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Downloading issues


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Just quickly tested something by changing the download link you get from "Download manually". Replaced the http with https. This is the error I get: https://i.imgur.com/6rfjyj2.png (Sorry for the german. It basically says that the SSL cert is not valid for the current domain [filedelivery.nexusmods.com].)


Maybe it helps. Maybe I'm just telling you something obvious. But better this way then not say something.

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In response to post #35720517. #35720677 is also a reply to the same post.

Dark0ne wrote: Hi folks,

We're aware of some issues with our download mechanism today which certain users are experiencing on certain files. The problem stems from our current work trying to get the sites switched over to a fully SSL secured system -- a complex and costly procedure we've been working on for some time now to better secure our sites and your user data.

Because the way this is affecting the CDN, this issue is likely to get worse before it gets better as the CDN cache begins to empty out. We obviously hope to get it fixed as soon as possible, but it could take some time. Hopefully hours, rather than days!
HollowfiedChaos wrote: I've noticed that this is actually happening to a few mods. So is it safe to assume that it will be all of them at some point before the site becomes more secure?

I can't help feeling that some kind of private bittorrent built into NMM would alleviate reliance on CDN (as a download option).
Your bandwidth bill must be insane.
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Great you guys take security as a prioritized subject. Better safe than sorry!


I think it's a not so bad time to do it now since if it was postponed some weeks forward when the first DLC for FO4 and maybe even GECK for FO4 is supposed to be available with all the crazy intensified traffic that will cause would be a real bad time to start switch things.

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