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Survival Mode will be on beta next week


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The disabled auto save does not add anything to the game to be more challenging. It simply means every time i clear a encampment or structure I need to nap amongst the bodies before moving on. That would quickly wear off and get tedious at best.


Beyond all that the damage system is fairly dumbed down in the game, and I am more concerned with the likelihood that you will not be able to implement ammo types in the game as in NV, as ammo is not an equip slot. This means that making player crafted ammo limits it to one type per weapon, so I can't give you decreased range and damage for home pressed rounds, increased for when you learn to pack more powder in, custom slug types like hollow points, capped, and rounded, and so on.


This is going to limit the options more so than any save system.


No because then you lose your adrenaline bonus to damage by resting without need. At least that is the theory.


I do agree that the loss of the ammo system is regrettable. How have they stepped backwards in a few years and the game actually has *less* features than NV?

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Yes the settlement system is great if not rather buggy. However, ammo crafting, hunger/dehydration, fatigue, limb crippling/healing, faction disguises, reputation, karma, armor damage threshold, companion deaths, non-vats criticals and non-vats kill cams are all features I miss from FONV...


Fortunately the new Survival overhaul promises to fix some of those shortcomings.

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Yes the settlement system is great if not rather buggy. However, ammo crafting, hunger/dehydration, fatigue, limb crippling/healing, faction disguises, reputation, karma, armor damage threshold, companion deaths, non-vats criticals and non-vats kill cams are all features I miss from FONV...


Fortunately the new Survival overhaul promises to fix some of those shortcomings.

No- the settlement system is ANYTHING but 'great'. Oh- any experienced player understands how a settlement system COULD be great, but what Beth has implemented is IN PLACE of decent core game design, and allows us, in boredom, to attempt to allieviate the boredom by messing about with building at the settlement sites.


As for the 'survival' nonsense- well what made sense in earlier Beth games makes ZERO sense in the poorly developed 'world' of Fallout 4. Survival mechanisms would simply add extreme tedium to the very half-baked gameplay, and what would be the point of that?


Faction disguises- that's just HILARIOUS- where in fallout 4 are factions defined and used to a degree where that would make any gaming sense whatsoever. In case you hadn't noticed, you have ZERO options to interact with 'aggressive' factions in Fallout 4, save for a few hard-coded mission scenes.


Karma, companion deaths- again the world of fallout 4 has ZERO RPG concepts that would allow these earlier concepts to be meaningfully hacked in.


Beth has made it abundantly clear that its teams that built Fallout 3 and Skyrim had next to nothing to do with fallout 4, and that Fallout 4 was always intended to be a highly dumbed down effort (originally intended for the PS3). It is clear that Beths a-team has been working on Skyrim 2 instead, and that Beth considered the natural market for the Fallout IP to be way less (RPG) sophisticated than that for the Elder Scrolls games. Beth did not anticipate the astonishing commercial success of FO4- but having gained such sales will consider their decision to dumb the IP down, and eliminate RPG elements, to have been the right one.


Beth considers that the 'survival mod' is the equivalent to putting lipstick on a pig, but if fanboys are prepared to cheer such a pointless idea- well it is cheap enough for them to implement.

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Yes the settlement system is great if not rather buggy. However, ammo crafting, hunger/dehydration, fatigue, limb crippling/healing, faction disguises, reputation, karma, armor damage threshold, companion deaths, non-vats criticals and non-vats kill cams are all features I miss from FONV...


Fortunately the new Survival overhaul promises to fix some of those shortcomings.

But the cripple system still there, and the karma system was one of the worst system in a game I have ever seen, and hardly needed.

For follower death, beth AI should became smarter first.

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Yes the settlement system is great if not rather buggy. However, ammo crafting, hunger/dehydration, fatigue, limb crippling/healing, faction disguises, reputation, karma, armor damage threshold, companion deaths, non-vats criticals and non-vats kill cams are all features I miss from FONV...


Fortunately the new Survival overhaul promises to fix some of those shortcomings.

But the cripple system still there, and the karma system was one of the worst system in a game I have ever seen, and hardly needed.

For follower death, beth AI should became smarter first.



That's true but since using a stimpak automatically heals crippled limbs, it's easy to ignore. Actually having to finish fights with crippled limbs makes them much more challenging.


You're right about the karma system. Getting a negative for stealing a single bottlecap... really? But they could have done something interesting with it.

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