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Corrections to file stats


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I gave a mod with a lot of individual files. I always had the suspicion, that the counter just adds up all individual unique downloads numbers.


Great that it's fixed. My 'endorsement to unique downloads' ratio (aka epeen) should skyrocket :-D


Edit: not as much as i thought. :-) Odd. SkyUI on the other hand... Wow. ^^

Edited by Gruftlord
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Oh, this is just awesome. The endorsement ratio on my horse mod is now above 10%, where I expect it to be. Thank you for all you do Dark0ne and staff! Edited by sevencardz
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While I don't particularly care about the actual number of endorsements a mod receives, the ratio of endorsements to downloads is useful for telling me how people received a particular mod. Therefore, having an accurate count of the unique downloads is useful. I'm glad that you found a way to correct that calculation.
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In response to post #35414105. #35414370, #35415630 are all replies on the same post.

rhowington wrote: Does this hold the same for total views? Like, why would a mod be viewed two hundred thousand times with only eleven thousand unique downloads?
Eysenbeiss wrote: Maybe because there is something called: curiosity ?
bethjunkie wrote: Players come back to post comments, offer suggestions to help other players out who are having trouble or stuck somewhere in the mod, upload images, check to see if there are any new updates available or in the works. It's not uncommon for me to view a particular mod once or twice a day every day for years.

I do the same as BethJunkie. I often go back to a page several times a day, especially when I know there is an update in the works and if I have the page marked for Notifications I go back whenever I'm notified (usually checking for any particular hints to look out for or possible conflicts/defects/fixes.)
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In response to post #35416055.

sevencardz wrote: Oh, this is just awesome. The endorsement ratio on my horse mod is now above 10%, where I expect it to be. Thank you for all you do Dark0ne and staff!

Someone's good at finding the silver lining haha.
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In response to post #35416350.

Gamwich wrote: While I don't particularly care about the actual number of endorsements a mod receives, the ratio of endorsements to downloads is useful for telling me how people received a particular mod. Therefore, having an accurate count of the unique downloads is useful. I'm glad that you found a way to correct that calculation.

This change is gonna totally throw off my internal scale for endorsements:downloads ratio :-/

Everyone's ratio is gonna be so much higher!
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