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Is modding easy and safe to do?


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Your asking a lot in one post. :blush:


  1. Are they safe to download? Yes.
  2. will they conflict with GECK mods? Possibly but there is always a chance of Mod conflicts and you assume some responsibility for managing your game, keeping it running when you agree to install user made content.
  3. Will mods conflict with my save game? Again refer to question two.
  4. How should I organize my load order? That is a tricky question and is more dependent on the mods you choose to try or use.

The best advice you'll get is to Read the Read-Me's of the mods you install, Read the forum threads for mods your interested in and take it slow! Don't just smash 100 mods into your game and then expect everything to play nice! Install a few (1 or 2) test your game to see if they work and add some more.


Edit: Also "The last mod you install is not always the cause of any issues you run into!!!!!" Just because everything was working well until you installed "New Mod Whatever.esp" doesn't mean that mod is bugged. It could be a lot of things.

Edited by chucksteel
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Texture mods don't have issues with saves and the only conflict you'll get is if you add two or more texture mods that edit the same files. The last one wins and will be used by the game but that is the same for all mods. :woot:


if your only looking at 1-2 armors you also likely be safe. But again if they edit the same files the last one wins.

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Modding can be safe and easy, or it can be unsafe and difficult. The best advice I can give is start out small, don't add a whole bunch of mods at once. Read a mod's description page carefully...all of it...paying particular attention to installation instructions, known issues, and so forth. Browse the mod's discussion page to see what users are saying about it, and take a look at the bug reports tab as well.


Use LOOT to help keep them in the correct load order (but be aware LOOT isn't always correct either).


Don't be afraid to come to the forums and ask questions. If you have a problem and post a question give as much information as you can; OS, load order, and so forth.


Mods that make minor changes or additions to a game are usually safer than full-blown overhauls, but that's not a guarantee either. Take comfort in the knowledge that with the vast majority of mods, even if something does go wrong it won't cause permanent damage (although a particular character may wind up getting toasted).


Lastly, welcome to modding! It's great fun :)

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Using mods is not for the faint of heart. Be prepared to at some point screw things up in a most spectacular fashion. If you are a person to lose their minds if you have a level 80 character with everything under the sun completed and suddenly that save no longer works....well perhaps you should keep things simple and limited. If you are like myself and have made more characters than I can count and if I mess it up, it happens, then you don't have to worry so much.


That being said always back up a save PRIOR to installing a mod. Don't put in a ton at a time. Realize using a mod/install manager means losing a great deal of the learning of how things work with mods. As was said always, always read the documentation from authors, they don't type that crap up because they want to exercise their fingers. If you can't take the time to read it don't expect them to take the time to help you.


If in doubt, don't install it. Always try to figure things out on your own first (reading, googling, etc.) and if your game is borked it probably isn't one mods fault, 99.9% of the time it is user error.


Mods are given to us out of the kindness of modders' hearts and as such they deserve our gratitude and respect. If you remember nothing else from these post, remember that.


Good luck, have fun and happy modding!.


edit: and by the way-all the mess..110% worth it

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I kinda like starting over, in fact I have yet to find everything in this game because I just get bored and start over. So, if a mod were to corrupt my save or screw it up so bad that I had to reinstall the game, it wouldn't bother me too much. But, I save a lot, and I make backups of my saves, so in essence I've never really lost any of my characters, all the way back to my very first one. if you're really that concerned, you can make backup copies of the entire installation folder before you install a mod, and if it screws something up to copy over the backup and you're back to where you started.

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