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Bethesda forums and websites hacked: usernames, emails, and passwords


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Maybe they'll hack Blizzard/World of Warcraft and many a Lovecraftian/Hackdirt albino will creep out into the light again. (Though when I played I'd probably have just stayed inside hitting refresh/logging in until the game worked again.) ( I abuse ('s and /'s)
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That suck's but I agree with previous comment's why are they so hell bent on hacking game site's, why don't they do something that actually matter's and people will thank them for like in the movie they live they hack the television satellites but have their mask on or whatever and tell us about what the governments doing N.W.O. etc. it might freak ppl out if anything though but yeah atg least we get 5 free games and 30 days plus from the sony attack im cool with that...
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What's the deal with all these shut-in, zitfaced, computer nerd a**wipes and trying to break into game sites? Don't they have anything more productive to do with their time? Seriously, the fact that they perfected the art of hacking into company owned sites to prove they can is a pretty damn pathetic. I mean really, what kind of era is this? We have to worry about the passive-aggressive ones now! It used to be that people had to leave their houses to steal and commit crimes. Now that people can hide behind their computer screens, nobody's safe! I bet they think they're pretty cool too.
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Even if by some impossible chance that these morons did cause Bethesda to release Skyrim early, what would be the point?All we would get is a horribly bugged, unfinished game.Don't these imbeciles realize that developing a game actually takes time and patience, or is that an alien concept to them?
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that's it! The final straw.


Password reuse killed 90% of my logins in about one month.

Now I installed KeePass and now use ridiculously long passwords, for every site a different one.


Take that, g*dd*mn hackers!

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Thanks to the prompt info from Nexus, I've spent several hours changing quite a few of my usernames and pws on various game related sites. What a hassle from the actions of some hackers digging around game company web sites as I suspect that I'm not the only one who spent a good few hours mucking around with PWs. I can only thank god I don't have a PS3 and worry about stolen CC details.


However, one Nexus related comment was that it was surprisingly difficult to change my Nexus PW. The link is not available via the game related Nexus sites that I use FO3, FNV and DA and there was no easily locatable info on the Nexus Wiki as to how to change the PW. It took me some 20 minutes before I remembered that Nexus links back to these forums and that it was only by logging on in the forums could my PW be changed.


It may be worthwhile for the moderators to add a link to the initial warning message that provides info as to how to change ones Nexus PW.

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