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Everyone enjoying the new DLC?


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Even it said we could only have access to the DLC at midnight Eastern time, but right at midnight Pacific time (2 hours earlier), I could download and started playing.


I notice "Tough metal armors" with some rather decent looking mesh, a couple of melee weapons, and this Tesla weapon ..... Haven't gotten into Assaultron building yet, still on quest. I am too busy, play whenever I can.

What other cool stuff you guys found out? I probably can try to google it, but I thought it would be more fun trying to discover things "organically" as I go along. Probably will google if I become really stuck.

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Just found Tesla weapon, trying to see how it will fit into my tactical agenda. Hopefully no ash piles. I also wonder what type of weapons it will fall under, Rifleman or Heavy weapon?


Also, this new "Metal Armor" is kinda driving me nuts with the description. Think of them like a new set of Combat Armor. They have nothing related to the existing Metal Armor set (not an upgrade from it). The problem is, the descriptions do not say which piece is torso, arm, leg, etc.... All I have in my inventory now are: Metal Light Armor, Metal Sturdy Armor, Metal Heavy Armor. Some stack, some don't. The stacked ones are obviously the same type. It does not take a lot to figure out, but annoying when I can't tell the left leg from the right leg.

Edited by tomomi1922
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Actually, no. It wont let me play it and half the robots are invisible. Of course Steam and Bethesda have no interest in helping to fix it. shocking huh? lol



EDIT~ Raycheetah, Ya i tried that as well as all mods/no mods. same effect. Even stripped files to bare essential files. still no go. Sadly, neither Steam or Bethesda has yet to respond to my pleas for help. Thx for your suggestion though. Do appreciate it.

Edited by Cybordania
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The Tough Metal Armor has a prohibitively heavy torso piece. And its helmet is open face while not in combat, and closed face while you get in combat mode. Pretty neat.

Here is a full set in Heavy mode. My character is not wearing a body suit so you can see which part the armor is covering.

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Having seen the whole DLC, my biggest concern is that it changes the "economy" of followers. Of course, if you've already done the whole main questline before starting Automatron, it will be less impactful, since you've probably already maxed affinity with the followers you really care about. However, when starting a new playthrough the dynamic changes once you are able to craft these killer bots out of scrap. Robots seem generally to be more effective in combat, come with optional carry weight mods, and are unencumbered by any of the moral judgments vanilla followers have. Robots have access to a range of mods which make followers like Cait and Nick redundant (lockpicking and hacking mods), and those mods can be changed in and out at will. In fact, the only bonus vanilla followers have, aside from their perks, is their personalities. Otherwise, why use any of them, when you can whip up a killer bot, name it anything you like, and expect it to kick more butt than you do?


I suppose it's just something to get used to, but it's troubling. ='[.]'=

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