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Euromyth: Firemen's Poles outlawed (official EU commission site in the UK)


Witch would lead us Back to topic again like some other myths the britt's here apply to let the EU look like a goose chasing group .. i don't agree with the charring out of all the EU in fact it is mostly nonsense and and political oppressive carried out at large, but please no myths, no lies, no nonsense facts and no over 20 year old riots. (could bring the old BSE / Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease story here into it but that would lead us of topic again)


There are some that might want to explain the truth because the truth makes free, but here are others that want the truth clouded to work up their own ends and vision of the world to come to be true here. So be careful what you want to believe.


Hopefully this myth now is busted here!

Edited by SilverDNA
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Do try and appreciate that some of us have a sense of humour, SilverDNA. Funny how you turn up to troll every post some of us make.


You can say whatever you like, but the EU monolith is attempting to create a superstate and to trample on individual national sovereignty. It is also a fact that it is a huge racket and gravy train for the officials that work for it, in whose interests it clearly is to keep the lumbering leviathan going. The EU accounts have repeatedly failed to pass the auditors because they have failed to account for where the money is going. Should any nation vote "No" in a referendum on anything the EU want to do, they make them go back and have another one until they get the "right" answer (single currency referenda, for example).


And you, of course, will not notice the selective trade barriers because you actually live in continental Europe and just aren't on the receiving end of it. Take this banning British meat at the drop of a hat, having seen at first hand the relative standards at both farms and slaughterhouses in both my own and several EU countries, I simply do not believe that there are no animal diseases in the rest of Europe. It is just that in some, I say not all, EU countries, the lack of freedom of information allows the kind of rank corruption that will cover it up - the same corruption that makes the accounts unpassable by any honest auditor.


If you really want this sort of thing to happen in the USA, cronyism and inter-regional bias, then let Obama rampage unchecked. If you love freedom, boot him at the ballot box at the first opportunity.

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Freedom is a catch phrase for dreamers. Every society, every culture, every family have standards of behavior that are enforced and re-enforced.Everybody has a certain amount of leeway to run their own affairs, except if they run afoul of the law. Heck, I've been in several forums that proclaim freedom of speech and still ban people for what they say and the way they say it. With freedom become the responcibility to conduct yourself as to not encroach on the freedoms of others. The one thing I've found to be true is the more a person cares about others, the less free they are. Either we worry about others or we give up our own time for those that need us. I saying that. I've also found it true that the more we care, the more we do and our own free time is taken up, but we are less bored and our true friends are much closer.


As far as nations are concerned I can only say that having a border is the greatest gift a member of this world has. If you don't like what is there, and how the place is ran, you can always step across that border. This new world government scares the heck out of me.

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Funny you should say that about borders. The EU tried abolishing those as well, with disastrous results, since what happened was not so much free trade as a complete free for all. Both terrorists and illegal migrants found it very much to their advantage, and little by little the border controls are being reimposed, at least by some states.


I think that calling freedom "a catchphrase for dreamers" is rather strange. There are many millions who have been prepared to die for freedom's sake, two World Wars having been fought in the last hundred years alone. Even us remarkably laid back Brits had a Civil War and cut off a King's head because of it. The bloodiness of the Reformation and the struggle for freedom of religion still resounds. In fact, some of the fathers of the fathers of the Founding Fathers of the USA took ship westwards to find freedom from persecution, and thus was the US Constitution eventually born.


If some of those people are dreamers, then by God we could do with a few more of them!

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Euromyth: Firemen's Poles outlawed (official EU commission site in the UK)


Witch would lead us Back to topic again like some other myths the britt's here apply to let the EU look like a goose chasing group .. i don't agree with the charring out of all the EU in fact it is mostly nonsense and and political oppressive carried out at large, but please no myths, no lies, no nonsense facts and no over 20 year old riots. (could bring the old BSE / Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease story here into it but that would lead us of topic again)


There are some that might want to explain the truth because the truth makes free, but here are others that want the truth clouded to work up their own ends and vision of the world to come to be true here. So be careful what you want to believe.


