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Vista Folder Issue


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Researching "mods" I found posts regarding security issues with Vista. One of the work arounds was to install the game in....C:\Games.


Problem..It won't let me do this. Other games give me a dropdown where I can type in where I want my install. But, not this game.


It's the GOTY, Morrowind.


The install window TELLS me it's going to install it to Programs...blah blah.....x86....blah blah. Just where posts advise to NOT install it.


I can't change it either.. no option to retype... next click brings me directly to the install.


This time around, I wanted to use mods. But, I'm not very computer savy and don't know how to install it to another location when the "game installer" doesn't give me the option.


I read to other ways to avoid issues.....administrator or disabling something. This install option was the best of the three, but no luck.



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Well that's a pain. What you could do is disable UAC while you install the game and add mods, once installed give the Morrowind.exe admin rights (Right click Morrowind.exe, select properties, click the compatabilty tab and check "Run this program as an adminstrator"). Be sure to enable UAC again if you want to keep it's security benefits.


I had UAC disabled permanently when I used Vista so didn't run into any issues, it's something that's recommended though.

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Well that's a pain. What you could do is disable UAC while you install the game and add mods, once installed give the Morrowind.exe admin rights (Right click Morrowind.exe, select properties, click the compatabilty tab and check "Run this program as an adminstrator"). Be sure to enable UAC again if you want to keep it's security benefits.


I had UAC disabled permanently when I used Vista so didn't run into any issues, it's something that's recommended though.




Hi....thanks....that was one of the other options. I found it at "How To Geek". The folder thing was recommended as the best of the three options to disable.


I would still like to know how to install it in another folder when the game doesn't give me the option.


Everybody's writing about it.....How do they do it....duh....


Now, I just hope I can find the Morrowind exe....at least the right one......


Thanks again..

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Well that's a pain. What you could do is disable UAC while you install the game and add mods, once installed give the Morrowind.exe admin rights (Right click Morrowind.exe, select properties, click the compatabilty tab and check "Run this program as an adminstrator"). Be sure to enable UAC again if you want to keep it's security benefits.


I had UAC disabled permanently when I used Vista so didn't run into any issues, it's something that's recommended though.




Hi....thanks....that was one of the other options. I found it at "How To Geek". The folder thing was recommended as the best of the three options to disable.


I would still like to know how to install it in another folder when the game doesn't give me the option.


Everybody's writing about it.....How do they do it....duh....


Now, I just hope I can find the Morrowind exe....at least the right one......


Thanks again..


The installer on their copy would have had the option to install elsewhere, it sounds like you're stuck with it. I don't know if it's possible to easily move it after installing, it might be worth asking on the official forums about it.

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Ther IS a way to alter it to another folder, but it means altering the registry and that is no picnic.


When you put the game into the drive, the installer should have asked you if you wanted to install it to C:\Program Files (x86), BEFORE any of the game was loaded; all you needed to do at this point was to choose what file or folder you wanted to install to (in my case D:\Games).


It's also a good idea to turn the UAC off as well just in case anyway.

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Ther IS a way to alter it to another folder, but it means altering the registry and that is no picnic.


When you put the game into the drive, the installer should have asked you if you wanted to install it to C:\Program Files (x86), BEFORE any of the game was loaded; all you needed to do at this point was to choose what file or folder you wanted to install to (in my case D:\Games).


It's also a good idea to turn the UAC off as well just in case anyway.




Hi... when I put the game into the drive, the installer doesn't give me the option to install it anywhere. I've never played a game that did this...it's a first for me.


It goes to the "accept....yes or no".... and then to an information page. Then, the installer goes directly to a window that TELLS me it's going to install to C:\Program Files.....blah blah blah....This line cannot be erased or changed. I've tried.


It tells me something like...".before continuing with the install, if you don't like any of the settings, click the back button to change them". But, there never was any window with "settings". Clicking the back button brings me to the information page, to the "yes or no", and so forth.


Since I don't know what to do about this, I'll follow the advice to dust off the older computer with XP.... Problem solved.. I hope.


From what I gathered from other posts, XP will accept mods without driving me crazy....



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Ther IS a way to alter it to another folder, but it means altering the registry and that is no picnic.


When you put the game into the drive, the installer should have asked you if you wanted to install it to C:\Program Files (x86), BEFORE any of the game was loaded; all you needed to do at this point was to choose what file or folder you wanted to install to (in my case D:\Games).


It's also a good idea to turn the UAC off as well just in case anyway.


I usually install my games on the F: drive so do notice when installers give no option, its rare but on occasion a game does come with an installer that tells you where it's going to install rather than ask where to install. If you're not comfortable with the registry then it's best to stay away. I can't see any other option but the UAC and admin rights one, might be worth giving the launcher admin rights too, I don't know if it's necessary but it can't hurt.


@Taarnah yes XP is the better option if you have the choice.

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