't see how they could avoid it. That's all I'll say about that.


Any episode that has already aired is fair game for discussion and speculation, so look away now if you don't want to see. We have to have some lee way to discuss! You've been warned!! :devil:


Now, I'll say that Ned's sense of honor was far stronger than any I'd have been able to muster. This is one time he should have listened to Littlefinger and even Robert's little brother. Now look at his predicament. This will not end well :unsure: And it's about time for Lady Kat to GO HOME!! I have a feeling it will be up to Tyrion to help the Starks out of this current dilemma, if he's able to.


Dark0ne, your revised predictions still make sense. I didn't foresee Robert's fate coming that quickly either. Really threw me for a loop, especially since Ned, once again with that honor thing, wouldn't spill the beans when Robert was in the state he was in. Too bad, imho, but with such scheming and plotting from Cersei I doubt even spilling the beans would have helped him much. What could Robert do really, besides what he did.


Really wondering what will happen Sunday night, got a lot of turmoil going on right now. I will say this, if the books are followed, what's to come is way more tedious than I'd imagined! :confused:


You're right Ghogiel, some aspects of the series, from what I read in the books' wiki, have not followed the exact story line and the plot is full of unexpected twists and turns. Also about Drogo being there for the ladies, lol It worked! :thumbsup: As an aside, I just read that Dinklage is expecting his first child with his wife in real life.

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Ok Dark0ne, where are you! I know Monday is your viewing day. What say ye in light of the current developments? I was--> :ohdear: at the turn of events in this past episode. Didn't expect that would happen AT ALL! Interested to see what you think now.
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haha the cliffhanger from the last episode (10) was so nice but almost too predictable... & a little tie to Skyrim's Main Theme

Massive Spoiler ahead, If you didn't see episode 9 then don't dare a look


what got me really out of my seat was the execution of Ned Stark in episode 9, i had no clue and i was sure that bean would continue his appearance in Season 2


Great Fantasy Series, can't wait for Season 2.

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I thought so too Twisted. My daughter and I almost slapped ourselves silly clapping our hands over our mouths. At that point, I really knew this was to happen, since as I said, I researched and read synopses of the books on the wiki. (Man I wish I hadn't! :facepalm: ) I won't do that again, lol BUT, I really held out hope they would veer from following the book at that point. WRONG! lol That finale that really tugged the heartstrings. I'm glad the witch's fate was what it was. :verymad:


Were you really expecting that to happen with Dany? It was a pretty powerful cliffhanging last scene that's for sure! I saw that the new season won't start until SPRING 2012!! Guess we'll just have to discuss our predictions until then, lol

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Were you really expecting that to happen with Dany? It was a pretty powerful cliffhanging last scene that's for sure! I saw that the new season won't start until SPRING 2012!! Guess we'll just have to discuss our predictions until then, lol

Yes powerful indeed but

the first time i saw those old dragon eggs i thought the dragons gonna hatch out as i was pretty sure that this would be an awesome cliffhanger


Yes i read somewhere that Season 2 will start in February 2012 meanwhile the Production for Season 2 starts in July.

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I'm starting to read the books and so far I wanted to tear several guts so badly (won't name names). I love the books I can't stop reading them, GRRM should be very proud of himself, I cannot wait for the 5th one.
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