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Life in medevil times


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Would life back in the days of swords and castles been cool to live in, or would you never want to go, and just keep in the games? I would never want to live back then.
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Back in the days of swords and castles....


ok - life expectancy was rather lower. Infant mortality was high, so there are good chances you wouldn't even have made it into the world - or not for very long.


Unless you were born into a rich or noble family, there are good chances you'd have ended up a serf (provided you made it past measles, mumps, rubella, whooping cough and a plethora of other common childhood illnesses) - toiling in your lord's fields, subject to any whim your lord might have, and likely to be drafted as an expendable front line 'soldier' (as far as you can call an untrained peasant armed with a pitchfork a soldier) should any attacker threaten your lord's territory.


If you lived in a free city you might have more rights but without adequate sanitation cholera and typhoid were rampant. You'd probably be infested with both ecto- and endoparasites (worms, lice etc), have scars from the latest smallpox epidemic (providing you survived it in the first place), possibly rickets from malnutrition - and your teeth would be rotten by the time you'd reached adulthood. Without antibiotics the slightest wound could go septic, and cause gangrene, septicaemia, tetanus and other such lovely fatal complications.


Oh, and did someone mention the bubonic plague? :lol:



Bring out yer dead!



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Dang, Theta how did the human race survive? :) I guess we all desend from noble familys. I think those times life was like a horror story waiting to happen. You walk to the mill to get some grain then a band of shady smugglers and a shady smuggler boss jump out and demand all your three gold coins, then kill you. I guess life is better now for the most part, but some places in world still compare to those times (poor third world countries). But for how bad life was then they sure did go kill a lot.
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Survival of the fittest. Evolution. That's how the human race survived. Few diseases have a 100% mortality rate, and the survivors would become immune to the disease. Advances in agriculture and trade.


And a bit of human ingenuity and adaptability.

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Ok, ahaha, I'm a big fanatic of Medieval times... It's amazing.. Just the fact that War was a bit more fair in a sense facinated me... You actually needed skill to fight, not just the ability to point a gun and fire. Archers had skill, so did swordsmen... You actually got to see your opponant while fighting... It wasn't just some guy sitting in a tree with a sniper rifle strapped around his shoulder.


Sure the life style was different, and a lower grade compaired today.. I just like the fact of no technology in a sense... Kings... Castles.. Swords...**sigh** When ever I see swords, like in a store or something... I get goosebumps (literally) its probably one of the few thing that facinate me...apart from woman :P

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Using fire arms dose take skill but I'm sure nothing compared to swordsmanship(sp?) Modern combat is totally unfair, you could be the most expeiernced(sp?) commando and get waisted by some kid in a shrub. So that much would be alluring(sp?) A chance to fight based on skill and honor, theres probaly nothing like cutting somone down with a longsword, or battle axe if you perfer.
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