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Survival Mode will be on beta next week


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It certainly isnt for everyone, at all. I find it to be enjoyable and awful all in one -- When you encounter another player in that game, your heart really starts racing when the crap hits the fan because you know if you screw up, its over. You get a mini-adrenaline rush out of it to a degree. You also get this dreadful sinking feeling when it pops up with "You are dead" knowing someone else is loading up your fancy gear, happy as can be, while you sit there cussing at the screen :P

But it definitely isn't for everyone :)

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Normally I don't find myself disagreeing with comments that I have seen from ya Bacon, but this one I do have to disagree. Enough people like this type of challenge so much so that hundreds of thousands of players flocked to a MOD for Arma 2 (Day Z) in which case you could literally spend 10+ HRS on a character only to run into one random a** hat that decides your gear looks nice, and waste you with a bullet before you can react. Boom, done, restart. Character is dead, the hours you spent surviving all for naught.


I am also all for customization and adjusting for your preferences, so I think a lot of Survival mode should be options turned off and on. But I just wanted to point out, people play far far more challenging games with much more dire consequences for getting hit with a stray explosion. (In fact, I have every intention of playing in a DayZ style, where if I screw up and die, I am restarting. I still plan to keep saves to avoid losing the character via bugs and such though.)



Anyway. Modders are already addressing this concern for those who are worried bout it :smile:



Maybe I have just mellowed as I grew up and found other hobbies... Maybe I don't spend enough time gaming anymore to appreciate that kind of style... But I honestly don't see how that can be any fun at all. Why would I want that kind of drama in my life?


But anymore I spend a lot more time trying to make games than I do actually playing them, my genera has slipped more in the direction of how to tell an interactive story than how to challenge a player from a gameplay perspective.



If you see how it is fun is irrelevant. Other people do. I have a family, full time job, other hobbies but find it much more entertaining playing a character who could die and cost me 20 minutes of game time rather than the current system where I can throw a grenade at my dog surrounded by ghouls and not only be unconcerned about the dog's wellbeing but knowing I can save/reload every 5 seconds :rolleyes:


Besides, the option is available to those who don't like such a system to turn off survival mode.


I find it laughable that people with time constraints and a busy schedule would complain that the most difficult mode on a massive sandbox RPG is too demanding. You could... you know, play in normal mode... or go play Angry Birds or Clash of Clans or something that doesn't eat into your limited time :teehee:

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As someone who designs games and designs mods, I am interested in the big picture of possibilities when it comes to discussing video game design. In practice it is totally valid to say, 'everyone can have their very own mod to make the game exactly how they want it'. But if that is how we are going to discuss things, then not one of the discussions on this website should ever happen, we should just erase this entire form and replace it with a sign that says 'live and let live'.


For anyone who is releasing content for other people to play, it matters what Bethesda designs, because what Bethesda designs becomes part of what I design.


I would prefer people to actually be able to finish my mod.




My personal opinion is that niche gameplay modes designed to make the game no fun should be kept to mods and Bethesda should design their survival mode for people who still want to have a challenge without all the boring repetition.

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As someone who designs games and designs mods, I am interested in the big picture of possibilities when it comes to discussing video game design. In practice it is totally valid to say, 'everyone can have their very own mod to make the game exactly how they want it'. But if that is how we are going to discuss things, then not one of the discussions on this website should ever happen, we should just erase this entire form and replace it with a sign that says 'live and let live'.


For anyone who is releasing content for other people to play, it matters what Bethesda designs, because what Bethesda designs becomes part of what I design.


I would prefer people to actually be able to finish my mod.




My personal opinion is that niche gameplay modes designed to make the game no fun should be kept to mods and Bethesda should design their survival mode for people who still want to have a challenge without all the boring repetition.


But, that is your opinion, not a fact.. there are many, many players that find this style of gameplay to be enjoyable, is the point being made. It isn't exactly a small amount. I have agreed that some of the functionality should be optional; Perhaps the true survival mechanics of eating / sleep / drink etc are optional with Survival difficulty only adjusting the actual difficulty.. I think thatd have been the ideal approach.


But, doesnt sound like its going that way, which for me isn't an issue. As with anything else in these games, if I don't like it, I will mod it :)

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It's better to have the developers include the features and have modders able to edit it from there than for the developers to not include it and possibly never have the feature available at all.


I can see a mod where you can save at any time in Survival mode despite regular Survival only allowing save on sleep.

It is much less likely to see a well functioning mod offering sleep on save only if the devs didn't include the feature in Survival mode.


Basically some of you are saying, because you don't like pickles on your cheeseburger that no cheeseburgers should have pickles. I'm saying, put pickles on the burger and if people don't like it they can take them off.

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Besides, the option is available to those who don't like such a system to turn off survival mode.



This argument never makes sense to me. It would like me telling you the same thing. "You could just not save."




Basically some of you are saying, because you don't like pickles on your cheeseburger that no cheeseburgers should have pickles. I'm saying, put pickles on the burger and if people don't like it they can take them off.



No. We are asking for a condiment tray so we can add to the burger what we want. [ie: Toggles]


At least I am.

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It certainly isnt for everyone, at all. I find it to be enjoyable and awful all in one -- When you encounter another player in that game, your heart really starts racing when the crap hits the fan because you know if you screw up, its over. You get a mini-adrenaline rush out of it to a degree. You also get this dreadful sinking feeling when it pops up with "You are dead" knowing someone else is loading up your fancy gear, happy as can be, while you sit there cussing at the screen :tongue:


But it definitely isn't for everyone :smile:



This is something I really miss in these games. When I first played FO3, I had no idea how to build a character and knew nothing about stealth/etc and how to build damage. I remember having shootouts with these two super mutants across the river (can't remember that location off the top of my head) but I remember having to hide behind things, running out of ammo, and just desperately trying to survive the fight. Now I kill them before they even know where I'm at. On one hand I blame my play style for being so effective, but on the other hand I hate that I'd have to deliberately change the way I play in order to make it challenging.

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