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Waiting for ck?


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Anyone else waiting for CK? I mean there are tons of great mods out right now but I just feel like I'm waiting for a good raiding settlement mod. What do I mean? I mean one like this. But polished out of course with the option which outpost is raid-able enable/disabled. I hate having to fast-travel to each settlement that's under attack. Anyways going off topic. So yeah I'm just curious to who else is excited for CK or if you're waiting. I know I should probably be playing the game right but I dunno something just keeps telling me to wait for CK.

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I still have a lot of non Creation Kit work left to do for my mod, but I am slightly eager to actually start seeing all the pieces come together.


I want to start having people test this stuff, and getting a large chunk of the work off of my 'to do list' and into reality.

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Learning the tools is the easy part, I wouldn't worry too much about that.


It is all the planning and re-planning and organizing this and sorting through that, and once you think you are almost somewhere you realize that you need to do this other thing you never even though about in the beginning.

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I used to be eager for it, now I can't help thinking that I'm not ready for it to come out and I've got so much I need to do before it does.


You will never be ready for it. That is the nature of making videogames.



I'm 100% ready for it and have been for months. I'm positive I'm not alone in this.



Learning the tools is the easy part, I wouldn't worry too much about that.


If you want to build something simple, like a house, that's true. The wiki will cover building, simple scripts that are useful for that, etc. If you are interested in building something more complex, it will take more time to get the hang of it. The wiki generally only covers the basics, peer tutz may or may not be available for what you want to do and each editor has its own set of quirks that we only learn as we use it.

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If you want to build something simple, like a house, that's true. The wiki will cover building, simple scripts that are useful for that, etc. If you are interested in building something more complex, it will take more time to get the hang of it. The wiki generally only covers the basics, peer tutz may or may not be available for what you want to do and each editor has its own set of quirks that we only learn as we use it.



I guess we have different definitions of the word easy.


To me, anything that you can learn as you go is considered easy. Obviously you are learning every step of the way, that's just the nature of the industry, but it isn't one of those things that is frustrating and makes you want to pull your hair out.


Pre-production... pre-production is hard...

Edited by TeamBacon
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