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Survival Mode will be on beta next week


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One question: If I have my saved game now and I want to bring that hardcore beta mode, will I have to create whole new character to use it and start game all over again or I will be able to turn it ON and OFF on my exsiting saved character when I want to?

This has never been a thing of beth, you can always use your old saves for beta and DLCs.



One thing I plan to tweak further depending on the default settings they provide, is to drastically reduce almost all ammo spawns, to make it a very very rare and valuable commodity (Day Z-ish, possibly worse.) This in turn makes melee not only viable but actually important to a degree -- Your character, as it would be in the real world, will need to rely on other means to survive this hostile environment rather than assuming they will always have ammo.


Whether that is by building up strength to be viable at melee when necessary, or by being a silver tongued shrewd negotiator and acquiring vital ammo at critical times, or by being sneaky and quick handed to steal extras off from unsuspecting suckers... the point will be to further encourage diverse gameplay. As it is, I can stay a mile away sniping things to death as I so desire since I have near limitless supplies.


For me, its just going to make the experience that much more intense. I plan to really try to get into the mindset and environment, almost to the point of RP I guess. *shrug* I just think itll make things more interesting.

Since there is no real scarcity (ammo OR chems) after early game, that sounds like a good idea. However, since FO4 is a crafting-oriented game, adding a FO:NV-style ammo crafting system would balance such a change well, and provide an alternative to simply maxing Scrounger. =^[.]^=

The problem with whole making loot less is how to balance it with combat.

In Metro games, ammo is very rare at highest setting, but most foes die from headshots. Monsters need more etc.

I did not find any loot mod that balance both of those well together. Many mock beth style of loot, but actors have a lot of HP, so it plays well in a way.

And how it will play with auto weapons?

Edited by Boombro
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One question: If I have my saved game now and I want to bring that hardcore beta mode, will I have to create whole new character to use it and start game all over again or I will be able to turn it ON and OFF on my exsiting saved character when I want to?

This has never been a thing of beth, you can always use your old saves for beta and DLCs.



One thing I plan to tweak further depending on the default settings they provide, is to drastically reduce almost all ammo spawns, to make it a very very rare and valuable commodity (Day Z-ish, possibly worse.) This in turn makes melee not only viable but actually important to a degree -- Your character, as it would be in the real world, will need to rely on other means to survive this hostile environment rather than assuming they will always have ammo.


Whether that is by building up strength to be viable at melee when necessary, or by being a silver tongued shrewd negotiator and acquiring vital ammo at critical times, or by being sneaky and quick handed to steal extras off from unsuspecting suckers... the point will be to further encourage diverse gameplay. As it is, I can stay a mile away sniping things to death as I so desire since I have near limitless supplies.


For me, its just going to make the experience that much more intense. I plan to really try to get into the mindset and environment, almost to the point of RP I guess. *shrug* I just think itll make things more interesting.

Since there is no real scarcity (ammo OR chems) after early game, that sounds like a good idea. However, since FO4 is a crafting-oriented game, adding a FO:NV-style ammo crafting system would balance such a change well, and provide an alternative to simply maxing Scrounger. =^[.]^=

The problem with whole making loot less is how to balance it with combat.

In Metro games, ammo is very rare at highest setting, but most foes die from headshots. Monsters need more etc.

I did not find any loot mod that balance both of those well together. Many mock beth style of loot, but actors have a lot of HP, so it plays well in a way.

And how it will play with auto weapons?




For my personal playthrough settings, my gameplan is to actually bump auto-weapons back up to essentially the same damage as single shot / semi autos. But the reasoning is this: Autoweapons will burn your very limited ammo very quickly. They will give you an excellent 'oh s#*!' clearing weapon, but when ammo is a rare commodity, you are not going to want to use full autos 24/7, in fact you will still want to use them lightly. But they will still have a use and a place, where as currently full auto is a joke, since the damage reduction is so high.


Just the direction I personally plan to take.


As for ammo crafting -- I currently have one of the mods that allows it already in place, but I actually have another idea that I want to try to mod in that will give another option as well. Going to be a bit before I can achieve that method though I think...

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I have an idea.

When the geck drops, I was thinking of overhauling some places and not the leveled list.


See Ack Ack and her minigun? She must be stashing some ammo and mods in her base right?

See the bank? Surly there a hidden vault nearby with gold, gems, and more cash somewhere secret, no?

hospitals have meds, police HQs gear, raider bases a lot of chems, safes have cash, a market food etc.

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sadly i will have to turn off this idiocy, that type of stuff is not hard mode for me just annoying. hard mode is more attacks better armed NPCs and having to think tactically to survive. hope more mods come out that i can tweak the hardness back up to the old survival mode without the annoying stuff bothering me. Reduce spawn timers in new hard mode is the most stupidest idea ? i wander around looking for things to kill now why do i want the wasteland to be even more empty ?



