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OBGE v2 slooow load


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After installing this, my load time has gone up from 2-3 sec. to about 30 sec.

Any reason to this?

Is it common to experience way longer load time with OBGE v2?


I'm sure it is this MOD, cause when I turn it off, my load time is back to about 2 sec.


I must say it looks awesome and it really adds to the game. Everything runs smooth at 40 fps maxed out and with QTP3 etc. on my rig. But after a while I got tired of the extra load time. I load a lot with the OOO installed. Keep getting myself killed :-)


My specs.

Win7 64bit

CPU i7 920

GPU 8800GT 1Gb

12Gb RAM

Oblivion installed on RAID 0

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Nah a good GPU won't really speed up the loading time, but it will keep your frame rates up. In particular, it's the higher quality SSAO shaders. They'll slow down loading time. The slowest load will be the first time you start a game, and all other load times are potentially affected too (but I didn't really notice them so much).


If you read the readme or the support thread for it, you'll know this isn't a bug, nor is it anything you can actually fix. If you don't want the slow loading time, turn off SSAO or use one of the lower quality ones like Volumetric_SSAO (it's still a slow load though). If SSAO shaders are off, loading times seem normal to me even with any of the other shaders on.

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Thank you for your comments both. :-)


No this thread is not about framerates. ;-) I get 40 fps with crysisDOF - godrays - colormood - IISS - somethingAA. I liked that combination with custom settings.

I didn't use the SSAO because it made an impact on the fps and I didn't really like the look of the SSAO shaders with custom settings anyway.


But the long load time persist no matter what shaders I turn on or off. I can turn all off and still have a long load time. I have to disable the OBGE.esp in OBMM to get fast load times again.


The overall load time is about 30 sec no matter if I start the game or quickload during the game.

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At first I was getting the slow loading too even if I didn't pick any SSAO shaders. I only had the GodRays.fx and the sharpen shader on, and for some reason, OBGE kept loading all the shaders (according to the log) even just on map changes, and I noticed it wasn't producing an OBGE.ini in my documents folder.


So I deleted all the files in my shaderlist.txt and tried to force OBGE to create a new ini. It failed, but I just copied somebody else's OBGE.ini and it started to work.


Maybe you can try checking your OBGE log file to see what shaders are actually loading, cuz sometimes it tries to load them all, regardless of what you have in your shaderlist.txt.

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I think you are on to something :-)


I do get an .ini but no shaderlist.txt


Here is a part of what I think is the OBGE log:

(But I don't know how I should understand it)




Loading the shaders.

Error opening shaderlist.txt file.

Save file links 0 textures.

Shader Index = 23

Shader num = 0

Filename = NormalFilterAA.fx

Enabled = 0

RefID = A000800

Is in use = 1

Loading shader (data\shaders\NormalFilterAA.fx)

Float filterStrength = 1.000000(1)

Float filterSpread = 3.000000(1)

Float rcpres = 0.000781(1)

Float m44proj = 1.390107(1)

Setting effects screen texture.

Inserting the shader into the list.

Shader num = 1

Filename = SSII.fx

Enabled = 0

RefID = A000800

Is in use = 1

Loading shader (data\shaders\SSII.fx)

Float scale = 2.000000(1)

Float IIRadiusMultiplier = 10.000000(1)

Float IIStrengthMultiplier = 1.000000(1)

Float FOV = 75.000000(1)

Float rcpres = 0.000781(1)

Float m44proj = 1.390107(1)

Setting effects screen texture.

Inserting the shader into the list.

Shader num = 2

Filename = HBAO.fx

Enabled = 0

RefID = A000800

Is in use = 1

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The log says Enable = 1 at all the shaders I have turned on. But it also says "Is in use = 1" with all the shaders in general.

Don't know if it means OBGE is loading all shaders?

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I created my own shaderlist.txt but don't know if it is correct. Made it like this:







Now the log doesn't say "error opening shaderlist.txt"


It still says "is in use = 1" for all the shaders.


Load time still the same

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There's a load order you gotta follow for shaderlist.txt (read the shaders readme), otherwise it wouldn't work apparently. Anyway that shouldn't have anything to do with your original problem anyway.


I dunno lol. Honestly. I wasn't an expert to begin with anyway, but it looks like it should be doing just fine on your system. Heck, I'm loading Volumetric_SSAO and I load only like +1 or +3 seconds longer than usual and a very minimal FPS drop, and your system is a bit better than mine.


I'm basically just telling you stuff that I would've done if it were me experiencing the problem. D:

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