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Scripting Tutorial Recommendations


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I know that there are a lot of tutorials out there - I am hoping that someone who isn't particularly pc savvy can point me to one that they found to be quick & easy to learn from when they were completely new to scripting. I am probably only going to need to create one (hopefully) basic script for the mods that I am working on, & therefore I would like to spend as little time as possible on learning something that I am only likely to use the once!

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Scripting is utterly new ground for me, I have literally NO idea what I am doing, so please bear with me!

Rather than just dumping gold somewhere for mod added items (such as player horses & houses that are free to take) I want a very basic container system that allows you to "pay" an amount of your choosing. Ideally I just want a custom container that is carried in the inventory (or if necessary placed in the world), that you can open & place an appropriate amount of money in, that will then be permanently deleted once the container is closed. It can't be a set amount of money, you have to be able to decide how much to pay each time you use it.

I am going to need a tutorial on papyrus, & a step by step guide for how to set up scripts in the CK from start to finish :/

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I am going to need a tutorial on papyrus, & a step by step guide for how to set up scripts in the CK from start to finish :/

Beth CK has that. Or you can try dark fox on youtube.



Rather than just dumping gold somewhere for mod added items (such as player horses & houses that are free to take) I want a very basic container system that allows you to "pay" an amount of your choosing. Ideally I just want a custom container that is carried in the inventory (or if necessary placed in the world), that you can open & place an appropriate amount of money in, that will then be permanently deleted once the container is closed.

You know you can use any container instead right? Of course, it doesn't resets fast, but it does the job.

Any how, bits and bobs has a sell sold script. It does the same thing (but you set a price.) http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36756/? and you can't carry it.

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I don't want to just dump gold in any old container as it is so immersion breaking, especially when you can just pick it up later. I went straight to Dark Fox because his tutorials are so excellent & easy to follow, but I think he is part way through redoing his scripting ones. When it comes to computers I need to learn by watching someone do it, reading instructions just doesn't work for me. I guess I'll just have to accept that there probably isn't going to be a quick fix & take the time to go through everything until I find what I actually need.

Thanks for the tips!

Edited by ElioraArin
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Do you know where to find his old ones? I haven't had much luck, I've come across 2 scripting tutorials of his - but I think there is meant to be 6 ... ? I may be off on that one though, I'm struggling a bit to get the time I need to really sit down for any length of time & do this :(

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That tutorial is terrible, he doesn't even explain all the syntax. For someone new to scripting it's impossible to understand. He doesn't explain how the script works, he just assumes the person watching already has knowledge of what all the syntax means.


I found these ones to be better since he goes into great detail to explain what the different variables etc. mean:


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