I don't necessarily disagree with you, but I think what you want is just the second half of what survival should be about. I think the things they're giving it should happen...none of it sounds unrealistic for a true apocalyptic environment...you're not going to shoot a giant radation mutated mole rat and then eat raw meat right off of it without getting sick, that's just nonsense. You're not going to roam the wasteland for days at a time without sleeping or drinking water without losing health and other abilities.


What you're talking about, IMO really should be part of the base game. I can't stand the health bar in these games. You can get sprayed by a minigun and jam a couple stimpacks in your arm and keep right on fighting. I want a serious damage system with serious consequences, and I wanna deal as much damage as I'm taking. Their method of increasing difficulty is to just make the enemy a bullet sponge. There should be more enemies along with greater difficulty.

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What you're talking about, IMO really should be part of the base game. I can't stand the health bar in these games. You can get sprayed by a minigun and jam a couple stimpacks in your arm and keep right on fighting. I want a serious damage system with serious consequences,

So, like Stalker games?

I think they are best with this kind of gameplay. Nice AI too.

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What you're talking about, IMO really should be part of the base game. I can't stand the health bar in these games. You can get sprayed by a minigun and jam a couple stimpacks in your arm and keep right on fighting. I want a serious damage system with serious consequences,

So, like Stalker games?

I think they are best with this kind of gameplay. Nice AI too.




Never played them, but probably. I get what lomaxfalconer is saying, these survival elements do add a bunch of aggravation to the game, but then that's kind of the point of "survival". It's not supposed to be easy, it's not supposed to flow like a video game, because real life in a situation like that wouldn't flow, it would be constant tedious scraping to stay alive. It would make you think twice about what you're going to do when you wake up in the morning. I think what he's after is just a different type of higher difficulty that isn't really about survival, and I like that idea too. I'd like to see them both offered individually and at the same time.


Fallout games always play the same way for me, because I almost always play as some kind of stealth character. For me to have challenge in these games, I'd have to deliberately play more recklessly and deliberately get myself caught in a firefight or something like that. When you max out stealth and snipe, and your perception is maxed out, you just get the jump on everything. Then the game literally because a point and click game. The problem with that is, I don't think jacking up the enemy's health to stop me from one shot killing things is the answer, because I think anything in this game should die from one single .50 cal shot to the head. So, to balance out being that lethal, there should be an equal amount of damage dealt to you, but there just isn't. The most dangerous thing in this game is being caught by a very high amount of radiation all at once without enough protection.


On a similar note, I think it's kind of ridiculous to think you can run up to a Deathclaw and punch it in the face and kill it with one hit or even a few hits, but if you play your build right that's exactly what you can do. If I'm going to be able to punch that hard, there has to be some kind of equal risk being dealt back to me or the game just gets way too routine. If a grizzly bear can kill a man with one swipe of his paw, then a Deathclaw surely can too (as well as a yao gui for that matter). I think the highest difficulty level should essentially be a blow vs. blow one shot (or 2 or 3) death match. You take a few bullets to the torso or one shot to the head, you're dead. Simple as that.

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Never played them, but probably. I get what lomaxfalconer is saying, these survival elements do add a bunch of aggravation to the game, but then that's kind of the point of "survival". It's not supposed to be easy, it's not supposed to flow like a video game, because real life in a situation like that wouldn't flow, it would be constant tedious scraping to stay alive. It would make you think twice about what you're going to do when you wake up in the morning. I think what he's after is just a different type of higher difficulty that isn't really about survival, and I like that idea too. I'd like to see them both offered individually and at the same time.

Dude, you should if you want that kind of gameplay. At lest this will explain what they do. http://kotaku.com/most-survival-games-have-problems-that-s-t-a-l-k-e-r-s-1683484728




Fallout games always play the same way for me, because I almost always play as some kind of stealth character. For me to have challenge in these games, I'd have to deliberately play more recklessly and deliberately get myself caught in a firefight or something like that. When you max out stealth and snipe, and your perception is maxed out, you just get the jump on everything. Then the game literally because a point and click game. The problem with that is, I don't think jacking up the enemy's health to stop me from one shot killing things is the answer, because I think anything in this game should die from one single .50 cal shot to the head. So, to balance out being that lethal, there should be an equal amount of damage dealt to you, but there just isn't. The most dangerous thing in this game is being caught by a very high amount of radiation all at once without enough protection.

True, but fallout games didn't aim for realism survival in the first place.




On a similar note, I think it's kind of ridiculous to think you can run up to a Deathclaw and punch it in the face and kill it with one hit or even a few hits, but if you play your build right that's exactly what you can do. If I'm going to be able to punch that hard, there has to be some kind of equal risk being dealt back to me or the game just gets way too routine. If a grizzly bear can kill a man with one swipe of his paw, then a Deathclaw surely can too (as well as a yao gui for that matter). I think the highest difficulty level should essentially be a blow vs. blow one shot (or 2 or 3) death match. You take a few bullets to the torso or one shot to the head, you're dead. Simple as that.

So shooters?

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