Hopefully this myth now is busted here!


E.U directives cover large areas and while something specific may not be mentioned in the directive the wide scope of them pulls in a lot of things, firemen sliding down poles being one of them.

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Funny you should say that about borders. The EU tried abolishing those as well, with disastrous results, since what happened was not so much free trade as a complete free for all. Both terrorists and illegal migrants found it very much to their advantage, and little by little the border controls are being reimposed, at least by some states.


I think that calling freedom "a catchphrase for dreamers" is rather strange. There are many millions who have been prepared to die for freedom's sake, two World Wars having been fought in the last hundred years alone. Even us remarkably laid back Brits had a Civil War and cut off a King's head because of it. The bloodiness of the Reformation and the struggle for freedom of religion still resounds. In fact, some of the fathers of the fathers of the Founding Fathers of the USA took ship westwards to find freedom from persecution, and thus was the US Constitution eventually born.


If some of those people are dreamers, then by God we could do with a few more of them!

I'm not speaking about rights, when I say freedoms is a catch phrase for dreamers. I'm 54 years old and I spent several years in the military. I know the price of freedom and would pick up an M=16 right now to defend it. I'm talking about the immature individuals that think freedom is boundless and holds no restraints. Kind of what I was when I was a long haired self proclaimed rebel without a clue, a cause or a life. I was free alright, but to be as destructive to myself as I possibly could.


Everybody talks about freedom as being some fantastic thing, but the term Freedom is another word for nothing left to loose was never a truer phrase. True freedom is the abandonment of all stucture and all discipline. If you want to see aq free man, you need only look at Charles Manson and you will see a totally free person. He was free of the morals of our society. Free of the laws we hold so dear and free of a conscience that allowed him to order the slaughter of so many innocent people.


The Government of The United States was set up to combat an excess of freedoms, when each state thought they had the freedom to lay tariffs on the goods coming in and through the different states.. That's why the commerce clause was placed in the Governments hands.


I love history. I remember hearing about the instance of your king loosing his head. I seem to remember that Oliver Cromwell took the reins of power, after that. Didn't he instituted a theocratic tyranny. . I seem to remember hearing something about him being so hated that his grave was ransacked and his bones were scattered. It's been a long time since I read it. I might be mistaken, If so, please correct me.

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That is correct, they chopped off the King's head and soon wished they hadn't. Cromwell shortly began to behave in such a tyrannical manner that General Fairfax said to him "I recall we cut off a King's head, for less than this!"


After the Restoration of Charles II, the Merry Monarch, the regicides responsible for the death of King Charles I were drawn, hung and quartered. By this time Cromwell, Ireton and Bradshaw were already some time dead so they just dug them up and hanged them, then chopped them up.

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, the regicides responsible for the death of King Charles I were drawn, hung and quartered. By this time Cromwell, Ireton and Bradshaw were already some time dead so they just dug them up and hanged them, then chopped them up.



That king doesn't exactly sound too merry too me.DAMN! lol

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Do try and appreciate that some of us have a sense of humour, SilverDNA. Funny how you turn up to troll every post some of us make.



Please enlighten me on how Silvers post was trolling.

Edited by Keanumoreira
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Am not sure why, these are fit healthy guys and girls who had never complained about pole sliding.


@ RZ1029, this is not a form of exotic dancing. When English firemen got a shout, if they happened to be in an upstairs squad room, in order to save precious seconds, rather than use stairs they would slide down a pole. No-one had any problem with it, if anything it was a macho pride thing. However, the EU decided that it was more important to prevent injury to the trousers than to save vital seconds for a person at threat of being burnt alive.

As I said, I don't think such a ban should happen.


I can see how it could be dangerous to slide down a pole though. I am sure it wouldn't take much longer to walk down stairs.


If you have a injured fireman its going to delay you much more then a few seconds.

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